Professors Assistant

  By Lady Soft Rolls

Chapter 1

Chapter One

I’ve been trying to find the words to answer a question I have about what I do for a career. It is simply to bring pleasure to those who want to act out their personal desires. Some people think these desires are wrong and that they're hurting me.

On the contrary, I help people act on desires that give both parties nothing but pleasure. If a booking wants to watch me eat mango mochi for an hour in bed in an outfit of their choosing, I do that. If a booking wants to feed me macaroons while I sit on their lap and they rub and massage my belly, I do that. Of course I’m smart, my darlings.

I always have a “coffee date” with a new booking in hand. To see what they like, what they want to explore, and what I feel like doing. Sometimes bookings ask for “Sweet Extra." .

And who am I to deny someone such a simple pleasure as them ordering room service for me and watching me eat it on the balcony with the night air making every roll of mine shiver?

Besides watching men quite literally get on their knees to lick my boots, I know what you were thinking, you wicked creatures. I lick a few client’s boots, although their “boots” tend to be just below their chins on their chests. And of course, I “accidentally” and often, drip cold, creamy mochi onto their chests, and of course, what kind of night would it be if I didn’t do my best to clean up?
Another question I probably should answer is what I get out of this arrangement besides the obvious 😉.

Would it be terribly wicked of me to say I enjoy the little bit of power my bookings give me? I see in their eyes the light that flicks on when I say I will agree to…such and such. What can I say I happen to like making people happy. And in my opinion, there is not a thing wrong with bringing someone happiness.

Now getting back to the story, my darlings. Another Thursday night by myself on the balcony overlooking a bustling city full of lights, life, and laughter. I have a chilled glass of strawberry daquiri in one hand, a brownie in the other, and my trusty laptop on the table beside me.

Nothing to but just weight for the (and yes, I am aware I spelled the word incorrectly 😉) bookings to come in. Checking the app on my laptop, aptly named “Book A Cookie” I noticed a delicious surprise. A newcomer, its rare I get someone like this. I can’t help but wonder what he wants me to sink my teeth into.
2 chapters, created 1 month , updated 1 day
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GrowingLoveH... 3 weeks
Well-written, intriguing and delicious. I love your use of voice to create this character do exactly. Excellent! I look forward to more.

Or you could say I weight for more.
Lady Soft Rolls 3 weeks
well aren't you a sweetie smiley any and all feedback is always welcome