Galactic weight: the heaviest burden

Chapter 9: A New Dawn

It had been six years since the revolution had shut down the hyperlink. The patter of small feet filled the station. Scull walked into her Noro's quarters, her feet lifting from the ground as she entered the zero-gravity chamber. She still continued to care for her Noro, his form now more massive than before. His body could not withstand the hard grasp of true gravity.

Kell's body was now an immense sphere of flesh, floating in a zero-gravity chamber designed to support his massive form. He weighed over 1200 pounds, his once muscular frame now unrecognizable. His arms and legs had ballooned into thick, flabby logs, incapable of supporting his own weight. His skin stretched taut over bulging masses of fat, pockmarked with cellulite and riddled with deep, angry stretch marks that told the story of his rapid transformation.

His face was nearly swallowed by the layers of fat that enveloped it, leaving only small, piggish eyes peering out from deep within folds of flesh. His cheeks were round and jowly, merging seamlessly into a thick, multi-layered neck. His double chin had multiplied into several distinct rolls that jiggled with even the slightest movement. His lips were plump and perpetually moist, framed by the deep creases of his overindulgence.

Kell's belly was the most dominant feature of his body, a massive, sagging dome that protruded far in front of him. It hung low, almost to his knees when he attempted to stand, creating a cavernous overhang where his navel, now an expansive, stretched pit, was lost amidst the rolls of fat. His chest had transformed into enormous, sagging breasts that rested heavily on the swell of his belly. Each one was veined and marked by the passage of time and excess, their weight pulling at his shoulders and back.

His thighs were colossal, wider than his former waist, dimpled and rippled with cellulite. They pressed together tightly, even when he floated, their sheer mass making movement difficult. His calves were now indistinguishable from his ankles, which had disappeared into the bulging flesh of his lower legs. His feet, swollen and fat, barely peeked out from beneath the layers of his bloated legs.

Despite the physical enormity and immobility, Kell's mind was sharp, perhaps even sharper than before. The betrayal and the ensuing revolution had ignited a fire within him, giving him a new sense of purpose. He had come to terms with his physical state, accepting it as a consequence of his previous life of excess and as a symbol of his transformation.

As Scull approached him, her body glowing with strength, Kell felt a surge of love and admiration. She had retained her grace, even as she bore the marks of her pregnancies. Her red skin still shimmered with health, her belly firm and proud. The stretch marks had faded to a soft pink, a testament to her resilience.

Scull, despite having borne twins, maintained her formidable physique. Her muscles, toned and powerful, rippled beneath her skin. Her belly, once taut with pregnancy, had returned to a state of firmness, showcasing her disciplined lifestyle. Her breasts, though fuller from nursing, remained high and firm. Her hips and thighs had filled out, adding to her allure without compromising her strength. She moved with a grace that belied her strength, every step a testament to her indomitable spirit.

"Good morning, Noro," she said softly, placing a gentle hand on one of his flabby arms.

Kell's eyes, filled with love and contentment, turned to her. "Good morning, Scull."

She floated beside him, her presence a comforting balm. "The children are eager to see you. They’ve been asking about the stories you promised to tell them."

Kell smiled, a deep sense of fulfillment washing over him. "Bring them in. I have so many stories to share."

Scull nodded, her heart swelling with pride. Together, they had built a new world, one where their children could thrive. The reach was free, and their future was bright.

As Scull left to gather the children, Kell gazed out at the stars. His body may have been a testament to his past indulgences, but his spirit was unbroken. He had found a new purpose, a new life, and a new world to cherish.
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