Udderly enslaved: from vibrant to bovine

Chapter 5: Accepting Fate

Two years had passed since Kim went to the mall. What had started as a harmless bedroom play, driven by Wes's deepening desires, had become a horrendous transformation. Family and friends had started avoiding Kim, unable to reconcile the vibrant woman they once knew with the incoherent, almost unrecognizable figure she had become.

Wes had watched in awe and fascination as Kim's body slowly evolved into the embodiment of his fantasies. Tonight, as he called her to the bedroom for another night of passion, he reflected on the changes that had taken place.

"Kim, are you ready?" Wes called from their bedroom, his voice filled with anticipation after yet another lavish feast.

A moment later, he heard her raspy, out-of-breath response from the living room. "Coming... Hard... to... move."

Wes felt a rush of excitement as he watched Kim shuffle into the room. Her transformation was awe-inspiring, and she had become the very essence of his deepest desires.

Kim's body had changed drastically over the years, becoming not much more than a storage of fat and milk that fulfilled every aspect of Wes's fetish. Her face was now round and fattened, with chubby, doughy cheeks that framed her features. Jowls hung from her face, giving her a look of perpetual softness. Kim's golden nose ring glinted in the soft light, a symbol of her permanent transformation. Her eyes, once bright and lively, now appeared tired and defeated, swollen eyelids adding to the impression of weariness. Her once silky black hair was now greasy and spotted with gray hairs, with plastic horns sticking from the matted mass. She was completely unrecognizable from the woman in the photo on the wall.

Her legs were thick, misshapen columns of fat, covered in varicose veins. Saddle bags hung from each side, creating an uneven, lumpy appearance. Her small feet were nearly swallowed by her expanding cankles, causing her to shuffle slowly and laboriously. Each step produced a rhythmic 'clank click' from the bell around her neck, a constant reminder of her transformation.

Kim's arms had become flabby and loose, the skin sagging to form large bingo wings that flapped with each movement. Her once capable hands were now small and plump, with thick, sausage-like fingers that struggled with delicate tasks. Despite these changes, Wes found her more enticing than ever.

Her belly was a grotesque testament to her transformation, split just above her belly button to form two prominent, jiggling mounds. The lower roll hung heavily, almost touching her knees, and her deep cavernous belly button was hidden within. The skin of her abdomen was covered in deep, red stretch marks, evidence of the rapid and uncontrolled weight gain she had undergone.

Kim's breasts were engorged and heavy with milk, hanging low on her chest and swaying with her every step. They were riddled with veins, and her large, engorged nipples pointed downwards, a result of constant pumping. The skin of her breasts was stretched and marked with countless stretch marks, a map of her body's expansion.

Her entire body had become a canvas of stretch marks and cellulite, dimply and sagging skin covering every inch. The small bell around her neck rang softly with each movement, adding to the surreal nature of her appearance. Every step was accompanied by the sound of her flesh rubbing together, a reminder of the immense changes her body had undergone.

The cow print tattoo covering several open places of flesh that Wes had insisted on getting was prominently displayed, a permanent mark of her new identity. But with these transformations came serious health issues that Kim had begun to endure. The most concerning was the mental fog she now lived in, unable to hold a conversation very long and struggling with memory problems. Reading, which she once loved, could no longer hold her attention, and she spent long hours watching TV.

Her once-strong heart now struggled under the strain of her massive size, leaving her frequently short of breath and easily fatigued. Her joints ached constantly, especially her knees and ankles, which bore the brunt of her weight. Varicose veins on her legs caused her discomfort, and her skin was often itchy and irritated from the constant friction and stretching.

As Kim entered the room, her large cow print bikini bottoms were completely hidden from the front, swallowed by the folds of her fat. Wes insisted that this was all she wore. She finally made it to the bed, her breathing labored and her movements slow. Wes's member swelled with both lust and desire as he watched her.

Wes began to kiss her gently, his hands fondling her enormous, sagging breasts. Kim's skin was warm and soft under his touch, and he felt her shudder with pleasure. He helped her onto all fours on the bed, her massive belly resting heavily on the mattress. He then hooked her large, engorged breasts up to the pumps, the rhythmic suction starting almost immediately. Kim's mind immediately went blank, following whatever direction Wes gave.

Kim moaned softly as the pumps worked on her breasts, her body trembling with anticipation. Wes positioned himself behind her, slipping his hard cock into Kim's large ass, his strong muscular body being engulfed by each massive cheek, aligning his movements to the rhythm of the pumps. Each thrust sent waves of blubber crashing back and forth, her body struggling to remain upright under the strain. Kim felt not only the intense pleasure but also the physical strain her body constantly endured, her mind going numb from both.

Her muscles ached, her joints throbbed, and her heart pounded in her chest as Wes moved in sync with the pumps. The mixture of pleasure and pain heightened her sensations, making every touch, every movement, more intense. She could feel the strain on her body, the sheer effort it took to maintain her position, but it only seemed to amplify the pleasure.

Finally, Kim felt herself reaching the peak of ecstasy. Her entire body tensed, and she let out a deep, guttural moo as she climaxed. The sound echoed through the room, primal and raw, and it sent Wes over the edge as well. He climaxed almost instantly, his movements becoming frantic and uncontrolled.

Kim collapsed on the bed, her body spent and trembling. Her heart raced, her breathing heavy and labored. The rhythmic pumps still worked away.

As Kim's body attempted to recover, Wes ran his hand across her body, taking in his creation. "I was thinking," he began softly, "you don't have to if you don't want to, but I was thinking we could get you a stall for the garage? It should make milking and sex easier for you. And it will add more to the roleplay."

An exhausted and absentminded Kim struggled to remember her former self. The vibrant, active woman she had once been was now a distant memory, replaced by the massive, immobile figure she had become. Starting to believe she was just always this fat. Despite the exhaustion, a deep-seated arousal surged within her, an undeniable urge that had grown stronger with each passing day.

Kim's tired eyes met his, filled with exhaustion and a hint of despair, yet also reflecting the strange thrill she felt at the ruination of her once-perfect body and strong mind. She tried to speak, her thoughts slow and muddled. "Wes... maybe... We..... The... Middle..."

Wes gently shushed her, stroking her hair. "I'll go get you a shake to cool you down," he said soothingly.

As Wes left the room, Kim's thoughts drifted, barely coherent. She tried to grasp onto memories of her former life, but they slipped through her fingers like sand. The woman she used to be was gone, replaced by the embodiment of Wes's deepest desires. And though a part of her mourned that loss, another part of her was oddly content, finding comfort in the routine and the attention Wes lavished upon her.

For a brief moment, Kim's mind cleared. She attempted to stand, intending to tell Wes she was done and wanted to stop, but her body failed her. She fell, the slap of fat hitting the floor echoing through the room. Wes heard the noise and rushed back to check on her. Kim, unable to form any sentences after the fall, looked up at Wes with fear and complete resignation. The incident was all Wes needed to prove Kim would need more care than he could provide alone.

"Kim, don't worry," Wes whispered, helping her back onto the bed. "We'll get you the help you need. I promise."

But as Wes cradled her, the reality of their situation settled in. Kim was now entirely dependent on him, and the vibrant woman she once was had been lost to the depths of his fetish.
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