Udderly enslaved: from vibrant to bovine

Chapter 3: Embracing Change

Kim's transformation continued over the next several months, guided by Wes's indulgent care. His meals grew richer and more decadent, each dish designed to encourage her weight gain. He took great pleasure in preparing lavish dinners, sumptuous desserts, and irresistible snacks, all tailored to Kim's tastes. His enthusiasm was contagious, and Kim found herself eagerly anticipating each meal, enjoying the sensation of her body growing softer and more voluptuous.

Wes's attentiveness didn't stop at food. One day, he told Kim that he had begun adding lactation enhancements to her diet, subtly introducing ingredients that would encourage her milk production. Not wanting to spoil what they had, Kim didn't argue, although she felt like actually producing milk felt weird and a bit much for roleplay. Kim noticed the changes in her breasts almost immediately. They felt fuller, heavier, and more sensitive. The milking sessions became a regular part of their routine, soon dribbles of soft white milk started to appear.

One evening, after a particularly indulgent dinner, Wes handed Kim a new shake. "I made this just for you," he said with a smile. "It's a weight gain shake, full of everything you need to reach your goal."

Kim took the shake, her curiosity piqued. She trusted Wes implicitly, and she had come to enjoy the changes in her body. The shake was delicious, rich and creamy, and she drank it down eagerly.

"How is it?" Wes asked, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"It's amazing," Kim replied, licking her lips.

Wes's smile widened, and he pulled her into a loving embrace. "I'm glad you like it. There's plenty more where that came from."

"Honestly, Wes," Kim exclaimed, "if it tasted this good, I could drink a gallon of it if it would make me too fat. But we shouldn't go too far."

As the weeks passed, Kim's body continued to change. She had fully embraced her new lifestyle, finding pleasure in the indulgence and the way her body responded to Wes's care. Wes took her jest seriously and made sure there was always a gallon of the shake prepared in the fridge. Whenever Kim asked for something to drink, he would also bring a shake, even when she asked for a glass of water. "I forgot and didn't want to waste it," he would say. Her breasts became even larger, heavy with milk, and once small dribbles became streams. Her curves grew more pronounced. The weight gain was noticeable, but Kim felt more confident and sensual than ever before.

One morning, Kim stood in front of the mirror, examining her reflection. She had gained more than the initial twenty pounds Wes had suggested, and the changes were evident. Her once slightly chubby figure had graduated to the fat territory, filling out the cow print lingerie and tops she wore. Her breasts were enormous, heavy with milk, with small wet patches forming around her now prominent nipples. Her hips had started to widen, with large thighs now showing signs of cellulite. Her once chubby tummy was now a round gut that bounced whenever she moved. She worried about how much she was gaining so quickly.

Kim spoke out loud to no one, her voice filled with anxiety. "This is getting out of hand. How did I gain so much weight so fast? I thought it was just a little fun, but this is too much. I need to talk to Wes." She ran her fingers along the red stretch marks forming on her belly.

Wes walked into the room, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her. "You look incredible, Kim," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

Kim turned to him, a playful smile on her lips. "All thanks to you," she replied, striking a pose, trying to hide her concern.

Wes approached her, his hands roaming over her curves. "You are perfect," he said softly.

Kim leaned into his touch, enjoying the sensation of his hands on her body. "Why don't you give me a moo?" Wes inquired.

Kim uneasily replied, "A what?"

"A moo," Wes repeated.

Kim laughed, giving him a soft moo in between giggles.

Wes laughed too. "We'll work on it."

As the weeks turned into months, Wes never stopped making his indulgent meals for Kim. He continued to add lactation enhancements to her food and weight gain shakes to her diet. Kim never asked him to stop or complained. She found herself enjoying the sensation of being milked, the intimacy it brought to their relationship, and the way it made her feel. However, as Kim's weight gain spiraled out of control, her body growing softer and more out of shape with each passing day, she began to feel the consequences. Her movements became slower and more laborious, and her energy levels dropped significantly. Her job became increasingly difficult, and she started to receive concerned comments from her family and friends about her health and appearance.

One evening, as they lay together in bed after a large meal, Kim decided to talk to Wes about her concerns. "Wes, I need to talk to you about something," she began, her voice hesitant.

Wes looked at her, concern etched on his face. "What is it, Kim?"

"I've been thinking... maybe we should slow down a bit. I love how you take care of me and how our relationship has grown, but I'm starting to struggle with my mobility and my job. And my family... they don't understand. They're worried about me."

Wes listened intently, nodding. "I understand, Kim. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or unhappy. We can find a middle ground that works for both of us. Your health and well-being are the most important things to me."

Kim smiled, relieved by his understanding. "Thank you, Wes. I just need to find a balance that works for us."

Wes kissed her forehead, holding her close. "We'll figure it out together."

Despite his words, Wes had no intention of slowing down Kim's transformation. He was too invested in the fantasy, too captivated by the changes in her body. He continued to add the enhancements to her food and make the weight gain shakes, increasing the portions subtly so that Kim wouldn't notice. He even began to alter the shakes, making them green and less sweet to hide the increased calories and added lactation enhancements. Unbeknownst to Kim, he also started adding mild depressants to keep her subdued and compliant. He would lie, telling Kim that it's a weight loss shake made with spinach to make it green.

Kim's weight continued to climb, her body growing softer and rounder with each passing day. Her gut graduating into a full-on belly. Her breasts now starting to sag, she found it harder to move around, her joints aching under the strain of her added weight. Her thighs now constantly touched. Her job became impossible, and she eventually was fired for taking so many frequent bathroom breaks, which she didn't want to tell her boss she was pumping her breasts, also missing too many days sleeping in, causing her to be finnatul relying on Wes for everything.

Her family expressed their concern more and more, but Wes always found ways to reassure them or deflect their worries. He isolated Kim from her friends, keeping her world small and centered around him.

One evening, as they lay in bed, Kim tried once more to talk to Wes about slowing down. "Wes, I'm really struggling. I can't move like I used to, and I'm in pain all the time. I need a break."

Wes held her close, his tone soothing. "Kim, you've come so far already. Remember, we've made changes to help you. Are you sure you haven't been sneaking extra snacks or something? It's important to stay committed."

Kim frowned, feeling a pang of frustration. "I might have had a few extra snacks," she admitted. "But it's just... I don't know. It feels like the weight is piling on faster, and my breasts are producing more milk than ever. I can't keep up. I'm pumping them in the middle of the night now."

Wes chided gently, "Remember, Kim, pumping will only cause them to produce more."

Kim sighed, too exhausted and losing her thought process in the fog to argue further. "Okay, Wes. But please, let's find a way to make this more manageable. I'm really struggling here."

Wes nodded, pretending to be sympathetic. "I understand, Kim. Maybe we just need to tweak a few things. Maybe if we start walking? Let's not give up now."

Wes held Kim's hand, looking into her eyes. "I think maybe we could start with something you enjoy. How about we go for a walk at the mall? You love shopping, and it might be a fun way to get some exercise."

Kim hesitated, the thought of being in such a public space making her uneasy. "I'm not sure, Wes. I feel so self-conscious about my weight. What if people stare?"

Wes squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We'll go at a quiet time, and I'll be right there with you. Besides, you've always looked amazing, and nothing has changed that. Just think about the stores and all the things you love to browse."

Kim bit her lip, considering his suggestion. She did miss shopping, and the idea of regaining some control over her weight was appealing. "Okay, let's give it a try. But if I feel uncomfortable, we leave. Deal?"

"Deal," Wes agreed, kissing her forehead. "We'll take it one step at a time."
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