Will's desires

Chapter Ten: Arousing Appetites

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I lay in bed, the soft, warm glow of the early morning light filtering through the curtains. Will was beside me, his even breaths and the gentle rise and fall of his chest confirming he was still asleep. He no longer snored, a small but significant change that marked the transformation he'd undergone. I turned on my side, my belly pressing into the mattress and spilling gently over the side.
The contrast between Will and me was striking. My once slender frame was now enveloped in soft layers of fat. I felt huge and soft, my belly big and round, pushing gently into Will's side. I reached out, my fingers trembling slightly, and touched his stomach. The sensation of his hard abs beneath my fingertips sent a shiver through me. I traced the contours of his muscles, marveling at the stark difference between his firm physique and my own softness.
I continued to explore his body, my fingers moving to his pecs, feeling the firm, well-defined muscles. I traced the lines of his arms, my fingers lingering on his biceps, appreciating their strength. My touch moved up to his face, feeling the sharp definition of his jawline. Leaning in, I kissed him softly, my lips brushing against his skin in a series of tender, sensual kisses.
As I lay there, feeling his body beneath my touch, I couldn't help but look down at my own. My body was a landscape of softness, every part of me covered in a jiggly layer of fat. I ran my hands over my belly, feeling the soft, yielding flesh. There were no bones in sight, just a smooth, unbroken expanse of fat. I moved my hands lower, exploring the fold that had formed between my upper stomach and my private area. Where there used to be a flat line, there was now a deep, soft fold, a testament to the changes my body had undergone.
I touched Will's stomach again, my hand moving down the flat plane of his abs to his penis. Where there once was a large belly and fat pad, everything was now flat and firm. I remembered how I could never have seen his penis before because it had been hidden beneath his belly. The thought made me pause, a pang of sorrow for the body I once had. But as quickly as it came, the sorrow was replaced by acceptance. I had always been a nerd, never interested in sports. Maybe this new body was a better fit for me.
A familiar growl from my stomach interrupted my thoughts, reminding me of the hunger that seemed to be a constant presence in my life now. I felt a bit of sorrow for my old body, but then again, I was always a nerd and never did any sports. Maybe this is the right fit for me. The events of yesterday still haunted me, the intensity of Will's desires, the way they seemed to grow stronger as he lost weight, and the terrifying potential for those desires to manifest at any moment. I was scared of how far his fetish might go and how much it entailed.
Another loud growl came from my belly, accompanied by the sharp pain of hunger. I thought to myself, "But first, I am going to enjoy myself with all the food I want." There was a change happening within me, something I couldn't quite grasp. I turned to Will and nudged him awake, my eyes wide and pleading, my expression like that of a puppy begging for a treat.
Will, still half-asleep, remembered our deal and nodded, getting up to fulfill my unspoken request. As he left, I lay back, my hands resting on my belly, feeling its weight and softness. There was a strange comfort in the sensation, a feeling of acceptance.
He returned after some time, carrying three bags of McDonald's breakfast. The smell alone made my stomach growl loudly in anticipation. Will sat beside me, a loving smile on his face, and began hand-feeding me. I took each bite eagerly, savoring the taste and the feeling of being cared for.
As I lay there, being fed by Will, a new sensation washed over me—a blend of arousal and pleasure that I had never experienced before. The dynamic between us, the way my body felt, and how it had changed, stirred something deep within me. The sensation of eating and filling my stomach, the roundness and softness of my big belly—it all felt incredibly erotic. Each bite felt like an intimate touch, each swallow a caress.
I had never been a particularly sexual person. I masturbated occasionally, but only to normal porn. Now, the act of eating, of being fed by Will, felt like a form of masturbation in itself. The pleasure was intense, filling me with a warmth that spread through my entire body.
The way Will looked at me, the sensations of fullness and the weight of my belly pressing down—it all contributed to a growing arousal that I had never felt before. This new dynamic between us, the merging of care, desire, and physical change, was intoxicating.
As I took another bite, I realized that this was a new chapter in our relationship. A chapter where pleasure and intimacy intertwined in ways I had never imagined. The future was uncertain, but as I lay there, feeling the warmth of Will's love and the arousal from our new dynamic, I knew I was ready to explore it fully. Whatever changes lay ahead, I would embrace them with Will by my side.
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Bcain 1 day
I also like how the picture has updated with the storyline ha. It’s a fun touch.
Kittenandbear 20 hours
Thank you 😍, i would like to insert them in each chapter, but I don’t know how. Maybe I am going to illustrate every chapter and release it at an audio-visual novel on YouTube.
Fbuucgk 2 days
I'm glad I found this. I almost didn't read it, from the picture I thought the roles were reversed. That wouldn't have been my thing. But great story as it is! Did you write it yourself or found it?
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so much! I am glad you found it. I will update the pictures and description so it's clearer what kind of story this is. I wrote the story myself 🥰
Silverhorse88 2 days
You write beautifully, I love this story. The descriptions, pacing, and premise are great!!!
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so much! I am glad you liked it 😍
Theswordsman 3 days
Love the story but I wonder how big she's going to get
Kittenandbear 1 day
That means a lot to me 🥰! The story is called Wills desires. What kind of uncontrollable desires do you have 🥵. Imagine they would manifest and you couldn't controll them.
Bcain 5 days
Nice work so far! Very detailed descriptions of settings and fleshed out characters which makes me invested in whats happening to them. Excited to see where it goes from here, keep up the good work!
Kittenandbear 1 day
Thank you so, so, so, so much 🥰! That means a lot to me! You have written some of my favorite stories of all time 😍. I love "Emilys ability". I devoured the whole story in one day.
Kittenandbear 5 days
Hi 😊, if you liked or disliked my story. I would love to read your feedback! It would make me really happy! If you want more, please like and follow!
Much love ❤️