An easy way out ? part ii

Chapter 5

They wheeled her into the main hall, it was filled with variously obese girls. Some were still even able to stand on their legs and to waddle around only to sit back shortly after, out of breath. Then Amanda saw her, Lucy, her friend in this hell...

The once slim and gorgeous Asian girl was even fatter than she was, her gut easily occupying two thirds of her nearly melt together legs. Her breasts were the biggest things Amanda ever saw, perfectly round and probably the size of a watermelon on heavy doses of steroids. She had chins beyond count and her cheeks were so puffed, they seemed blown up. Her hospital gown was stretched to the max. Staring at her for a while unnoticed, she composed herself and asked the guards to bring her close to Lucy. When she saw Amanda, her amazingly fat lips turned into a smile :

- Hi there girlfriend, come closer that I can touch you to be sure I'm not dreaming, her once agile arms were literally blocked by all the fat built around them.

- Hello Lucy, said sadly Amanda. Look what they made of you...

- Oh actually it's not so bad, once you get used to it. And unlike most around here, I didn't wake up like this, I was conscious during all the process. Dr. Steins says that I have a strong resilience to anesthetics.

- Well, I'm not sure if you're so lucky. I couldn't only begin to imagine what you've been through, tears were again filling Amanda's eyes.

- Don't cry babe, believe me, I'd rather be like this and free in some month than old and flabby in forty years ! Said Lucy with a weaker smile.

Amanda tried a little smile for he friend and gave her a compassionate look while holding her overstuffed hand.

Then Dr. Stein raised her voice from behind them :

- So, ladies, since your last comrade finally woke, I'll finally explain to you the final stage of your reeducation, or “lardation” I should say. She was openly smiling.“She's enjoying this, this psychopath bitch.” Amanda thought to herself.

- So for now on, you'll be moved to a quarter more appropriated to your... let's say state, with less security, since obviously none of you could really run anymore. You'll be provided with electric chairs for the ones of you who couldn't walk by themselves. But since walking will soon not really be an option for all of you and since you all accepted freely to partake in this experiment, the State will kindly and freely provide all of you with nice wheels, I should say hogs. Chuckled the good doctor.

- Finally the last part with ask of you to come willingly to a nicer version of the feeding chamber to be filled up every day. For the still strong minded of you who might think you might escape this part, force feeding you, and you are all living testimonies of it, is not an option we will hesitate to use.

Dr. Stein continued for quite a while about all the details of their new quarters and about the effects of the drugs on their metabolisms to prevent any serious health risks. The mind of Amanda became to wander and to think about something to counter this madness. She looked at herself, now that she was fully awake and mistress of her wits again. She felt disgusted by her own body. Her belly was sagging underneath her robes, like some big pillow. Her once firm and round breast were nothing but two over sized water balloons, her legs were the size and the appearance of an small oak tree trunk and her arms were twice the size of what her legs used to be.

Rubbing her ugly belly sadly, she thought that her plan had to come quick before she turned into a piece of furniture on wheels.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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Karenjenk 7 years
I really liked this. I am kind of sub sometimes and this was amazing
Helveticus 12 years
well actually this is the end for this one. You can find more of my stories in my profile.