Galactic weight: the heaviest burden

Chapter 6: Consolidation

Kell’s transformation was now evident to everyone around him. His once formidable presence had softened, but his confidence remained intact. He moved through the corridors of his station with a newfound ease, thanks to Scull adjusting the gravity settings to accommodate his expanding girth, a symbol of his indulgence and comfort.

Scull, always by his side, continued to manage his affairs with precision. Her influence grew as she subtly shifted control from Kell to herself, ensuring that his decisions aligned with her long-term goals. The empire Kell had built was now her instrument, ready to be wielded against those who oppressed her people.

One evening, as they lay together, Kell’s massive body spread out on the bed, Scull marveled at her handiwork. His arms were a full 27 inches around, layered with soft flab. At normal gravity, he would struggle to lift them. He had developed a giant double chin that sagged the length of his neck. His pendulous moobs, at least E-cups, sagged off each side of his body, riddled with stretch marks and veins. His belly—his magnificent bulbous belly—sagged to mid-thigh when standing and now bunched up as she positioned herself beneath it to claim her prize. Split in the middle with a cavernous hole where his belly button used to reside, it shook with the slightest movement or touch. Underneath, his ass had developed into the largest, super-soft mound of cottage cheese cellulite Scull had ever seen, larger than some of the matriarchs of her tribe. Her legs struggled to straddle his massive thighs, the cellulite cascading down in a fleshy waterfall, completely covering his knees and resting on his calves—now wider than his thighs had been just a year before.

Scull’s body, still fit and toned, stood in stark contrast to Kell’s now corpulent form. Her firm, muscular frame was a testament to her discipline and control, a visual representation of the power dynamics that had shifted in their relationship. She relished in the sensation of his soft flesh beneath her, a reminder of her triumph and the success of her meticulous plan.

Kell looked up at Scull and noticed her once-thin frame now sported a rounding belly. He scoffed to himself, even Scull was susceptible to the fate of all reachers, starting to become fat like the rest of her kind. Maybe soon he would need to end this affair, his mind still believing he was in control.

But Scull knew the truth. As she moved on top of him, she whispered, “You are my Noro, my trusted one.” Her words were laced with both affection and triumph.

Scull's final steps were now clear. With Kell's empire firmly under her command and his body and mind worn down to compliance, she would soon initiate the plans to liberate her people. The corporate titans who once oppressed the reach would soon face their reckoning. The true battle for freedom was about to begin.
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