Will's desires

Chapter Two: Comic Con Chaos

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The buzz of excitement filled the air as we arrived at Comic Con, the convention center thrumming with energy and the hum of a thousand voices. Cosplayers, vendors, and fans of all kinds moved in a vibrant sea of color and creativity. It was my favorite time of the year, a place where my love for all things geeky could be celebrated openly. Will, as always, was by my side, though he approached the event with a bit more trepidation.
"Alright, ready to dive into the chaos?" I asked, adjusting the straps of my backpack, which was already laden with snacks, water, and essentials for the day.
Will gave me a patient smile, his hand resting on his belly. "As ready as I'll ever be. Lead the way, Ness."
We navigated through the crowd, my broad shoulders making it easier to carve a path. Will followed closely, his pace slower, his larger frame sometimes brushing against other attendees. I kept a careful eye on him, making sure he wasn’t getting too overwhelmed.
At one of the vendor booths, I spotted a limited-edition dice set that I just had to have. I squealed with excitement, grabbing Will’s hand and pulling him towards the display.
"Look, Will! It’s the Dragon’s Breath set! I’ve been hunting for these forever!" I beamed, holding up the intricately designed dice for him to see.
He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "They’re perfect for you, Ness. Go ahead and get them."
As I paid for the dice, the vendor, a young woman dressed as a wizard, looked between us curiously. "Is this your dad?" she asked, her tone genuinely puzzled.
Will’s face flushed a deep red, and I couldn’t help but laugh. "No, this is my husband," I corrected her, still chuckling. "We get that a lot."
The vendor’s eyes widened. "Oh, I’m so sorry! You two make a cute couple."
"Thanks," I said, smiling at Will who was trying to hide his embarrassment. "He’s the best."
We continued through the convention, stopping frequently so I could snap photos, chat with other fans, and buy more geeky treasures. Will did his best to keep up, but I could tell he was struggling. We found a bench near one of the panel rooms, and I encouraged him to sit and catch his breath.
"I’ll be right back," I said, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "I’m just going to check out that booth over there."
Will nodded, grateful for the break. "I’ll be here."
After a few minutes of browsing, I returned with a few more items, including a T-shirt for Will that said, "I Paused My Game to Be Here," which I thought was perfect. As I handed it to him, he grinned.
"This is great, Ness. Thanks."
"Anything for you," I replied, kissing his cheek. "You okay to move on? The artist alley is just around the corner."
With a bit of effort, Will stood up, and we made our way to the artist alley, where rows of talented creators displayed their work. We stopped at a booth where a woman was drawing caricatures. I decided it would be fun to get one done of us.
As we posed for the drawing, the artist looked at Will and then at me. "Are you sure you two are married?" she asked, half-jokingly.
I rolled my eyes good-naturedly. "Yes, we are. I know we’re an odd match, but we’re happy."
Will chuckled softly. "She’s the beauty and the brains. I just carry the snacks."
The artist laughed and finished the drawing, handing it to us with a smile. The caricature exaggerated our differences comically – my angular frame and nerdy glasses, and Will’s round belly and serene expression – but it captured our essence perfectly.
As the day wore on, Will grew more tired, and I took on the role of pack mule, carrying our purchases and guiding him to places where he could sit and rest. At one point, we found ourselves in the gaming area, where a group was setting up a live DnD session.
"Do you want to watch?" I asked, knowing how much he loved seeing me in my element, even if he didn’t play himself.
Will nodded, grateful for the chance to sit again. We found a spot near the back, and I plopped down beside him, holding his hand as the game began. Despite the exhaustion, he was smiling, content to be here with me, sharing in my joy.
By the time the day ended, we were both worn out but happy. As we walked back to the car, I carried most of our loot, my muscles aching but my heart full. Will leaned on me slightly, his big belly bumping against my side with each step.
"Thanks for today, Ness," he said softly. "I know it’s not easy for you to slow down for me."
I squeezed his hand. "I wouldn’t have it any other way, Will. You’re worth it."
We drove home in comfortable silence, the car filled with the treasures and memories we had collected. Despite the funny looks and the physical challenges, it had been a perfect day. And as I glanced over at Will, his eyes half-closed in contentment, I knew that no matter what, we’d always be each other’s player one.
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Bcain 1 day
I also like how the picture has updated with the storyline ha. It’s a fun touch.
Kittenandbear 20 hours
Thank you 😍, i would like to insert them in each chapter, but I don’t know how. Maybe I am going to illustrate every chapter and release it at an audio-visual novel on YouTube.
Fbuucgk 2 days
I'm glad I found this. I almost didn't read it, from the picture I thought the roles were reversed. That wouldn't have been my thing. But great story as it is! Did you write it yourself or found it?
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so much! I am glad you found it. I will update the pictures and description so it's clearer what kind of story this is. I wrote the story myself 🥰
Silverhorse88 2 days
You write beautifully, I love this story. The descriptions, pacing, and premise are great!!!
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so much! I am glad you liked it 😍
Theswordsman 3 days
Love the story but I wonder how big she's going to get
Kittenandbear 1 day
That means a lot to me 🥰! The story is called Wills desires. What kind of uncontrollable desires do you have 🥵. Imagine they would manifest and you couldn't controll them.
Bcain 5 days
Nice work so far! Very detailed descriptions of settings and fleshed out characters which makes me invested in whats happening to them. Excited to see where it goes from here, keep up the good work!
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so, so, so, so much 🥰! That means a lot to me! You have written some of my favorite stories of all time 😍. I love "Emilys ability". I devoured the whole story in one day.
Kittenandbear 5 days
Hi 😊, if you liked or disliked my story. I would love to read your feedback! It would make me really happy! If you want more, please like and follow!
Much love ❤️