Udderly enslaved: from vibrant to bovine

Chapter 4: Let's go to the mall!

The next day, they went to the mall. To Kim's dismay, it was packed. She felt nervous, but Wes's presence helped calm her. Even the walk from the parking lot left her winded. "Wes, could we get a small ice cream to cool down?" she asked, panting slightly.

"Of course, Kim," Wes replied, guiding her to the nearest ice cream stand. He ordered a large shake instead, handing it to her with a reassuring smile. "This will help."

They strolled through the aisles, stopping at her favorite stores. Kim found herself getting lost in the joy of shopping, sipping on her large shake, her worries momentarily forgotten.

After a few hours, Kim started to feel the strain. Her legs ached, and her back hurt from carrying her added weight. "Wes, I need to sit down for a bit," she said, panting slightly.

"Of course," Wes replied, guiding her to a nearby bench. "You did great, Kim. I'm proud of you."

Kim smiled weakly, grateful for his support. "Thanks, Wes. I actually enjoyed it, even though it was exhausting."

"We can build up your stamina over time," Wes said encouragingly. "We'll do this at your pace."

Kim nodded, appreciating his understanding. "I like that idea. Maybe this is the start of finding that balance we talked about."

Wes kissed her forehead. "I'll get you something to drink. Stay here and rest."

As Kim sat on the bench, trying to catch her breath, she felt sweat trickling down her face. Her clothes clung to her body, highlighting every curve and roll. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice.

"Kim? Is that you?"

Kim looked up to see Emily, a woman from her old yoga class. Emily's eyes widened in shock. "Wow, Kim, I can't believe how... um, damn you're fat."

Kim forced a smile, feeling a pang of embarrassment. "Yeah, I've put on some weight."

Emily's eyes traveled over Kim's body, her expression a mix of pity and disdain. "Some weight? Kim, the last time I saw you, you were talking about losing some weight. Now you're here, fatter than ever. What happened?"

Kim's cheeks flushed, and she looked away. "It's complicated. I've been dealing with some things."

Emily shook her head, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Dealing with things by eating everything in sight, it seems. You used to be so active and fit. Now look at you. It's like you don't even care about yourself anymore."

Before Kim could respond, wet patches started to appear on her massive breasts, soaking through her top. Emily's eyes widened in shock and embarrassment. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Kim. I didn't realize you were pregnant. That explains a lot."

Kim looked down at her breasts, her face turning red with both shame and frustration. She struggled to form a sentence, her mind foggy and overwhelmed. "I... well, it's not... I'm not..."

Emily's face turned an even deeper shade of red. "Oh, I see. Well, um, there's a class for women in your condition. It's for new mothers and... others who need help losing weight. Maybe you should check it out."

Kim felt tears welling up in her eyes, unable to respond. She was too humiliated and overwhelmed by Emily's words and her own helplessness. Emily, not understanding, still tried to comfort the fat and pregnant-looking Kim. "May I touch? They say it's good luck," she said, reaching out to touch Kim's fattened belly.

As Wes returned with a large shake-like drink and two bags from the vitamin store full of his supplies, he noticed the distressed look on Kim's face. He handed the drink to Kim and turned to Emily, whose hand was still rubbing Kim's fattened belly.

"Excuse us, but we have reservations to meet, and in Kim's condition, it takes her longer to get around," Wes said firmly, guiding Kim away from the bench.

As they walked away, Emily shouted congratulations, waving goodbye as Wes led Kim to a restaurant where she would eat her embarrassment.

The incident at the mall lingered in Kim's mind, her confidence shattered by Emily's cruel words. Despite the positive experience of shopping, the encounter left a lasting impact on her self-esteem. Kim never wanted to go back, ending her plans.

As the days turned into weeks, Kim's weight continued to climb. Her once fat figure had fully transformed into a heavy, round body. Her movements became slower, and her energy levels plummeted. Wes's meals grew even richer, and the shakes more potent.

One evening, as they lay in bed, Kim felt a surge of frustration and helplessness. "Wes, I'm trying so hard, but it feels like I'm fighting a losing battle. I just keep getting bigger and more tired."

Wes stroked her hair, his voice soothing. "You're doing great, Kim. Remember, it's all part of the process. We're in this together, and we'll figure it out."

Kim sighed, too exhausted to argue. "I just want to feel like myself again."

"You will," Wes promised, holding her close. "Just trust me."

As the months passed, Kim's transformation deepened. Her world shrank to the confines of their home, her identity slowly eroding as she became more engrossed in the fantasy Wes had created for her. Her mind getting more and more foggy, forgetting simple things like conversations and daily tasks. Wes helped her more and more, taking over responsibilities she could no longer manage.

One evening, as they lay in bed, Wes gently stroked her hair. "Kim, you make me so happy," he said softly. "Thank you for everything you do."

Kim looked up at him, her eyes glazed with exhaustion and a hint of confusion. "I love you too, Wes," she murmured, her voice faint.

Wes kissed her forehead, holding her close. "I love you too, Kim. Always."

As Kim drifted off to sleep, she felt a strange mix of emotions. She was happy in her own way, but a small part of her still remembered the woman she used to be. That part of her grew smaller and quieter with each passing day, overshadowed by the all-consuming fantasy that had taken over her life.

She woke up at 3 a.m. with her breasts painfully full. Kim trudged to the living room and began pumping them, feeling the familiar relief as the milk flowed. She opened the freezer and grabbed a tub of ice cream. Sitting on the couch, she ate directly from the tub, regretting ever agreeing to Wes's small requests that had turned her life upside down. Her exhaustion overwhelmed her, and she drifted off to sleep, the pump still attached.

Wes found her in the morning, the sight of her asleep with the pump still running stirring a dark pleasure within him. From that moment, he dropped the charade. He began feeding Kim without concern for her thoughts or well-being, driven by his own desires.
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