Galactic weight: the heaviest burden

Chapter 5: Transformation

As the months passed, Scull's plan began to take shape. Kell, once a towering figure of strength and ambition, started to change under her careful guidance. Her strategy was meticulous, her every action designed to bring him closer to her ultimate goal.

Each morning began with a lavish breakfast, prepared with love and care. Scull ensured that Kell's plate was always full of rich, decadent foods. She introduced him to dishes from her home world, each one more indulgent than the last. Kell, trusting and captivated by Scull, found himself eagerly awaiting each meal, savoring every bite.

At first, the changes were subtle. Kell's well-defined muscles softened, his once chiseled abs giving way to a slight paunch. Scull was always there, reassuring him, encouraging him to enjoy the pleasures of life. "You work so hard, Noro," she would say, her voice a soothing balm. "You deserve to enjoy yourself."

As Kell's appetite grew, so did his reliance on Scull. She became his confidant, his constant companion. Her presence was a comfort, her cooking a daily delight. She made sure he never felt guilty about the changes in his body, always reinforcing the idea that he was perfect as he was.

Scull's influence extended beyond the kitchen. She encouraged Kell to delegate more of his responsibilities, allowing himself to relax and enjoy the fruits of his labor. "You have built an empire, Noro," she would whisper, her lips close to his ear. "Let others carry the burden for a while. You deserve a break."

Kell's clothes, once tailored to fit his muscular frame, began to strain against his growing girth. Scull was quick to replace them with more comfortable, accommodating garments, always making sure he looked and felt his best. She marveled at the sight of him, her plan unfolding perfectly.

In the evenings, they would share intimate moments, Scull's touch a constant reminder of her affection and devotion. She would trace the new curves of his body, her fingers lingering on the soft flesh of his expanding waistline. "You are more powerful than ever, Noro," she would murmur, her voice thick with admiration.

As the weeks turned into months, the changes became impossible to ignore. Kell's once-athletic build was now a distant memory, replaced by a corpulent figure that spoke of indulgence and comfort. His face, once sharp and defined, had softened, his cheeks fuller, his neck thickening. His belly, now a prominent feature, jutted out in front of him, a testament to Scull's careful nurturing.

Despite the physical transformation, Kell's confidence remained unshaken. If anything, he seemed more content, more at ease with himself. He reveled in Scull's attention, basking in the affection and admiration she showered upon him. His empire continued to thrive, the respect of his peers undiminished.

Scull watched with satisfaction as her plan came to fruition. Kell was now firmly under her influence, his dependence on her almost complete. She had managed to reshape not only his body but his entire empire behind his back. The once-ruthless corporate titan was now a figure of comfort and complacency, his ambitions tempered by the pleasures of the flesh.

However, her influence extended beyond mere indulgence. Scull subtly wore down Kell's mental sharpness. She encouraged longer periods of rest, distracting him with leisurely activities and ensuring his mind was constantly occupied with thoughts of comfort and pleasure. He began to rely on her more for decision-making, trusting her judgment implicitly.

Scull introduced small, calculated tasks that seemed insignificant but gradually sapped Kell’s mental acuity. She would ask for his input on trivial matters, praising his wisdom and reinforcing his growing complacency. Over time, these tactics made Kell slower, more reliant on Scull's direction. In bed, Kell's growing body and diminishing stamina meant he now took the position on the bottom while Scull claimed her prize, asserting her dominance.

In the quiet moments they shared, Scull would remind him of their bond, calling him her Noro. "You are my trusted one, my confidant," she would say, her voice filled with genuine affection.

Kell, lulled by her soothing words and tender care, could not foresee the true extent of Scull's plans. He was content, his mind occupied with thoughts of pleasure and comfort, oblivious to the subtle machinations that were slowly shifting the balance of power in her favor.

As Scull continued to guide him down this path, she knew that the final phase of her plan was approaching. With Kell fully under her control, she could now begin to wield his empire as a weapon to end the corporate control of the reach and bring freedom to her people. The transformation was complete, and the true battle was about to begin.
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