An easy way out ? part ii

Chapter 6

It has been three day since they installed them in their new “home”. Already three full session of being fed like ducks for foie gras and rolled back to their new improved huge chambers with all the commodities to avoid all excessive efforts.

Right after the last feeding session, Amanda, while caressing sadly her hyper inflated mid-section got struck by an idea. Since they were supposed to become weaker every day, the wardens wouldn't be too much on their guards, and due to their minimal security ward, she easily had access to the outdoors and the fences were nearly inexistent. Yes, it had to work ! She could escape this madness and maybe take Lucy with her. So every night, secretly, she started to exercise her body to her new weight to be able, if no to run, to walk on her own.

A week passed and she was already able to make quite fast steps and to carry her weight. Her muscle mass was slowly building up, even if she had to keep the pace of her ever increasing fat mass. She had to talk to Lucy about this, yes, this could actually work. She had to find her overly obese friend and talk to her about this plan. But the reality of the situation struck her. Lucy was already too fat to move alone, and didn't have the time to train. Still if Amanda could make it maybe she could reach the press and free all the other inmates of Dr. Stein's evil claws. But she had to talk about Lucy about this, maybe it would bring some of her old fighting spirit back.

She then asked her three days later to come with her to the garden to talk more freely :

- Ok, started Amanda, I have to talk to you about something, only you have to promise me not to tell anyone, not even the others.

- You know why I'm here, ratting is not watched kindly around me and now the round is even bigger ! She said with a grin.

- So, I want to break out, it has to be tomorrow morning before the feeding on the next changing of the guard. I'm not sure I would be physically able to do it in one more week, Amanda whispered.

- You can still walk ? Wow, you sure didn't make it easy to guess. Bravo ! Lucy seemed really impressed.

- Yes and if I don't have to do it more than one or two minutes I can even sort of run.

- Amanda Perkham, you definitely are full of resources. The Asian girl was definitely proud of her friend.

So Amanda told her about her plan, and also that she would try her best to free them. Anyway she was sure that none of this masquerade would be seen kindly by the public, to this Lucy had to agree while patting her huge belly.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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Karenjenk 7 years
I really liked this. I am kind of sub sometimes and this was amazing
Helveticus 12 years
well actually this is the end for this one. You can find more of my stories in my profile.