Galactic weight: the heaviest burden

Chapter 7: Revelation

Months passed as Scull meticulously enacted her plans across the reach system, overthrowing smaller corporations and planets, all under Kell's corporate flag and name. Each planet, once liberated, was left to set up free from corporate control, planting the seeds of a new, independent reach. Kell remained blissfully unaware of her betrayal, his complacency and weight growing with each passing day.

One evening, Kell found himself waiting for Scull to bring him his meal. His hunger gnawed at him, driving him to heave his heavy body from the bed. Even with the lighter gravity settings, the short walk to the operations center left him exhausted. His mind suddenly felt clearer with each exhausted gasp. What had he become?

The door to the operations center slid open, revealing a scene that took his breath away. There stood Scull, her body now heavily pregnant, a visible testament to their intimate connection. Her once lithe frame was now rounded with the unmistakable fullness of impending motherhood. Her belly, a large, taut sphere, light pink stretch marks scattered across her sides, dominated her silhouette. Her breasts, swollen with both pregnancy and the effects of the rich diet she had indulged in alongside Kell, strained against the fabric of her clothing. Her hips and thighs had thickened, adding to her curvaceous form.

Despite her condition, Scull moved with a grace and determination that belied her size. She stood at the command consoles, her hands shooting from one holo window to the next, seemingly delivering orders in an instant. Her eyes were focused, her demeanor commanding as she oversaw what appeared to be a very serious fleet engagement.

Kell watched in stunned silence, his breath coming in labored gasps. "Scull," he finally managed to call out, his voice tinged with both surprise and a hint of desperation.

Scull turned to face him, her expression softening slightly as she saw him. "Noro," she greeted, a note of warmth in her voice despite the urgency of the situation. "What are you doing up? You should be resting."

Kell took a few more steps into the room, his massive frame trembling with the effort. "What is going on? I demand answers!"

Scull's eyes flickered with a mix of determination and concern. "You should sit down, Kell. This is a delicate situation."

Ignoring her suggestion, Kell's voice grew louder, trying to reclaim his old dominance. "You are with child. How is this possible?" Kell was not understanding how he had not noticed her form. "And what is this engagement?" His attempt to take control was evident, though his physical state made it less imposing.

Scull sighed, her hand instinctively resting on her swollen belly. "Kell, there is much you don't know. Much I've kept from you for the sake of our plans."

"Our plans?" Kell scoffed, his face flushing with a mix of anger and exertion. "You mean your plans. You have been using me."

Scull met his gaze with unflinching resolve. "Yes, I have. And I don't have time to explain."

Kell's face twisted in confusion and rage. "And this engagement? What are you doing with my fleets?"

Scull turned back to the holo screens, her fingers deftly manipulating the controls. "We are in the final stages of our revolution. The fleets you see are engaging the last major corporate stronghold in the reach. Once they fall, the reach will be free."

Kell's eyes widened in disbelief and anger. "You... you betrayed me."

Scull glanced back at him, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and a hint of sorrow. "I didn't betray you, Kell. We were never on the same side."

Kell's voice trembled with fury. "You used me, my resources, my empire—all for your revolution."

Scull's gaze hardened. "Yes, I used your empire to liberate my people. You were the means to an end, Kell. I did what was necessary."

"You manipulated me, made me weak," Kell accused, his voice breaking. He stepped towards Scull, his face flushed with a mix of anger and exertion.

Scull turned to look at him, noting his pathetic form. Kell's once-muscular body was now a grotesque mass of fat. His face was round and puffy, a double chin quivering with each step. His arms, once strong and defined, were now flabby and nearly useless for any real exertion. His massive belly protruded far out in front of him, jiggling with each labored breath. His legs, thick with layers of fat, struggled to support his immense weight, and his gait had become a slow, ponderous waddle.

"You will not take another step," Scull commanded, her voice sharp and authoritative. Her form now showing control, her body still exuding strength despite her pregnancy. Her firm muscles, visible beneath her rounded belly, and her confident stance contrasted starkly with Kell's weakened form.

In a fit of defiance, Kell took another step forward. "You can't tell me what to do," he spat.

Scull braced her hand on the console in front of her and waved a holo panel closed, causing the gravity to return to Sol norm. Instantly, Kell felt the crushing weight of his own body. His legs buckled, and he collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath under the immense pressure.

"How dare you," Kell wheezed, struggling to lift his head.

Scull walked over to him, her pregnant form towering above his prone body. "I told you not to take another step," she said coldly. "You are not in control here, Kell. You never were."

Kell's eyes filled with a mixture of fear and realization. "What... what do you want from me?"

Scull knelt beside him, her eyes steely. "I want you to understand that the old ways are gone. Your empire is now a tool for liberation, not oppression. And you will either accept this new reality and support the cause, or you will be left behind."

Kell looked up at her, his body trembling with the effort of supporting his own weight. "And if I refuse?"

Scull's expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained firm. "Everything has a purpose, Kell. Yours can be at my side or under my new rule."

Kell's breathing was now short and weak. He looked up at Scull, who had finally turned from the holo screen, giving Kell her full attention. Her body was beautiful, a stark contrast to his own bloated form. Her red skin glowed with the vitality of pregnancy, her belly a proud and firm testament to their connection. Light pink stretch marks traced delicate patterns across her taut skin. Her breasts were full and heavy, straining against the fabric of her top, her nipples dark and prominent. Her hips had widened, adding to her already voluptuous figure, and her thighs were thick and strong, supporting her with ease.

Scull's eyes held a mixture of pity and resolve as she looked down at Kell. "You were once a great man, Kell. You built an empire. Now, you have a choice. Help me build a future, create a legacy that all will remember, or remain a relic of the past to be brushed aside."

Kell's face filled with mixed emotions. His care for Scull and his loss of power all weighing down on him. His weakened state allowed him to take in the world from a different perspective. Scull, unbothered by the gravity, sauntered over to the lumping mass of Kell. Standing over him, she now saw the love in his face. Kell struggled to lift his weakened arm, placing his plump hand on her lower belly, softly saying, "Our child?"

Scull's expression lightened. "Our children, Kell. Twins."

Kell's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and wonder. "Twins?" he whispered, the realization sinking in. He looked up at Scull, his anger slowly dissipating, replaced by a deep sense of responsibility and a flicker of hope.

Scull nodded, her eyes softening as she placed her hand over his. "Yes, Kell. Our children will inherit a new world, one that I have built for them. But you must understand, this world will be different. It will be free from the oppression and greed that once ruled it."

Kell's breath came in ragged gasps as he processed her words. The weight of his own body and the gravity of the situation bore down on him. He could see the determination in Scull's eyes, the unwavering resolve that had driven her to this point.

Kell remembered when Scull had asked why he chose her, seeing the same fire in her that was once in him.

"They will use everything they have against us. We will need more," Kell said, his voice filled with a newfound determination.

Scull's face broke into a grin. She took Kell's plump hand and helped him to his feet, her strength and determination evident even in the simple act of supporting his weight. As the gravity settings returned to a more manageable level, Kell felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew the road ahead would be difficult, but for the sake of their children and the future of the reach, he was willing to face it.

"Don't worry about that. An old friend of yours has been in contact," Scull said, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.
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