Enabling eloise

Chapter 5

Eloise tapped her foot anxiously against the marble floor, the clack echoing through the large hall. The aroma of various foods wafted past her nose as waiters moved in and out of doorways, balancing trays full of appetizers and drinks. Eloise adjusted her grip on the gift bag she'd brought, the straps digging into her fingers. The heat was oppressive, the fabric of her dress sticking uncomfortably to her skin.

She hesitated before pushing open the heavy wooden doors, her heart rate speeding up. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside.

"Eloise!" Her mom stood up, rushing over. "You're finally here!" She embraced Eloise, kissing her on both cheeks.
Eloise forced a smile, leaning into the hug. "Hey, Mom."
She scanned the crowd, spotting Susan.

Her sister's face was hard and judgmental as she surveyed Eloise's frame. Eloise's heart sank. She knew that look all too well.

"Mom, I'm gonna go find Susan." She pulled away from the hug, not wanting to waste any more time.

"Okay, dear. But make sure to come back soon. There are so many people who want to see you."

Eloise nodded, making her way over to Susan. "Hey, Susan. How are ya?" She forced a cheerfulness she didn't feel.

"Eloise, I'm glad you could make it."

Eloise rubbed the back of her neck, avoiding Susan's gaze. "Yeah, of course. I wouldn't miss this for the world."
Susan's eyes wandered over Eloise's body, taking in the recent changes. Eloise could feel her sister's judgment, her disapproval simmering just below the surface.

Susan cleared her throat. "So, Eloise, you've put on some weight recently. You're really booming, as they say." Susan's words hung heavy in the air, the sudden shift in conversation like a cold breeze.

Eloise's stomach dropped, a small knot forming in her throat. "Yeah, I have been indulging a little more lately. But I'm enjoying it, you know? I deserve a break every now and then." She attempted to shrug it off, but the anxiety was palpable, the sudden shift in tone of the gathering leaving her on edge.

Susan raised an eyebrow. "I can see that. You seem to be indulging quite a bit.” Susan’s voice was tinged with disgust and was that…curiosity?

“El, I’m worried about you. You’ve put on a lot of weight recently and it’s hard to watch you balloon and struggle like this. Here, let me help you sit down.” She reached out, guiding Eloise to a nearby chair.

Eloise sank into the cushions, her face burning with strain. She shifted, trying to find a comfortable position, but the weight of her belly made it nearly impossible. Her thighs spread wider than they had before, her center of gravity shifting. She swallowed hard, taking a deep breath.

“I’m fine, Susan. I really am. It’s just a little harder to move around with all this.” Eloise gestured to her belly, trying to play it off as a joke, but Susan’s discontent was clear.

Eloise let out a sigh and gave a small smile. “I appreciate your concern, Susan, but I really am okay. I’m enjoying myself, and my boyfriend, Dave, he enjoys this new look on me. It brings us closer together.”

As she spoke, Eloise looked over to where Dave stood, chatting with one of her uncles. He caught her eye and grinned, lifting a glass in her direction. Eloise felt her lips curl into a genuine smile despite her lessened mobility.

Dave had been the one to encourage her weight gain, suggesting she indulge in ice cream sundaes or binge-watch her favorite shows with calorie-laden snacks. With Dave, she felt free to let go and allow herself the simple pleasures in life.

He never judged or pushed, only encouraged and supported. And although she knew her new habit of indulgence couldn't last forever, Eloise couldn't help but feel a sense of power in her newfound body. It was a symbol of her autonomy and her right to choose what she did with her own body with a mode of control over Dave with her massive form.

The night continued, with Eloise moving slowly from group to group, exchanging pleasantries and enjoying the laughs and stories.

Each conversation, however, eventually turned to her newfound weight gain. She began to react on instinct, adjusting her sitting positions, and smoothing her dress over thighs that had grown much thicker in recent times.
Eloise watched as her aunts and uncles, siblings, and cousins commented on her size, their faces filled with surprise and confusion. "It looks like you've put on a bit of weight, dear," her great aunt Ida piped up, her blue eyes twinkling beneath thick glasses. “You could fit a grown man in there,” Ida said as she patted Eloise’s middle. Eloise smiled nervously, feeling her face grow warmer.

"Yes, I have," she responded, adjusting her position in the chair. The truth was, she had put on quite a bit of weight recently, but it wasn't something she was embarrassed about. In fact, she took pride in her newfound curves, thanks in no small part to Dave, who had encouraged her to embrace her changing body.

As Eloise continued to mingle and chat with her family, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her new figure. She felt like a goddess, like a woman who was in control of her own sexuality and her own body.

She sashayed through the party, the way her body swayed and bounced reflecting the peace and confidence she felt within. More than once she had to call Dave over to help heave her massive form from a chair.  Her body had become an unwieldy object, too large to move solely by her own power. Dave never showed any sign of annoyance at these inconveniences but rather grinning widely and relishing the sight of her struggling to move, brimming with pride, as if she were his creation.
And perhaps, in some ways, she was.

Dave had urged her to explore her boundaries and push her limits. With him, Eloise indulged in every craving, every decadent treat.

She let go of her inhibitions, allowing the pleasure of food and the pleasure of his company to carry her away.
The way Dave looked at her, with a mixture of pride and desire, made her feel beautiful and desired in a way she never had before. She reveled in the attention, the way he drooled at her changing figure and eagerly helped her to dessert, savoring every bite she took.

The more she indulged, the more she found herself growing, expanding in ways she had never thought possible.

Her body became softer, rounder, and fuller—a testament to her liberation and the unbridled joy she found in the simple act of eating.

This wasn’t about rebelling against societal expectations of thinness or conforming to a different kind of beauty standard, as her sister Susan assumed. No, this was about Eloise finally embracing her body for what it was and allowing herself the pleasure and freedom of experiencing food without guilt or shame.

Through it all, Dave stood by her side, encouraging and supporting Eloise in her journey.

He watched as she ate, her belly swelling with each bite. It was a turn-on for him, seeing her so full and satisfied.
At one point, Eloise caught Susan's eye across the room, her judgmental gaze boring into Eloise's soul. In that moment, Eloise decided to make a spectacle of eating as much as she could hold. She wanted to prove a point to Susan: this was her body, her life, and she was in control.
With Dave's encouragement, she piled her plate high with decadent desserts, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She sat down at the table, her heart pounding with excitement. She started to eat, savoring each bite, her belly growing larger and larger with every bite.

The room fell silent, all eyes on Eloise as she ate and ate, her face flushed with excitement.

She could feel the tension building, the disapproval of her sister, Susan, heavy in the air. But she didn't care. She was on a mission, and she was determined to see it through.

With each bite she took, Eloise felt a surge of power, a sense of liberation that she had never felt before. She was in control, and she reveled in the feeling. The way Dave looked at her, with admiration and desire, made her heart race.

It was a bold statement, one that would surely raise eyebrows and ruffle feathers among her conservative family members.

But Eloise didn't care. She felt powerful, liberated, and in control. She was making a stand for herself and her body, and she wasn't about to let anyone stop her.

Dave sat next to her, watching with admiration as she consumed plate after plate of food. He was turned on by her newfound confidence and the way she took charge of her own desires.

Dave couldn't help but feel aroused by the sight of Eloise, her belly distended and full, the softness of her skin tempting him beyond belief.

As the evening wore on, Eloise found herself feeling increasingly full and sluggish. She leaned on Dave for support as they cleared platter after tray after serving bowl from the party's table, all food finding its way into her.

Dave couldn't help but smile at the way she savored each bite, her eyes closed in pleasure as she indulged in her cravings. He loved the way she let go, the way she allowed herself to truly enjoy the food without guilt or shame.

As they made their way around the room, clearing plates and refilling drinks, Dave's mind wandered to the night ahead.

He couldn't wait to get Eloise home and help her out of her tight dress, to rub her aching feet and massage her swollen belly.

The thought of her full, round body sent a jolt of excitement through him. He loved how she had embraced her weight gain, how she had taken control of her own desires and was unapologetic about it. It was a turn-on for him, seeing her so confident and self-assured.
Eloise, too, was lost in her thoughts, daydreaming about the evening ahead.

She couldn't wait to get home and slip into something more comfortable, something that would accommodate her growing belly and curves. She couldn't wait to spend the rest of the night with Dave, exploring her body and her desires.

As they finished up at the party, Eloise said her goodbyes to her family, feeling a sense of pride and liberation that she had never experienced before. She was in control of her own body, her own desires, and she wasn't going to let anyone take that away from her.

Not even Susan.

Dave wrapped his arm around Eloise's waist, offering her his support as they walked out of the party together. She felt a sense of warmth wash over her, the feeling of Dave's body pressed against hers grounding her in the moment.

As they stepped outside, into the cool night air, Eloise couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude. Gratitude for Dave, for the way he had encouraged and supported her throughout her journey. Gratitude for her own body, for the way it had changed and grown and transformed.
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Holyheck24 3 days
This story was unbelievably hot thank you so much!
Heyson1313 3 days
I think it might have another chapter or two if inspiration strikers. Thank you!