An easy way out ? part ii

Chapter 7

The morning came really fast for Amanda, she was already quite totally deflated (but still bigger than the previous morning) and ready as ever. She woke up earlier than the alarm feigning some back problems asked to be taken to the infirmary. Once there she invoked a nature call and quietly rolled to the toilets. The second part of the plan had to be swift, since she had a window of 10 minutes to reach the garden. So she reached for the janitors clothes she stole and hid the day before, the only one that fitted her. She stood up clumsily at first from her chair and started to walk, avoiding all cameras on her path.

She was at the door in disbelief, this has been exactly as planned. Only a short distance to the small fences and she will be out this hell. Once she reached them, the climbing took her a bit more time than she expected, but she did it anyway and still no one noticed her absence. Free... She was free finally ! She “runned” to the closest wall to hide behind it. Twenty more steps and she would disappear in the woods to reach the road nearby. A bit short of breath, she was still holding pretty good.

The woods were easier to cross than she thought since she was able to help herself with the trees. Then suddenly a strange feeling started to grow in her. At first she didn't mind much about it, but it soon started to get uncomfortable and finally it started to erode her stamina. Panting she saw the road so close, it gave her a second breath and she kept on going feeling sicker and sicker. The road was closer, twenty steps, ten steps, five steps... It was harder for her to concentrate but she still felt she could do it. Eventually she made it, freedom and still no signs of pursuers, when on her side she heard a shotgun being loaded :

- Well, Amanda, I must admit I'm really impressed. It was the voice of Dr. Stein

- Noooo, she yelled as the pain and dizziness were becoming unbearable.

- Oh yes, I see you weren't paying attention to my speech. The drugs we're giving you are highly addictive and the withdrawal is really efficient to avoid resistance, said the doctor calmly. Luckily for you, your friend prevented us of your little plan. Drugs are definitely the warden's best friend.

- Lucy sold me ? Amanda said faintly while falling on the ground in pain.

- Exchanged you more like, for a double feeding ration. I told you, drugs are the warden's best friend. Of course now that you broke our contract, normally I should send you directly to your old facility to make your twenty years. But since your failed escape revealed some weaknesses of the drugs, I would consider your act as part of the trials. But of course, your punishment should be exemplary to show that even in your condition escaping cannot be accepted...

The end the the doctor's speech didn't make it to Amanda's hears, she was again surrounded by a black cloud as she fainted.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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Karenjenk 7 years
I really liked this. I am kind of sub sometimes and this was amazing
Helveticus 12 years
well actually this is the end for this one. You can find more of my stories in my profile.