
Chapter 10

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Jess felt near feral with lust. Benny was like a dream to her, one she had dreamt about hundreds, no, thousands of times. Every time they’d fuck she’d imagine him a hundred pounds heavier, and doing so after he’d had a heavy meal was always ten times better. But besides his growing body and increased appetite, she never got to experience the uninhibited gluttony of a true feedee. She always believed secret feeding was the hottest, fattening a clueless man as he struggled internally to regain control of his weight, unaware that the control fully lay with her. But Benny seemed to enjoy it, embrace it almost. Or at least he did tonight. She knew he got embarrassed, he looked as if he might cry just now as she watched him struggle to undress. But she didn’t fail to notice his dick get more erect as he lay there fat, bloated, and out of breath. She had no clue what had changed for him, but whatever it was changed something for her as well. Did she no longer want a husband that she could fatten against his will? She knew she wanted one to completely submit to her feeding hand as he did now. One that wanted her to blow him up with hundreds of pounds of glorious fat. But beyond that she was unsure.

Jess continued to grab at Benny’s body as she kissed him, smearing toffee caramel on his skin from the hand she used to feed him. He’d wince and whimper from time to time if she was too rough, but it only made her want to shake and squeeze his rolls more. As much as she ached to ride his swollen body, there was still more cake left. And she was going to be sure he finished it. Using all her restraint, she pulled away and lowered herself onto the floor in front of him. Jess picked up the cake plate. There was only a quarter of it left but it felt heavy in her hands. The thought of it all ending up in Benny’s gut sent another lustful tingle through her. She placed it on the sofa next to him.

“Eat,” she said, her voice raw and filled with desire.

“Baby, I really don’t think I can have anymore,” he replied. “I mean, look at me!” Benny placed both hands on his belly and jiggled it gently. He frowned in pain but bit his lip in pleasure, enjoying the results of his gluttony.

Jess lowered her head down and took his member in her mouth, sucking slowly as she ran her hand over his tight drum of a belly. After just a few moments she stopped and pushed the cake plate closer to him.

“Eat and I’ll let you finish. But if you stop, I stop.”

After a moment of contemplation, Benny picked up one of the slices. He took a bite and moaned, as if he couldn’t believe what he was doing. Jess couldn’t believe it either. The same man who had hidden his eating habits from her earlier was now shoving sticky toffee pudding in his mouth as he lay naked, helpless and stuffed from a full night of overindulgence. She felt a wave of joy and gratitude come over her. He was going to be such a good hog for her from here on out, she knew it.

Jess put her mouth back to work as Benny continued stuffing himself. He was slow going, taking a long time between bites and moaning and groaning through a mouth full of food. But he kept eating, and Jess made sure to edge him properly. When he finished the slice, Benny laid there clutching his gut. There was just one piece left but he didn’t reach for it. Jess stopped sucking, making good on her word.

“Uughh, I can’t. I can’t, I’m too full.” Benny complained as he tried in vain to relieve the pressure of his packed belly. He managed to get one soft burp out, but it didn’t help much. “Oof, fuck,” he continued.

Jess knew she should feel for him, let him tap out, get off and rest. It was the first time he’d been pushed this far. But all the moaning and complaining only turned her on more. She wanted every last bit of cake in his belly. She got up from her position and went to straddle him instead. She was so wet she was practically dripping, and his dick smoothly slipped into her. She grabbed his double chin with one hand and picked up the last piece of cake with the other. Squeezing his cheeks, she forced his mouth open and shoved the slice in. He took a bite and chewed lazily, as if even his jaw was too tired to continue. His hands squeezed Jess’ waist as she rode him slowly, gaining speed with every bite he took. He didn’t resist her at all, letting her force more of the dessert past his lips without so much as a moan. Jess felt herself building, and bucked her hips faster as the cake in her hand dwindled. With just one bite left, she forced it into his mouth along with two of her fingers. He greedily sucked them clean as she pulled them out and he came inside her. She felt his entire body quiver under her and finally came with a yell of ecstasy, digging her nails into his soft, fat flesh. She wanted so badly to tease him, reveal how easy it was to get him to eat more and grow his waistline. But she loved the idea of him thinking it was his fault, that his lack of restraint was what got him here, tortured by not just his decisions but his newfound kink as well. She’d play dumb and pretend that she was just along for the ride. She’d continue to fatten him and give in to every one of his requests from now on, all the while gaslighting him into believing that he was the one out of control. He was the one who couldn’t keep his desires in check. She’d condition him to crave bigger meals, and train him to associate the full feeling he chased with the pleasures of sex. She’d make him think it’s his fault, while she rode the power trip of having him bent to her will. She’d even guilt him for pulling her into the fetish and making her enable his unhealthy habits. She’d ruin him.
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Cuddlist 3 days
Love this story! Thank you smiley
Lurker888 4 days
This is the hottest thing I've ever read!
JoeJay 5 days
Built4com4t 6 days
Excellent…very arousing!
Angerday 1 week
Very hot story! Please keep writing!
Reyb1028 1 week
This was a fantastic read 😭 my imagination was piqued