Enabling eloise

Chapter 2

Sweat dripped down Eloise's forehead as she pushed herself to run another half mile on her treadmill. "The new year, new me" resolution was supposed to last a few weeks this time. She'd even purchased a pair of sexy leggings online to match her running shoes, half hoping this routine would even inspire her to finally stick with it.
However, the defeat she felt as she hit the stop button eight minutes later appeared to become the steady norm. She gulped in deep breaths as she looked around her comfortably decorated living room.

Her apartment was her sanctuary, and the past few weeks had seen her trading the treadmill for languid evenings with Dave or bowls of ice cream. She couldn't quite recall when it started, but she spent almost every night with him and fed herself to the brink of passing out on the nights alone.

Dave had a way of introducing her to decadent dishes and desserts that were too tempting to resist. The first few times, she left his place feeling overindulged and excitedly made mental notes to hit the gym more often. But those resolutions dwindled.

As she walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, she noticed the snug fit of her leggings around her waistline. Frowning, she made her way to her closet to find something more comfortable to wear. That was when she realized she had less room in her wardrobe for her favorite outfits. Instead, the clothes she used to love wearing had become too tight.

Her best friend, Gabby, had commented one afternoon over coffee, "Uh, Eloise. You're practically busting the buttons on that blouse."

Eloise smiled nervously, "Yeah, I think I've gained a bit of weight."

Gabby gave her the side-eye. "A little is five, maybe six pounds? Honey, it looks like more than that."

She couldn't deny it. In only a short span, Eloise discovered her wardrobe felt shrinking. But there was an unexpected side effect.

These past few weeks, each time she indulged her growing taste for food indulgence, an odd thrill ran through her. It was as if her expanding waistline ignited something utterly exhilarating within her.

One night, she and Dave had a "foodie night" at his apartment. He pulled out all the stops, presenting a veritable feast. Platter after platter following, displaying gooey, cheesy pizza, a whole cheese wheel being carved, and even a triple chocolate lava cake. Eloise's eyes widened at the sheer volume of food. As Dave served her plate after plate, her mind was a whirlwind of worry.

"Remember, you can always take leftovers," he reassured her, as if reading her mind. Dave had a way of persuading Eloise to indulge. It wasn't just the intensity of his stare that urged her to open up, but also his accepting, caring manner that made her feel adored.
She nodded uncertainly, taking her comfortably full feeling to upper limits.

Eloise found after just a few minutes that the array of food in front of her gradually started vanishing with a surprising and unexpected absence of guilt.

"Do you ever stop?" Eloise teased, chuckling. "I feel like the world is ending, and you're trying to fit as many good meals in me as possible."

Dave gave her a smirk.

"You know me," he replied. "Ah, who can say no to a perfect meal, especially when we're together, wasting the night away?"

With a mouthful of creamy lava cake, the sweet taste overwhelmed Eloise’s senses. Surprisingly, she found herself indulging guiltlessly. The dessert seemed to enchant her.

Yet as her waistline swelled, everything took on a rosy hue. As Eloise watched Dave's gaze on her, her mind filled with forbidden thoughts.

She wondered if he was observing her waistline's progression; she secretly hoped, at least a little.
The following day, Eloise stood in front of her mirror, surveying herself. She noted her expanding waistline as well as the luscious curves she had never seen before. Her mind danced between the joy of being desired and the anxiety of losing self-control. She chose the first and determined that she felt more sensual than ever.
The shape of her body had transformed over these weeks. A glow emanated from within her, making her captivating. Her wardrobe may have been shrinking, but her confidence blossomed.

Eloise had never thought much about her body beyond ensuring she felt attractive. But now, there was an unusual satisfaction in knowing she could round out the spaces between her waist and hips with indulgence, watching her belly inch its way forward a little bit more every day.

Her transformation astounded Eloise, and surprisingly, she reveled in the warmth of Dave's unwavering acceptance.

Dave. This charming man who loved the art of fine dining, who had kept his secret desires to himself, was enamored by the vision of a full and ever-growing figure. His subtle yet relentless encouragement stroked her ego, and she felt irresistibly drawn to him.

Their encounters fed not just her appetite for indulgent meals, but a deliciously wicked pleasure from letting him witness it first-hand.

Eloise became his delectable, naughty secret, a living fantasy.

There was something undeniably thrilling about being catered to with an endless array of confections, her every whim satisfied, revering in the knowledge that Dave adored her body as it grew more voluptuous by the day. She'd never known such a heady mix of satisfaction and sin.

And, bit by bit, she dared to delve deeper, teasing him with more seductive displays.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 days , updated 5 days
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Holyheck24 3 days
This story was unbelievably hot thank you so much!
Heyson1313 3 days
I think it might have another chapter or two if inspiration strikers. Thank you!