The Resort

Chapter 1 - The beginning of the end

The office buzzed with the usual rhythm of typing keyboards and murmured conversations. As the clock neared the end of the workday, three women gathered around a cluttered desk in a corner, their faces lit up with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Melissa Harper, with her red hair pinned up in a loose bun, glanced up from her laptop with a shy smile. Her green eyes sparkled as she fiddled with the edge of a printed brochure. She wore a soft wool cardigan over a simple white blouse, her naturally slender figure and slightly curved hips hidden under layers of modesty. Melissa was known for her warmth and kindness, qualities that shone through especially when she was with her close friends.

“Well, we’ve finally booked the resort,” Melissa said, her voice barely rising above the office hum. “I can’t believe it’s really happening.”

Beside her, Laura Bennett rolled her eyes with a playful touch, her athletic figure evident even in casual office wear. Her dark hair was pulled back into a practical ponytail, and her energetic demeanor was palpable. Laura had an imposing stature and a determined presence that made her stand out. She was known for her passion for exercise, an aspect of her life that not only kept her in shape but also influenced her approach to life, always seeking new challenges.

“Of course it’s happening. We deserve it after all the stress from those quarterly reports,” Laura replied, her tone both blunt and enthusiastic. She tapped the edge of her coffee cup with a finger. “I’ve already planned some fitness classes at the resort. We need to stay active or we’ll come back rolling.”

On the edge of the group was Emily Moore, her long blonde hair falling in waves over her shoulders. Emily had an ethereal quality, her blue eyes always sparkling with mischief. Her relaxed style and infectious laughter contrasted with Laura’s meticulous energy. Emily was known for her carefree nature and love of parties, often living a life full of adventures and excesses, frequently getting favors, drinks, and attention due to her beauty and zest for life.

“Relax, Laura. It’s not a boot camp; it’s a vacation! We’re supposed to indulge a little,” Emily said with a playful wink. “I’ve heard they have the most amazing cocktails. And don’t even get me started on the food.”

As the final minutes of the workday approached, the trio’s excitement was palpable. They had spent weeks planning this trip to a luxurious all-inclusive resort, eager for a break from the monotony of their office jobs. Melissa’s heart raced at the thought of sunlit beaches and endless buffets, even as she grappled with her insecurities about the trip.

“I can’t wait to be there!” Emily exclaimed, waving her hands dramatically. “Just imagine, with the sand between our toes and no work worries.”

Laura nodded, though with a hint of concern. “Yes, but remember, I also want to make the most of the facilities. I want to come back with more muscle than I had when I arrived.”

“Relax, Laura,” Melissa said with a nervous laugh. “We’ll make time to relax too. I think we need it.”

“Definitely,” agreed Emily, taking Melissa’s hand affectionately. “This is exactly what we need, an escape from everything.”

The conversation continued with laughter and plans as the day came to an end. The three friends were excited about what lay ahead, each with their own expectations and hopes for the trip.

The air was warm as the sun began its slow descent, casting a golden glow over the vast resort. After hours of travel, Melissa, Laura, and Emily stepped out of their taxi, bags in hand, and stared in awe at the luxurious all-inclusive paradise that spread before them. Towering palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, framing the grand entrance to the resort, where smiling staff in crisp uniforms awaited their arrival.

Melissa’s reddish hair shimmered in the afternoon light, her fingers nervously clutching the strap of her duffel bag. She wore a simple white sundress that fluttered slightly in the wind, its loose fit modestly hiding her slender figure. Her green eyes scanned the area, marveling at the opulence, but an underlying sense of insecurity stirred within her. She glanced at Laura, who stood confidently beside her, and couldn’t help but compare their bodies. Laura’s toned legs and strong arms, the result of countless hours at the gym, seemed to emphasize Melissa’s more delicate frame.

“I can’t believe we’re finally here,” Melissa murmured, her voice a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Laura, dressed in a tight-fitting tank top and sporty shorts that showed off her muscular calves, grinned and stretched. Her dark hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, a clear statement of her active, no-nonsense attitude. She surveyed the grounds with a critical eye, already spotting the gym in the distance.

“This place is huge,” Laura said, a hint of determination in her voice. “I’m definitely checking out the fitness center first thing tomorrow.”

Emily was the last to exit the taxi, already fidgeting with her sunglasses and smoothing down her vibrant floral maxi dress, which hugged her curves in all the right places. Her long blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, and with her natural charm, she turned heads as she confidently strolled toward the entrance. Emily always had a way of drawing attention, and she thrived on it.

“I’m ready to hit the bar,” Emily said with a laugh. “What’s the point of an all-inclusive if you’re not going to indulge, right?”

Laura rolled her eyes, though her smile softened the gesture. “Just don’t go too crazy on the first night, Em. We’ve got a whole week ahead of us.”

Emily waved her off. “Please, I’ve got this under control.”

Inside the lobby, the resort was even more stunning. Gleaming marble floors, tropical flower arrangements, and towering chandeliers greeted the trio as they entered. Melissa marveled at the sheer elegance of it all while Laura made a mental note to stick to her workout regimen, despite the temptations that were sure to come. Meanwhile, Emily eyed the bar area with an eager grin, already imagining herself lounging by the pool with a cocktail in hand.

They were greeted by Sofía, the resort’s organizer, who approached them with a warm smile. Dressed in a flowing white dress with gold accents, Sofía exuded effortless grace, her dark hair tied back neatly. Her job was to ensure that guests felt welcome and cared for, and she had a way of making each one feel special.

“Welcome, ladies,” Sofía said with a slight bow of her head. “We’ve been expecting you. I hope your journey was pleasant. If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be making sure your stay here is unforgettable.”

As Sofía led them to the check-in desk, Melissa felt a small knot form in her stomach. She couldn’t shake the feeling of being out of place. Next to Emily’s glamorous confidence and Laura’s athletic strength, Melissa felt… plain. "Do I look good enough next to them?" she wondered silently, adjusting her dress self-consciously.

The check-in process was smooth, and soon, the three friends were given their room keys and welcome drinks. Emily, as usual, charmed the staff with her bright smile and friendly banter, ensuring they’d get the best service during their stay. It wasn’t long before they were shown to their rooms, each one more luxurious than the next, with balconies offering stunning ocean views.

As Melissa unpacked, she found herself lingering by the window, watching the waves crash against the shore. Despite the beauty of the place, her mind wandered to her own insecurities. She wondered how she would enjoy herself here while being constantly reminded of her differences compared to her friends. Emily had her captivating allure, and Laura, her perfect physique.

Would she find her place here, among all this indulgence?

Once the three friends had unpacked, they regrouped in the hallway, eager to explore. Melissa adjusted the strap of her dress once more as they made their way to the main lobby. The resort was even more impressive than the online photos had suggested.

Emily led the way, her steps light and excited, while Laura walked with her usual focused stride, her eyes scanning for potential fitness opportunities. Melissa followed behind, her gaze taking in everything—the sparkling pool outside, the lush gardens, and the smiling guests already lounging in the sun.

"Come on, let's see the pool area first," Emily urged, her hand waving toward the massive expanse of water visible through the wide windows.

As they reached the pool, the atmosphere became even more lively. Guests sipped colorful drinks while reclining on comfortable loungers, some laughing and chatting in groups, others lazily floating in the water.

Emily was quick to spot an open area by the bar and motioned for the others to follow her. As they approached, she turned on her charm. "Excuse me," she said with a playful wink to one of the bartenders, as she leaned over slyly to give him a good view of her boobs through her cleavage. "Any chance we could get a couple of drinks a little faster? We've been dying to get here all day."

The young bartender, slightly flustered by Emily’s directness and smile, nodded enthusiastically. "O...o...of course, miss, coming ri...right up!"

Laura raised an eyebrow at Emily’s ability to get what she wanted so easily, but couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her friend in action.

"Using your looks to get what you want, huh?" Laura teased, leaning against the bar.

Emily shrugged with a grin. "If you've got it, why not use it? Besides, it’s all part of the vacation experience, right?"

Melissa smiled quietly, though a familiar pang of insecurity hit her again. Watching Emily effortlessly turn heads made her wonder if she'd ever feel that confident. Despite being kind and approachable, Melissa had always felt invisible when it came to appearances, especially compared to her two friends.

When the drinks arrived—tropical cocktails with small umbrellas—they clinked their glasses together.

"To a week of relaxation," Emily said with a wink.

"And to staying in shape," Laura added pointedly, always focused on her goals.

Melissa raised her glass half-heartedly but couldn’t quite join in their enthusiasm. She hoped the resort’s soothing environment would eventually help her forget the nagging insecurities, but as she looked around at the other guests, she couldn’t help but notice how perfectly put together everyone seemed. She sighed inwardly, wondering how this week would truly unfold for her.

The day went on as the friends continued their exploration. Laura, ever the fitness enthusiast, took a mental note of the gym’s extensive equipment when they passed it. “I’ll be hitting this up tomorrow morning,” she said with a firm nod, her resolve as strong as ever. She wore a fitted tank top and shorts that showed off her defined muscles, further emphasizing her dedication to her physique.

Their final stop was the beach. Emily was already making plans to hit up the bar again later that night, while Laura continued talking about her workout schedule. Melissa, meanwhile, tried to focus on the soft sound of the waves, hoping the natural beauty around her would ease the tension she felt.

Still, the insecurities gnawed at her, even in the midst of paradise.
5 chapters, created 2 weeks , updated 14 hours
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Richman92 2 weeks
Very good beginning. Hopefully more chapters will come soon!