Kelly's Pampered Beer Belly (visual Story)

  By PffedUp  

Chapter 1 - Kelly's Belly

FULL STORY on Deviantart:

Kelly hadn't always been a glutton.

She had once been slim-thick, which was how she had earned her job as a hostess.

She was half Asian, with dainty light skin and glossy hair that spilled down to her middle back. Her nails were long acrylics that matched the colour of her mood, complimented by striking brown eyes, a gental nape and slender neck.

She owned an array of tight grey dresses exclusively for work, all of which hugged her curves...

...especially her ass, which jiggled as she walked guests to their tables.

This caught the attention of the bartenders, the bar being on the way to the general seating area giving them a perfect view of Kelly's titanic rear and tits basically popping out of her dress whenever she moved.

The bartenders, male and female alike, wanted nothing more than to offer Kelly whatever she pleased. From her very first shift, they had called her over during quiet patches of the day whenever they got the chance.

"Kelly, right? Have a beer, it's on us! The managers don't care, they'd love to see you enjoying the product!"

Kelly had never been a beer person before working at the pub. But the bartenders were so friendly and persistent, not to mention amazing salespersons.

It didn't take long for her to crack, encouraged by the chants of chug! from the supporting cast of workers while she tipped her head backwards to drink the fizzy, heavy liquid.

They all laughed and cheered as she finished beer, after beer, after beer... by the end of her shift, she was plastered. After completing a glass she would smile at everyone while holding her breath and fast-walk towards the empty keg room so she could rip a fleury of belches in private, hand on her delicate tummy and knees slightly bent to force as much air out as possible. The bartenders knew what was happening, however, and the fact that Kelly came back for more despite dealing with burping fits meant that she was beginning to enjoy having drinks funnelled her way.

Weeks went by, and Kelly continued to down countless beers, courtesy of the bartenders. Her alcohol tolerance went up as she did, three beers turning the four, then five, until finally plateauing at seven. At that point, her belly would be so bloated that she would be waddling around with a hand resting gently on the top of it, her overfilled gut protruding out from her tight outfit. Her strained stomach would slosh and churn as she moved, forcing burps to escape her plush lips. Despite this, she would put on a small smile and laboriously escort customers to their seats between beer breaks.

However, despite her permanently inflated stomach and expanding waistline, Kelly always made her way back for another beer.

Kelly had not been a big party girl during high school, nor a common drinker. The concept of beer was new to her, and hitting her like a truck. Thus, there were two key aspects of the addicting beverage that she was completely unaware of.

The first aspect was that beer, despite coming in the form of liquid, causes a drinker to plump up at an alarming rate.

Kelly's slim figure was beginning to widen out at all sides, starting at her hips and ass, then down her meaty thighs and up to her bulging breasts. Her face puffed up slightly, cheeks filling out, shoulders and neck gaining a small amount of extra padding. Finally, her midriff began to see the effects of her constant guzzling, belly expanding out in front of her, round and porky.

Over the course of many weeks, Kelly went from thick to chubby, dresses strained around her curves, threatening to blow. Her ass no longer jigged... now, it wobbled. Her tits gyrated whenever she moved her arms or head, the fabric confining them becoming as tight as spandex. Her rotund gut packed on the pounds with every drink that she finished, her thundering burps causing it to uncontrollably shake.

Her weight gain was not only rapid but increasingly noticeable due to her skimpy clothing.

The second aspect of beer that Kelly soon became accustomed to was that it gives you a voracious, insatiable appetite.

As soon as she was done gulping down her third drink of the night, Kelly was ready to eat her heart out. She didn't act on this urge immediately...after all, the bartenders only made the drinks and hadn't offered her free food. However, it would only take one unassuming evening for that to change...
1 chapter, created 1 week , updated 1 week
13   5   2116

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ABC123DoReMi 6 days
Great story and the art on your other site is even better.
Heyson1313 1 week
It’s a deactivated account :/
PffedUp 1 week
So odd, might work now?
Heyson1313 6 days
Yup! We’re good!
Joey95 1 week
The link is off
PffedUp 1 week
cheers should be fixed