Will's desires

Chapter Four: Whispers of Desire

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Another day at work started like any other, with me pulling up the creaky metal shutter of the DnD shop and stepping into the dimly lit interior. The familiar scent of old books and new dice sets greeted me, and I felt a sense of comfort wash over me. This place was my sanctuary, a world where my love for fantasy and storytelling could thrive.
As I busied myself with setting up the shop for the day, the bell above the door jingled, announcing the arrival of my first customer. It was Jenna, one of our regulars. She was a tall woman with a hearty laugh and an infectious energy. She made a beeline for the new merchandise we had just put out.
"Morning, Vanessa!" she called out, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Got any new campaigns in?"
I smiled, nodding. "Yep, just got the latest expansion. It's supposed to be really good."
Jenna came over to the counter, eyeing me up and down as she did. "You know, every time I see you, I can't help but think you get skinnier and skinnier. Do you ever eat?"
I chuckled softly, used to the comments by now. "I do eat, Jenna. I just have a fast metabolism."
"Must be nice," she said, shaking her head in disbelief. "I’d kill for a metabolism like that."
The comment reminded me of my childhood. Growing up, I had always been the skinny one. My bony frame had been a source of amusement for other kids. They would tease me, calling me names like "toothpick" and "beanpole." I remember playing hide and seek and being able to fit through the smallest holes, slipping through spaces where no one else could. It was a small consolation in a world where my appearance often made me feel like an outsider.
I never did any sports, preferring to lose myself in books and games. I found solace in the pages of fantasy novels and the strategic depth of tabletop games. My parents worried about my lack of appetite, constantly urging me to eat more, but it never seemed to make a difference. At twenty-eight, I had come to accept my body for what it was, even if it meant enduring the occasional comment from well-meaning friends and strangers.
The day passed in a blur of activity, with customers coming and going, each one bringing their own excitement and enthusiasm for the games we all loved. I found joy in helping them, in sharing their passion, but my mind kept drifting to Will's upcoming birthday. He was turning thirty soon, and I was determined to find him the perfect gift. The problem was, Will was the kind of person who never really wanted anything. He was content with what he had, and it made gift-giving incredibly challenging.
After closing up the shop, I decided to take a walk downtown, hoping that something might catch my eye. The streets were bustling with activity, the summer evening bringing out tourists and locals alike. I wandered through various stores, from bookshops to electronics stores, but nothing seemed quite right.
I passed by a window displaying a collection of vintage watches and paused. Will had never expressed a desire for a watch, but I wondered if he might appreciate the craftsmanship and history behind one. I stepped inside, feeling a flicker of hope.
The shop owner, an elderly man with a kind smile, greeted me warmly. "Looking for something special?"
I nodded, explaining my dilemma. "It's my husband's thirtieth birthday, and I want to find something unique, but he never really asks for anything."
The man listened attentively, then showed me a few pieces. There was one that caught my eye—a sleek, elegant watch with a leather band and a simple, classic design. It seemed like something Will might appreciate, even if he had never mentioned wanting one.
"I think this might be it," I said, feeling a sense of relief.
The shop owner wrapped it up carefully, and I left the store, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. As I walked home, I thought about how far Will and I had come together. Our relationship had always been built on intellectual and emotional connections, and while our recent attempts at deepening our physical bond had been imperfect, they had brought us closer in their own way.
I arrived home to find Will in the kitchen, cooking dinner. The scent of spices filled the air, making my stomach growl despite my usual lack of appetite. He looked up and smiled as I entered.
"Hey, Ness. How was your day?" he asked, his eyes warm and welcoming.
"It was good," I replied, setting the watch down on the counter. "And I think I finally found the perfect gift for your birthday."
Will raised an eyebrow, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "Oh? What is it?"
"You'll just have to wait and see," I teased, feeling a sense of satisfaction. No matter how difficult it was to find the right gift, the love I had for Will made every effort worthwhile. And as I looked at him, busy in the kitchen, I knew that our connection, both intellectual and physical, was the most precious gift of all.
That night, as Will and I settled into bed, I couldn't help but think about how much happiness he brought into my life. His gentle snoring filled the room, a comforting rhythm that always lulled me to sleep. I turned to face him, his round face peaceful in slumber, and felt a surge of love and gratitude. Despite our differences, he was my rock, my partner, my everything.
I wanted to give him something truly special for his upcoming thirtieth birthday, something that went beyond the physical. I wanted to fulfill his deepest, most intimate desire. An idea began to form in my mind, something whimsical and a bit mysterious. There was a woman in our city, a reputed witch who was known for her ability to grant wishes and cast spells. The thought of giving Will a spiritual gift intrigued me, and I decided to visit her the next day.
After kissing Will goodbye the next morning, I made my way to the witch's shop, which was tucked away in a narrow alley downtown. The entrance was marked by a simple sign that read "Mystical Solutions." The interior was dimly lit, filled with the scent of incense and the sound of soft, ethereal music. Shelves lined the walls, crammed with jars of herbs, crystals, and strange artifacts.
"Welcome," a voice said, drawing my attention to the back of the shop. The witch, a woman with long, silver hair and piercing blue eyes, stood behind a counter. "How can I help you?"
I explained my situation, feeling a bit silly but determined. "It's my husband's birthday soon, and I want to give him something special. I want to fulfill his deepest desire."
The witch listened intently, nodding slowly. "You seek a spell, then. One that reveals and grants his most intimate wish."
I nodded, feeling a flutter of anticipation. "Yes. I want to surprise him."
The witch's expression turned serious. "This is a very ancient spell, Vanessa. Once cast, it cannot be undone. You must understand that his desires might not be what you expect. They could be something you may not like."
I hesitated for a moment, then shook my head. "I know Will. There's nothing he could want that would make me love him any less."
She regarded me thoughtfully, then nodded. "Very well. But be warned, this spell is powerful and irreversible. The desire will manifest when it is felt most strongly."
With that, she prepared the spell, using a combination of herbs, chants, and an old, worn book filled with arcane symbols. I watched, fascinated, as she worked. Finally, she handed me a small vial of liquid and instructed me to pour it into Will's drink that evening.
"This will activate the spell," she said. "And remember, Vanessa, there is no turning back."
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Bcain 1 day
I also like how the picture has updated with the storyline ha. It’s a fun touch.
Kittenandbear 19 hours
Thank you 😍, i would like to insert them in each chapter, but I don’t know how. Maybe I am going to illustrate every chapter and release it at an audio-visual novel on YouTube.
Fbuucgk 2 days
I'm glad I found this. I almost didn't read it, from the picture I thought the roles were reversed. That wouldn't have been my thing. But great story as it is! Did you write it yourself or found it?
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so much! I am glad you found it. I will update the pictures and description so it's clearer what kind of story this is. I wrote the story myself 🥰
Silverhorse88 2 days
You write beautifully, I love this story. The descriptions, pacing, and premise are great!!!
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so much! I am glad you liked it 😍
Theswordsman 3 days
Love the story but I wonder how big she's going to get
Kittenandbear 1 day
That means a lot to me 🥰! The story is called Wills desires. What kind of uncontrollable desires do you have 🥵. Imagine they would manifest and you couldn't controll them.
Bcain 5 days
Nice work so far! Very detailed descriptions of settings and fleshed out characters which makes me invested in whats happening to them. Excited to see where it goes from here, keep up the good work!
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so, so, so, so much 🥰! That means a lot to me! You have written some of my favorite stories of all time 😍. I love "Emilys ability". I devoured the whole story in one day.
Kittenandbear 5 days
Hi 😊, if you liked or disliked my story. I would love to read your feedback! It would make me really happy! If you want more, please like and follow!
Much love ❤️