Rolling meadows

  By Cyfy

Chapter 8 - This is Fun

Stumbling into Ryan’s room, I sprawled myself on his couch. I immediately went to pull my leggings down so that my little food baby belly could breathe a little bit freer than it had before. I motioned Ryan over with a little groan and didn’t need to ask for him to massage my belly, he just started with a strong, yet gentle touch. I just looked at him while he rubbed my engorged abdomen, admiring his features. In another life, he probably could have been a model, with some light brown curls that fell over the tops of his ears and a certain look in his eye that was simultaneously that of a mischievous child and a freewheeling daredevil. It stirred some kind of excitement in me though, as did his strong, chiseled jawline. From where I was sitting, his stubble-studded visage was in profile and looked like it came from the idealization of an artist, but I could feel him sitting and feel him caressing my belly. I hadn’t seen him with his shirt off (though by now I very much wanted to), but knowing his workout routine, I could imagine what he looks like from the neck down. As he continued to gently massage me, I felt the pressure begin to subside. I mean, I still felt like I might burst if I so much as ate another bite. While I still felt stuffed to the brim, I felt something else, a heat emanating from under my belly, creeping its tendrils between my legs. I guided one of his hands under my leggings and towards my pussy. He quickly found my clit and what seemed like a flood of liquid came gushing out of me.
“Someone’s a little excited…” he teased as he rubbed even circles on my belly and around my clit, working me into a euphoric, back arching, leg shaking orgasm that left me breathless for several moments afterwards. I rolled onto my side, and looking up at him said
“I think I have room for just a little bit more” and unzipped his pants. As if he wasn’t perfect enough already, he also had a beautiful cock. It wasn’t a pornstar’s in length or girth, but it was beautiful and unblemished, what you hope someone’s cock would look like. I was able to hoist myself up off the couch to playfully push him down onto it and started working my way around him, spiraling up his member with my tongue. It wasn’t long before I tasted some pre-cum and really started to take his dick in my mouth, but not before I made a biting little comment about him being just as excited as I am. When he came, it was in long, deep convulsions, but I managed to keep him in my mouth until he finished with a contented sigh. I crawled up to nuzzle up next to him and had him rub my belly some more. We stayed there for a few minutes until a thought came into my head.
“So, are you going to tell anyone at work about this?” I asked, genuinely wondering what my colleagues might think seeing either of us suddenly balloon in size.
“What? The getting fat or an office fling or romance or whatever you want to call this?”
“I meant the getting fat part. I don’t think anyone in the office will really care that I sucked your dick. Besides, it’s more noticeable if someone starts outgrowing their wardrobe every couple weeks.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything, but my team will let me work remotely, so they won’t really have much to notice.” Ryan replied.
“Ugh lucky, my team said that we have to be in office. Something about building comradery or some other corporate rubbish like that. So they’ll have a whole lot to notice about me.” I responded, not without a healthy dose of jealousy. As I was deep in thought about the theoretical possibilities of what my coworker would say about me when I have 50 pounds piled on to me, never mind the hundreds that I’m obliged to gain; Ryan interrupted me and asked if I had room for dessert, as we never had any in the dining hall. He had a cupcake ready for me, and asked if he could feed it to me. I had digested enough for just one cupcake and happily agreed to some dessert, after which I needed to return to my apartment so I could prepare myself for the week ahead, something I desperately needed.
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