Udderly enslaved: from vibrant to bovine

Chapter 2: Exploring Fantasies

The weeks following their initial revelation were transformative for Kim. What started as a hesitant step into Wes's world had grown into a thrilling journey that brought them closer than ever. Kim found herself increasingly drawn to the playful nature of their new dynamic and the affection it sparked in Wes.

Standing in front of a full-length mirror, Kim took in her reflection. Her tan skin glowed under the soft light, and her long, dark hair cascaded down her back in waves. Her cow print lingerie clung to her curves, with her large breasts spilling intentionally out of the edges of the bra. Her chubby tummy jiggled slightly as she moved, and her strong, tan legs, honed from years of running and track, stood firm and shapely.

She started by replacing all her underwear with cow print lingerie. The soft, black-and-white patterned fabric became a constant part of her daily attire. It wasn't long before she expanded her wardrobe further, adding cow print tops that she wore under her clothes, teasing Wes with glimpses throughout the day.

Kim discovered a newfound confidence in her appearance. She felt sexy and powerful, her playful teasing turning into a seductive game that she and Wes enjoyed immensely. The milking sessions, initially a strange and unfamiliar experience, began to feel more intimate and exciting. Wes soon bought breast pumps for Kim, enabling her to do it herself. The physical sensation of being milked, combined with the intensity of Wes's fetish-fueled passion, led to mind-blowing sex that left Kim yearning for more.

One evening, after a particularly passionate encounter, Wes brought up the next step in their journey. They lay together in the afterglow, Kim's head resting on Wes's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

"Kim," Wes began softly, his fingers gently tracing patterns on her arm, "I wanted to ask you something. But please, feel free to say no if you're not comfortable."

Kim looked up at him, curiosity in her eyes. "What is it, Wes?"

He took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you would be willing to gain a little weight. Just twenty pounds or so. I think it would really enhance the experience for both of us."

Kim was silent for a moment, processing his request. She had always been conscious of her weight, but the idea of gaining weight as part of their shared fantasy intrigued her. She trusted Wes and had seen how much happier and more passionate he had become since they started exploring his fetish.

"Twenty pounds, huh?" she said, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "You really think it would make a difference?"

Wes nodded, his eyes filled with hope. "I do. But only if you're comfortable with it, Kim. I don't want to push you into anything you don't want to do."

Kim considered it for a moment. She had come to enjoy the extra attention and the way their relationship had deepened. The idea of gaining weight for Wes, of indulging in their fantasy even further, was strangely appealing.

"Alright," she said finally. "Let's do it. I'll gain the twenty pounds."

Wes's face lit up with a smile, and he kissed her passionately. "Thank you, Kim. This means so much to me. We'll take it slow, and if at any point you want to stop, just let me know."

Kim nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. "Deal."

The next few weeks saw a subtle shift in their routine. Wes began preparing more indulgent meals, encouraging Kim to enjoy second helpings and late-night snacks. He lavished her with attention, making her feel cherished and adored. Kim found herself enjoying the process, the extra food, and the way her body began to change.

She noticed the weight gain first in her breasts, which became fuller and heavier. Wes's delight at her growing curves fueled her own excitement, and she found herself looking forward to their time together more and more. Her thighs and hips also began to expand, adding to her already voluptuous figure.

Kim started to enjoy the added softness, the way her body felt more sensual and inviting. She embraced the changes, finding confidence in her new shape and the way Wes couldn't keep his hands off her.

Their milking sessions became even more intense, the added weight making Kim's breasts more sensitive and responsive. The combination of physical pleasure and the deep connection she felt with Wes made every encounter exhilarating.

One evening, after a particularly satisfying dinner, Kim stood in front of the mirror, examining her reflection. She had gained nearly fifteen pounds, her body looking curvier and more voluptuous. The weight made subtle changes: her thighs now touched, her cheeks were slightly more chubby, and her face had a rosy glow. She turned to Wes, who was watching her with adoration in his eyes.

"What do you think?" she asked, striking a playful pose.

Wes walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "I think you're incredible, Kim. Thank you for doing this. You have no idea how much it means to me."

Kim smiled, leaning back into his embrace. "I'm starting to enjoy it too. I love the way you look at me, the way you make me feel."

Wes kissed her neck, his hands roaming over her curves. "I'm glad you have been enjoying it. I got you something."

Wes pulled out a bag containing plastic horns, a small bell, and a plastic nose ring.

Kim saw the horns and thought they were adorable. She felt a mix of excitement and curiosity as she examined the items in the bag.

As the weeks turned into months, Kim continued to gain weight, embracing her new role and the pleasure it brought both her and Wes. She loved the way her body felt, the way her curves filled out the cow print lingerie and tops she wore. The extra attention from Wes, the intimate moments they shared, and the deepening of their bond made every pound worth it.
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