Enabling eloise

Chapter 3

It was Friday night, and Dave's apartment on the 25th floor looked incredible with the city's shimmering skyline stretching out before us. His sleek, modern living room had floor-to-ceiling windows, and the light of the moon washed over us, bathing the room in a soft glow.

"Have you ever thought about trying some new recipes, Ellie?" Dave asked. He had this boyish charm about him as he stood in front of me, all six feet of his muscular frame in a perfectly fitted suit. His dark brown eyes seemed to penetrate my soul, and she couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement, wondering what he was planning.

"What did you have in mind?" El asked coyly.

Dave leaned against the kitchen counter, gesturing for her to come closer. She obliged, inhaling his scent—an intoxicating mix of sandalwood and spice. "How about something a little... decadent?" He pulled out an old cookbook, its worn edges saying stories of meals shared, of laughter, and of forbidden pleasures.

The pages opened to a section filled with images of succulent dishes made with liberal amounts of rich, heavy cream, butter, and cheese. As she looked at these luscious creations, Eloise felt her swollen belly yearn for something warm, filling, and delicious. Dave lowered his voice. "These will be a bit heavier than what you're used to, but I have a feeling you might enjoy it."

Her mind immediately leapt to thoughts of her figure – she’d been conscious of how much she weighed despite Dave's constant reassurances that she looked perfect at any size. Yet, as she looked at the mouthwatering recipes in front of her, El felt her mouth water at the anticipation of tasting those luscious creations. “Okay, let’s do it," she finally said, committing herself to an experience that would challenge her perception of portion control and pleasure.

The afternoon flew by as El watched Dave effortlessly move around the kitchen. He commanded every pot and pan, transforming the finest ingredients into sensual dishes that whispered temptation.

Sometimes they would laugh together as things got a little too hot or as oil would splatter onto the stove, creating a playful environment. Dave's apartment filled with rich, warm aromas that spoke of sinful delights waiting just around the corner, making El feel more eager than ever to indulge.

As the first dish was plated, El couldn't help but eye her gloriously large portions next to Dave’s simple, meager ones. Heaping mounds of creamy pasta smothered in rich sauce, the sight of which would make anyone salivate. "You can start without me," Dave told her, sensing her inability to wait.

She hesitated initially, but the aroma wafting from her plate got the best of her. The pasta was unlike anything she'd ever tasted; each bite felt like a sinful memory made real. The rich sauce clung to her lips, and she couldn't help but run her tongue along them to savor the flavors.

Her cheeks flushed as Dave watched her, amused by El's unabashed love for this meal. Memories of oven dinners long past filled her mind, the guilt-free pleasure of not having to worry about calories.

Before she knew it, El had cleaned her plate and noticed Dave watching her intently. "Are you ready for more?" He asked, seeing her slightly embarrassed at her lack of self-control in front of him.

"You know, there's no need to hold back. You can indulge here, with me."

Dave's words played like honeyed sweet-nothings in Eloise's ears, making her body tingle with anticipation. She had never experienced this kind of freedom around food, especially when in the company of someone else.

There was no judgment, no insinuation, only encouragement. He enthusiastically presented another serving, again family-style, for her to enjoy.
So she did - with relish and zeal.

Days passed, turning to weeks, of Eloise's new diet with Dave. Her waistline exploded with the new heavy onslaught of calorie bombs. Every meal was a celebration, and she witnessed the fullness and swelling of her body in real time like never before.

Yet, something began to shift. Gradually, she noticed the weight gain was accompanied by an unexpected pleasure. Each time she slipped into Dave's bed, she felt her body flush and tingle with a euphoria she'd never experienced during their intimate moments.

Their lovemaking had taken on a fascinating new dynamic.

Their sessions were marked by gentle caresses and soft murmurs of encouragement as they explored every inch of each other's bodies. It didn't take long before El's expanding waistline and lush curves presented a new pallet of throbbing desire that Dave cherished and revered.

Dave, ever the consummate partner, never hesitated to appreciate El's ever-growing form.

He worshiped her, worshiped the softness of her burgeoning thighs, the lusciousness of her fuller belly, and the ripeness of her expanding figure. Each sensitive inch of skin was a gallant testament to their shared secret - a guilty pleasure that only blossomed between them.
But as they explored this newfound connection, Dave was careful never to push El too far beyond her own comfort levels. There was no room for coercion, only gentle encouragement and unconditional support.

Dave's fascination with Eloise's weight gain remained a hidden fascination, something that added a thrill to their forbidden explorations. She reveled in the attention but still battled her reservations regarding her changing body.

Eloise, once Eloise #fitpro, could hardly recognize herself—she no longer saw defined muscles and sculpted abs in the mirror. Now, there were new curves where once there were tightly toned lines. Where abs had shown was a bowling ball. Her body was soft, luscious, and voluptuous.

Eloise had entered this new world—one where weight gain became not just acceptable but a sensual experience, a source of joy, power, and, if she dared to admit it, forbidden bliss.

Yet, she was still tethered to old beliefs, as if bound by invisible strings that threatened to snap at any moment. Her newfound intimacy with Dave had introduced her to a world of indulgence, but Eloise couldn't help but wonder if their adventures in sensuality were felt by them both the same.
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Holyheck24 3 days
This story was unbelievably hot thank you so much!
Heyson1313 3 days
I think it might have another chapter or two if inspiration strikers. Thank you!