Plot Thickening

  By 31415926535897

Chapter 1

It’s only been a few minutes since she was up and using the toilet “this is the last time baby” she called down the hallway. “Walls are closing in on me more and more each day” she was again placing the blame on the unchanged. I loved her for that just-enough-denial she had about her life. “Can you come and help me?” I make my way down the generously wide pathways around the house, grabbing a bottle of dressing on my way. “Coming babe, ranch in hand!” I come upon her, door open and even with the exhaust fan on, she shoots me a dejected but relieved look “ oy, I’m glad this are the last trips” she’s been talking like this for a week now, knowing her time as a mostly mobile woman was nearing its end. Emily was coming up on almost 800 pounds and at her 5 foot two frame. It just wasn’t something she could sustain upright much longer. “I know the relief you’re seeking” I would say to her not really understanding, as an incredibly fit male what it is to be so abundantly limited, or, anchored by one’s own body. “Hand me the bottle please” I willingly unwrap untwist the top and hand it to her almost directly to her lips. She drains the full bottle before I even get a chance to take a few breaths. “Damn babe, you take your snack hydration seriously.” I dryly tease her. She can’t help it. She needs calories all the time, and I was always willing to give them to her. “Ok, it’s ready for recycling” she hands me the bottle, wipes her lips and starts her rocking-to-get-her huge body close to vertical. I move to brace her, offering her my hands; ”one two three!” I count for her, helping her get up and get a hand on her walker. “Whew” that’s about as much conversations. I’m expecting to hear from her until we can get her down the hall and back into her bedroom.” the lift comes at the end of the week. I think we can get it installed over the weekend.” She smiles as she lowered herself via the handrails onto her couch. I turned to walk over to her, doing my best to spread my arms and embrace as much of her as possible. My let’s find hers and I kiss her deeply, the ranch makes me want to have a salad. “ babe I’m gonna make some food. What would you like?” She takes a few breaths, coughs and says “I could go for a bag of chips and a tub of crab salad babes.” I knew what she wanted. Two family bags of cape cod chips and 2lbs of crab and dressing, enough for a 20 person hors d'oeuvres serving at a party, but for her, it’s just a quick lunch.
About 45 minutes later, after Emily woke up, she does tend to pass out after each meal for a bit, I was walking back over to help her wake up right. "Here you go babe, wet wipes and a bottle of shake, I think its strawberry today" She yawns, smiles at me and reaches out, "thanks babe ::wipes off face hands and chest:: ::flips open the tumbler and enjoys some:: oh wow babe, that is smooth! what's the calorie count?" I smile, Its going to be impressive when I tell her and I know that's going to end well for me. "oh its about 3000 calories for that half gallon" I chuckle a little as her eyes widen and her face lights up. Without breaking eye contact she lifts the bottle to her lips and without rushing, but as efficiently as possible, she drains it. She takes it away from her lips, and raising it towards me coyly utters; "More" . Watching her arm unfold for me, always seems to be in slow motion, witnessing her upper arm lifting off her wideness. Her forearm, extending from what looks like a bag of flesh that is her upper arm. Her wrists, are highly defined by how much of a sausage her forearms look like. Her arms alone would send many a person to a cold shower. Emily calls her body a canvas, one that she asked me to take dominion over and expand as she sees fit. "of course, anything for her plumpness" I return from the kitchen a moment later with more shake "this one is freshly made, chocolate, same calories and all, enjoy my dear" She reaches out, those amazing arms, she has to work so hard to reach with them, I think that her days of feeding herself may be coming to an end. It is sexy to watch her try so hard.
1 chapter, created 2 weeks , updated 2 weeks
2   1   1145


Chrysophase2003 1 week
Good story; needs polishing. Maybe expand on the descriptions, surroundings, and imaginings of the future? She's huge, but what more does he want? Also, hit me up if you need an editor. I've got time.