Galactic weight: the heaviest burden

Chapter 4: The Morning After

The next morning, waking up in his bed alone, Kell felt a subtle emptiness. Then her smell and the aroma of food floated into his room. Walking out to the kitchen, he found Scull half-dressed in one of his button-up shirts, cooking a feast of food before him.

Scull turned and smiled. "It's customary for the people of my world to prepare meals for our Noro."

Kell couldn't help but be charmed by her. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her from behind, nuzzling her neck. "Noro," he repeated, savoring the sound of the word. "What does it mean?"

Scull leaned back into him, her voice a soft whisper. "It means 'trusted one' or 'confidant.' It's a term of deep affection and respect."

Kell kissed her neck and then stepped back, watching her move gracefully around the kitchen. "I like it. Noro."

Scull smiled, but her eyes held a seriousness. She had plans for Kell, and now she would use his trust in her to further them. As she prepared his meals and shared his bed, she would subtly influence him, gradually fattening him until she could control his empire and wield it as a weapon to end the corporate control of the reach.

Scull’s strategy was meticulous. Each meal she prepared was slightly richer, each dish more indulgent. She made sure Kell enjoyed every bite, her cooking becoming a comforting ritual that bound him to her even more deeply. She monitored his health and his reactions, careful to maintain a balance that would keep him dependent on her without arousing suspicion. Kell was a stubborn man, and if she wanted his help, she would need to make him weak.

In the privacy of their shared quarters, Scull would whisper sweet nothings, calling him her Noro and reinforcing the bond they shared. She made him feel cherished and indispensable, her presence a constant source of comfort and pleasure.

As the weeks turned into months, Kell began to change. He trusted Scull implicitly, relying on her for more than just professional advice. Her influence over him grew, her plans slowly coming to fruition. Kell’s empire, once a symbol of his unyielding power, was now subtly shifting under Scull’s control.

Together, they faced the galaxy’s challenges, but only Scull knew the true extent of their shared journey. She would lead him to a new future, one where the people of the reach would rise and the corporate chains would be broken. All the while, she kept her endearing facade, a devoted partner to her Noro, guiding him towards a destiny he could never foresee.
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