Enabling eloise

Chapter 4

Eloise stared at her reflection in Dave's sleek bathroom mirror. The harsh, unforgiving fluorescent light exposed every enhanced curve on her plump, round body. This was getting ridiculous. Or maybe she just needed to buy some new clothes. But even her new clothes hugged her absurdly in all the wrong places nowadays.

God, her ass had gotten so big. All that indulgence on top of Dave's deliciously heavy meals finally caught up to her. Eloise couldn't believe that she had given into the temptation more often than she should have.

Sighing, she looked at her curvy silhouette in the mirror and couldn't deny the way it turned her on. The feeling of Dave's admiring gaze every single time he looked at her fuller body made her shiver with an insatiable craving.
Eloise left the bathroom and joined Dave in the living area.

Dave smiled at her, raising an eyebrow as he admired her body. "Having fun?" he asked, eyes trailing down her form and resting on her large belly and ass.
His voice contained playful teasing, and this was not the first time Dave had commented on her weight gain.

Instead of the usual defensive response, she said, "Well, I've been really indulging here, haven't I?" She tried to sound nonchalant, but there was a tremor of vulnerability in her voice.

Dave noticed this and quickly changed his tone. "You look amazing, Eloise. Really, more beautiful than ever.” Dave walked closer to her and rest his hands gently on her fuller hips. “Don’t worry, I like the way your body has been changing,” he whispered in her ear with a warm smile.

“Even if it’s making it harder and harder for me to move?” she playfully groused, a faint smile of her own tugging at her lips. There was a sensuousness in her voice that Dave found utterly irresistible.  She leaned her head against his chest, watching his gaze linger on her belly and its enticing fullness.

Every day, she discovered new inches added to her expanding body, proving to be ever as smooth as can be. She’d been blessed that as she swelled, she’d developed no cellulite or stretch marks yet. Sometimes she rubbed her palm in slow, wide circles on her belly, savoring the slick sense of abundance.

Dave tightened his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, as a wave of desire washed over him. He knew she was aware of his fascination with her weight gain by now and found a special kind of thrill in the way she turned him on.

Dave had always taken pride in his culinary prowess, but never to the extent of actively enticing weight gain in his partners. With Eloise, it had started innocently enough as Dave loved cooking for her. He found a secret joy in the way her eyes lit up when they dined on his heavier, more indulgent creations.

One evening, Dave asked her a peculiar question as they sat down to enjoy dinner, "Would you ever fantasize about food play?" Eloise had initially stared at him blankly. What on earth was food play?

Eloise couldn't help but ask. She utterly failed to hold back a smirk as she questioned him, a teasing tone lacing her voice.

"Oh, you know, like letting your partner watch you indulge in your favorite meals and dishes, or even feeding it to you yourself." He watched her reaction closely as he replied. Dave's eyes gleamed in the dim light, as if they contained their own sensual, passionate inner world.

"Huh, I see." Eloise nodded, feeling her cheeks burning at the raw honesty and unexpectedness of his response. “I feel like we already do that,” she said thoughtfully. Every dinner they had together, Eloise would indulge herself—giving in to their shared cravings. Dave watched, transfixed, as each bite seemed to heighten her senses, drawing her deeper into the sensual experience.

What Eloise didn’t know was that they had entered Dave’s most secret of fantasies. Over the following weeks, he gently led her further into his world. It dawned on her slowly, yet she couldn’t deny the peculiar thrill that bubbled inside her every time she realized what was playing out between them.

Dave had always been a charmer, and the depth of his secret desire for her weight gain didn't surface until that moment.

Dave, sensing her acknowledgement, led her further into his hidden fascination. “You know, I want you to eat these meals for me, not just for yourself.” His eyes blazed with passion as he confessed.

Eloise stared at him for a long moment, her eyes wide with surprise. It was the boldest statement he had made yet regarding his fascination with her weight gain.

She carefully weighed her answer, her thoughts consumed with the taboo sensuality of it. “Are you asking me to gain weight on purpose? For you?”

“Yes, I am,” Dave affirmed, boldness etched across his features. "I can’t help myself anymore, Eloise. I want to see you truly indulge and revel in your body, more so than you already do.”

Eloise felt a spark light within her, the thrill of this forbidden pleasure blooming between them. Dave offered an experience that was intrinsically naughty and unpredictable.

Eloise felt her thoughts wrestling with the sheer unexpectedness of his proposal.

Dave, sensing the moment was right, held Eloise's hands, conveying his genuine intentions, and whispered, "Let me be the one to adore your every curve and watch you change in the most sensual and intimate way possible."

As he spoke, Dave could see the desire flicker in Eloise's eyes, as if tracing a familiar but often neglected path in her mind.

She bit her lip, contemplating the meaning - and consequences - of her decision.

"You know, this...this is a big step, Dave," Eloise replied softly, her gentle tone barely audible above the clinking of their cutlery in her current overindulgence.

"It is, indeed. But one that I wholeheartedly believe we could explore together, bringing us closer in the most unique and mind-blowing way." Dave's voice betrayed his sincerity, and his eyes never wavered from hers.

Eloise slowly nodded, her own desire written all over her face.
"Okay, Dave. I'll do it."

Her agreement ignited something in both of them, and from that moment, the tone of their relationship shifted in an electric, sensual way.

With every bite she took, with the knowledge that she was indulging herself for his pleasure, something uncontrollable and magnetic unraveled between the two.

As the following weeks turned into months, Eloise's body changed dramatically, her silhouette almost unrecognizable.

Waking up each morning, she'd run her hands over her expansive belly, feeling the warmth and abundance of it all. It was as if her body was blooming - ripe and full, ready for plucking.

Their foreplay intensified, Dave's worshipful gaze and lingering touch fueling a fire of pleasure within Eloise. Feeding each other became a sensual art, each feasting upon the other's body as well as the meal itself.

But it wasn't just the physical transformation that excited them.

Eloise discovered a newfound confidence in her blooming figure. She learned to revel in the sensation of being so full, that Dave's doting admiration ignited unimaginable arousal within her. A need for more, a need for Dave - her loving and passionate partner.

And as they surrendered to this shared desire, they unlocked a hidden world filled with sordid secrets, contagious pleasure, and connections transcending the simple pillow talk they once shared.
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Holyheck24 3 days
This story was unbelievably hot thank you so much!
Heyson1313 3 days
I think it might have another chapter or two if inspiration strikers. Thank you!