Udderly enslaved: from vibrant to bovine

Chapter 7 - Epilogue: Herd

The first time Lisa saw Kim, she could barely control herself. She immediately ran over to Kim, who struggled to understand who this woman was. Kim's eyesight had started to fade, and her vision was blurry. However, she could just make out the gorgeous blonde woman approaching her.

Lisa was a stunning sight, her body adorned with tattoos of cows and cow-related themes. Her long, golden hair fell in waves around her shoulders, and her skin was smooth and flawless. Her breasts were massive, G cups that bounced slightly with each step she took around Kim's body. The tattoos on her arms and legs depicted cow spots, udders, and even small bells, adding to her unique and captivating appearance.

Kim was in her stall, where Wes kept her most of the time, only taking her out when her folds needed cleaning. Her once vibrant and active body was now a grotesque shadow of its former self. A heart monitor was attached to her chest, the steady beeping a constant reminder of her fragile state. An oxygen hose was inserted into her nose, helping her labored breathing as her body struggled to support its immense weight.

Wes introduced Lisa and Kim. "Lisa, this is Cow," he said with a twisted smile. "Cow, meet Lisa. She's here to help take care of you."

Lisa's eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in Kim's form. "She looks nothing like the woman in the before pictures," she commented, her voice filled with awe. "It's incredible how much she's changed. Her body is like a living testament to transformation. The weight, the stretch marks, the sheer size of her... it's unbelievable."

Lisa glanced at Wes, her curiosity piqued. "What about her health issues? What has she developed?"

Wes nodded. "Well, the two most concerning ones are her heart issues and her type 2 diabetes. Her heart struggles to keep up with the strain of her weight, hence the heart monitor. And the diabetes is a result of her constant overfeeding. She also suffers from joint pain, particularly in her knees and ankles, which bear the brunt of her weight."

Lisa's eyes gleamed with a mix of admiration and excitement. "I can't wait to help take care of her. This is going to be amazing."

As Lisa and Wes chatted about Kim's transformation, the feeding pump suddenly kicked on. The rich, creamy shake began to flow through the hose in Kim's mouth, and her moans echoed through the stall. Lisa watched in fascination as Kim's body reacted to the feeding, her eyes fluttering and her breathing becoming more labored.

"She's perfect," Lisa said, her voice barely above a whisper. "You've done an amazing job with her, Wes."

Wes nodded, his eyes filled with pride. "She's everything I ever wanted. And now, with your help, she'll be even better."

"And you said she did all of this willingly?" Lisa asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Wes chuckled. "She did, at first. She loved the attention and the intimacy. But now, well, her mind has regressed so much she doesn't really understand anything anymore. She's just a simple-minded cow, focused on eating, being milked, and whatever else I decide."

Lisa bounced on her heels, causing her massive breasts to wobble. "What does her family think of the woman she is today? Have they seen her in this state?"

Wes smirked. "Her family disowned her after last Christmas when she ate the entire meal while we were out shopping. They were horrified when they found her on all fours, devouring stuffing from a large pan. She didn't even stop to acknowledge us watching from the door."

Lisa looked over Kim's body, shaking her head in amazement. "She really is a glutton, huh?"

Wes nodded. "I even sent them a Christmas card last year with her set up in her stall. You should have heard the voicemail her mother left."

"Well, why don't you head over to her old room? There's a surprise for you on her bed," Wes said.

As the feeding pump continued its work, Kim's moans grew louder, echoing through the garage. Her eyes fluttered closed, her body trembling as it struggled to process the influx of calories. A few moments later, Lisa returned, her body now dressed in a cow print bikini that hugged her fit form perfectly. Her large breasts were barely contained, the fabric stretched tight over her curves. Her toned stomach and legs contrasted sharply with Kim's bloated, sagging form. Wes stared at her with a lustful gaze.

"You look stunning, Lisa," Wes said, his voice thick with desire.

"Thank you," Lisa replied, posing provocatively in front of Kim, who was now barely aware of her surroundings.

Kim lay there, unaware of the future plans Wes had for her. Her transformation was complete, and she was now nothing more than a tool for Wes's pleasure, her mind and body irrevocably altered to fit his fantasies.

As Lisa moved closer to Kim, she placed a gentle hand on her swollen belly, feeling the rhythmic pumping and the slight vibrations of Kim's moans. Kim's mind, although regressed, still registered the soft touch. She felt the warmth of Lisa's hand and the subtle pressure of her fingers tracing the stretch marks on her distended abdomen. The sensation was strange, almost comforting, and her body responded with a slight shiver. Kim's glazed eyes looked over at Lisa.

"You're right, Wes," Lisa said softly. "She's perfect." Lisa then started talking sweetly to Kim, her voice gentle and soothing. "You're such a good cow, aren't you? I wish I had known you before. Wes tells me you were so smart. Too bad you couldn't see this coming before, huh? You're doing so well. We're going to take such good care of you. I can't wait for our first night alone. I'm going to run that pump until your stomach rejects the extra shake and pleasure myself to the sight of you for hours." Lisa's tone was loving, but her words were twisted. Kim reacted lovingly to the attention, trying to lean into her touch, not understanding anything Lisa said, just hearing the loving tone. As Lisa talks to Kim she caresses her fatten face, and stroking her hair a tag on her ear catches her eye, "Oh my God, you even tagged her." On Kim's left ear Wes had stamped a custom ear tag through the top of her ear. CK1.

Wes smiled, his eyes never leaving Lisa's form. "Cow Kim 1. I try not to use her past name too much, sticking to CK1."

Kim's eyes fluttered open briefly, her vision hazy and unfocused. She could barely comprehend the figures standing above her, let alone the conversation. As Wes and Lisa started to make out with each other, their passion was a stark contrast to Kim's subdued existence.

Kim's eyes locked onto Wes when he started having sex with Lisa from behind in front of her. Kim's heart rate started rising just from the spectacle of Lisa's breasts falling out of her cow print bikini. Her vision blurred and began to fade as Wes saw his cow slowly drift into a dream.

"You know, Lisa," Wes said with a smirk, "I was thinking maybe we could see how your udders would do with a few small pumping sessions. We don't have to do too many if you don't like it."

Lisa, turning her head back, replied eagerly, "Yes, please, milk me, Wes." Her voice was filled with desire, causing both of them to climax.

As Kim drifted into unconsciousness, Lisa went to get more shake for the storage. Wes walked over to Kim, his tone harsh. "What do you think of her? I have a feeling she will make a great stall partner for you. She might be a bit smarter than you, though. Might need to use more aggressive tactics for her."

Wes then grabbed one of Kim's udders, lifting it up and placing his mouth on her engorged nipple. He took a large pull of her sweet milk, causing Kim distress. She shuddered, the sensation of the sudden release and the rough handling sending waves of discomfort through her body. Wes dropped the udder, and Kim whimpered, the pain and pressure from the sudden drop adding to her distress.

"I should really start bottling this," Wes mused, wiping his mouth. "The online market would go crazy for it." He turned off the light, leaving Kim back in the darkness of her new future. As the door closed, the sound of Wes and Lisa's laughter echoed, a haunting reminder of the life she had been forced into, the shake still being pumped.
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