Will's desires

Chapter Three: A Night of Contrasts and Connections

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We might be an odd pair to some, but to me, we were perfect. In our little world, filled with contrasts and shared quiet moments, I had everything I needed. As I leaned against Will, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath, I knew he felt the same.

The apartment buzzed with anticipation as our friends began to arrive for our long-planned supernatural marathon. Will and I had prepped everything: the living room was transformed into a cozy movie-watching haven, complete with a mountain of pillows and blankets. The kitchen counter was laden with my latest baking creations—cookies, brownies, and a decadent chocolate cake.

As I opened the door to greet our friends, I couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between us. While I stood there in my snug-fitting yoga pants and a tank top that highlighted my angular frame, our friends, much like Will, had more generous proportions. There was Sarah and her husband Dave, both round and jolly with big bellies and infectious laughter. Sarah, in her flowy dress that barely concealed her curves, gave me a warm hug, her soft frame enveloping my bony one.

"Vanessa, you look amazing as always!" she said, her eyes twinkling. "And I can smell your baking from the hallway."

I laughed, patting her back. "Thanks, Sarah. You know I love to bake, even if I don't eat much of it."

Dave, who was just as round as his wife, came in next, his cheerful face lighting up when he saw the spread of treats. "Vanessa, you're spoiling us! I can't wait to dig in."

Behind them were Mike and Linda, another couple who, like Sarah and Dave, were comfortably on the heavier side. Mike’s booming laugh echoed through the room as he took in the setup. "You really went all out, Vanessa. This is awesome."

Linda, her arm linked with Mike’s, smiled warmly. "You always make these gatherings so special."

As they settled in, I moved around the room, making sure everyone had what they needed. Will, already seated with a bowl of popcorn, smiled up at me, his eyes filled with gratitude and love. It was moments like these that made all the preparation worth it.

Throughout the evening, I found myself constantly on the move, refilling drinks, passing out snacks, and making sure everyone was comfortable. The movies played on, a delightful mix of ghost stories and supernatural thrillers, filling the room with a thrilling atmosphere. I loved seeing our friends so happy, even if I barely touched the food myself. My appetite had always been minimal, and the joy of baking for others was more than enough to satisfy me.

During a break between movies, I sat down next to Will, who immediately pulled me close. "You need to sit and relax too, Ness," he whispered, concern in his eyes.

I smiled, kissing his cheek. "I’m fine, really. I like making sure everyone’s having a good time."

Our friends chatted and laughed, the conversation often turning to good-natured teasing about my inability to keep still. Sarah looked at me, shaking her head with a smile. "Vanessa, you’re like a little whirlwind. I don’t know how you do it."

I shrugged, leaning back against Will. "Guess I just have a lot of energy."

Mike, munching on a brownie, chimed in. "Whatever it is, we appreciate it. These brownies are to die for."

As the night wore on, I noticed how our friends, much like Will, enjoyed the simple pleasure of sitting and indulging in the treats I had made. They took up more space on the couch, their bodies soft and relaxed, completely at ease. In contrast, I felt almost delicate, my limbs long and thin, my movements quick and precise.

Yet, despite our physical differences, there was a deep bond of friendship that tied us all together. We shared stories, laughs, and the thrill of being scared by the movies. I felt a sense of contentment knowing that I had helped create this joyful atmosphere.

By the end of the marathon, everyone was happily exhausted. Sarah and Dave gave us big, warm hugs before leaving, their gratitude evident in their eyes. Mike and Linda followed, with Linda pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"Thanks for a wonderful night, Vanessa. You’re the best host."

Will and I stood at the door, waving them off. As soon as the door closed, he turned to me, his face filled with pride. "You did great, Ness. Everyone had a fantastic time."

I smiled, feeling a warm glow inside. "It was worth it. I love seeing everyone so happy."

We cleaned up together, Will moving slower but still helping as much as he could. Once everything was back in order, we finally collapsed on the couch, the quiet of the now-empty apartment soothing.

"Ready for some rest?" Will asked, his arm around me.

"Definitely," I replied, snuggling close. Despite the physical differences and the busy night, I felt perfectly at home. Here, with Will, surrounded by the warmth of our friends’ presence, I was exactly where I belonged.

The evening's intimacy found us in our bedroom, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting gentle shadows on the walls. Will sat on the edge of the bed, his round belly and broad shoulders illuminated softly. I stood in front of him, my slender frame a stark contrast to his larger, more robust form. There was an unspoken understanding that tonight, we would finally bridge the gap between our physical selves.

I moved closer, my heart pounding with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Will's eyes met mine, filled with a deep, affectionate warmth. His hands reached out, and I took them, feeling the reassuring strength of his grip. He pulled me gently towards him, and I settled onto his lap, my legs straddling his thick thighs. The contrast between us was striking: his body, soft and round, against my thin, bony frame.

We kissed, slowly at first, our lips exploring the unfamiliar terrain of deeper intimacy. I could feel his hands moving up my sides, the sensation both tender and electrifying. As we deepened the kiss, his hands traveled to my stomach, his touch gentle but firm. He had always been fascinated by the difference between our bodies, and tonight was no exception.

Will's fingers traced the outline of my stomach, his touch sending shivers down my spine. He moved his hands up, cupping my small, barely-there breasts through the fabric of my tank top. I could feel his breath quicken as he explored my body, his excitement mirrored by my own growing desire.

We undressed each other slowly, savoring the moment. My clothes slipped off easily, revealing my pale, angular body. Will's larger frame took more time, each layer uncovering the softness beneath. As he lay back on the bed, his belly protruded slightly, a comforting presence that I had grown to love.

I climbed onto the bed beside him, our bodies finally coming together in a way that felt both strange and wonderful. I leaned down to kiss him, my hair falling around us like a curtain. Will's hands found my stomach again, his touch more insistent this time. I could feel his excitement growing, his body responding to the closeness.

As we moved together, our differences became more pronounced. My thin limbs intertwined with his thicker ones, the contrast highlighting the unique beauty of our connection. Will's hands never left my stomach, his fingers pressing into the soft flesh. He seemed mesmerized by the way my body moved against his, each touch a declaration of his desire.

We found a rhythm, our bodies moving in sync. The intellectual bond that had always been the cornerstone of our relationship now extended to this new physical dimension. Will's breath came in short, urgent gasps, his hands gripping my hips to guide our movements.

I noticed, however, that Will's eyes seemed distant, his thoughts elsewhere. It was as if he was imagining something far removed from our shared moment. The realization was a bit disheartening, but I didn't dwell on it. This connection, even if imperfect, was a step forward.

When the climax finally came, it was underwhelming but still satisfying in its own way. Will's hands moved from my hips to my stomach, squeezing it with a fervor that took my breath away. His grip tightened as he came, his body shuddering with the force of his release. The intensity of his touch sent me over the edge, our shared pleasure a culmination of years of deep, unspoken desire.

We lay there afterward, our bodies still entwined, the room filled with the sounds of our heavy breathing. Will's hands rested gently on my stomach, his touch now soft and tender. I turned to face him, our eyes meeting in the dim light.

"That was...nice," I whispered, my voice filled with a mix of feelings.

Will smiled, his expression one of contentment and love. "It was, Ness. It really was."

We held each other close, the physical bond we had forged tonight adding a new layer of depth to our relationship. Despite the imperfections and the wandering thoughts, I knew that the love we shared was the most important thing. The sex might have been unspectacular, but the emotional connection we had built over the years was far stronger and more enduring. And in that quiet aftermath, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the love and companionship we shared.

As we drifted into sleep, I nestled into the warmth of Will's embrace, our contrasting forms finding perfect harmony in the stillness of the night. In this shared silence, I found comfort, knowing that despite our differences, our love was the binding force that made us inseparable.
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Bcain 1 day
I also like how the picture has updated with the storyline ha. It’s a fun touch.
Kittenandbear 20 hours
Thank you 😍, i would like to insert them in each chapter, but I don’t know how. Maybe I am going to illustrate every chapter and release it at an audio-visual novel on YouTube.
Fbuucgk 2 days
I'm glad I found this. I almost didn't read it, from the picture I thought the roles were reversed. That wouldn't have been my thing. But great story as it is! Did you write it yourself or found it?
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so much! I am glad you found it. I will update the pictures and description so it's clearer what kind of story this is. I wrote the story myself 🥰
Silverhorse88 2 days
You write beautifully, I love this story. The descriptions, pacing, and premise are great!!!
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so much! I am glad you liked it 😍
Theswordsman 3 days
Love the story but I wonder how big she's going to get
Kittenandbear 1 day
That means a lot to me 🥰! The story is called Wills desires. What kind of uncontrollable desires do you have 🥵. Imagine they would manifest and you couldn't controll them.
Bcain 5 days
Nice work so far! Very detailed descriptions of settings and fleshed out characters which makes me invested in whats happening to them. Excited to see where it goes from here, keep up the good work!
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so, so, so, so much 🥰! That means a lot to me! You have written some of my favorite stories of all time 😍. I love "Emilys ability". I devoured the whole story in one day.
Kittenandbear 5 days
Hi 😊, if you liked or disliked my story. I would love to read your feedback! It would make me really happy! If you want more, please like and follow!
Much love ❤️