Galactic weight: the heaviest burden

Chapter 8: An Old friend

The holo screen came alive. On the screen was the fastest woman Kell had ever seen, now laying on a bed. It was Miss Laura, but she had to be 900 Sol pounds. Her massive legs spread wide to accommodate a large belly covered in red stretch marks. Her thighs were riddled with cellulite, each dimple and fold a testament to her

dramatic transformation. Her arms, once strong and defined, were now massive and flabby, resting heavily at her sides. Her face, once sharp and striking, was now rounded and plump, her features almost lost in the layers of fat. Her blonde hair, done in long tribal-like braids, framed her face, adding an air of regality to her otherwise bloated appearance.

"Hello, Kell. I see that Scull has taken care of you well," Laura said, her voice deeper than before, filled with a strange mix of mockery and genuine greeting.

Kell struggled to process the sight before him. "Laura... what happened to you?"

Laura chuckled, the sound deep and rich. "Life in the reach has a way of changing people. I've found my own Noro in one of the reachers, Yasef. He has taken care of me just as Scull has taken care of you."

Scull stepped closer to the screen, her hand still resting on Kell's shoulder. "Laura has been working with us for some time now, Kell. She used her position to gather information and resources, all while appearing to be a mere shadow of her former self."

Laura nodded, her massive form jiggling with the movement. "That's right. While the corporations underestimated me, I was able to gather critical intelligence and form alliances with key players in the reach. Yasef has been instrumental in helping me achieve this."

Yasef stepped on screen, a massive 6-foot light blue reacher. He wore traditional garb, his strong muscular form a stark contrast to Laura's. His presence exuded strength and confidence, his powerful frame a symbol of his capabilities. Kell looked on in some envy.

Laura continued, "When I found out I was carrying our first child, I knew I had to help create a better future for them. That's when I sent you Scull."

Kell's eyes widened further. "You sent Scull to me? This was all part of your plan?"

Laura's eyes softened. "Yes, Kell. We needed someone inside your empire who could see the potential for change and act on it. Scull was perfect for the role. Together, we've been able to achieve what seemed impossible."

Scull squeezed Kell's shoulder gently. "You were a crucial part of this, Kell. Your empire, your influence—it gave us the platform we needed to make a real difference. And now, with the final push, we can secure a future for our children and the people of the reach."

Kell took a deep breath, his mind finally beginning to grasp the full scope of their plan. "So, what do we do now?"

Laura's expression turned serious. "Now, we finalize our revolution. With your leadership and support, we can unite the reach and bring down the last of the corporate strongholds. It's time to usher in a new era of freedom and prosperity."

Kell nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "For our children, and for the future of the reach, I will stand with you."

Laura smiled, her massive form shifting slightly. "Thank you, Kell. Together, we will create a world where our children can thrive."

As the holo screen faded, Kell started to detail the enormity of the task. "Many in the Sol system will band together to retake their colonies," he began, his voice filled with concern.

Scull nodded. "Yes, but there is still only one way in and out of the system."

Kell's eyes widened with realization. "The hyper link? You want to sever the bridge between the two?"

"Without it, we would lose all access to the Sol system. It would be hundreds, if not thousands, of years before they could reconnect," Kell said, his voice trembling with the enormity of the idea.

"Precisely," Scull said. "It would give us time to rebuild. Using Sol technology and Reacher ingenuity, we could become stronger than before. And when they return, they would be greeted as equals."
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