An easy way out ? part ii

Chapter 8

- Girls ! As you already know one of you broke our little... arrangement and tried to flee from our... hospitality, the severe voice of Dr. Irene Stern was resounding in the feeding room. The inmates were all already fed to the max, fully round and even some nearly spherical. Amanda's attitude toward justice is unacceptable in every prison, this one won't make the exception. But since confinement, is not really part of the experiment, I'm going to put miss Perkham to a new level of test. We injected her full of all our drugs, a heavy dose, and now you'll attend to her lard inflation. We'll inject her with three weeks of feeding matter for all of you combined. I want to take profit of this occasion to state that this will happen to every one of you who will try this little stunt, not that I think that any of you pigs will ever be able to do so. Please wake up the prisoner, she said to a tall muscular blond near her.

The guard injected Amanda with a liquid that woke her up, she blinked and tried to scream, but the feeding tube was firmly inserted down her throat, it even seemed wider than the others they used. Dr. Stein waited of her full reawakening to give the order to start the machine.

The feeder started to hiss lowly and the pump started to pour the matter down Amanda's deflated belly. The machine was functioning slowly to make the sentence take as long as possible. Tasteless liquid started to fill her up. She felt like a water balloon. An hour later, her belly was full to her usual max capacity. The eyes of Samantha were two huge plates when the maximum stated to take a step further, bigger, more... Slowly but surely the young woman was filling, ripping her gown to the middle. Three hours later her belly was representing half or her already enormous figure. The doctor was smiling sadistically at her while tears started to roll along her cheeks :

- Crying won't help you Amanda, but it's my pleasure to announce you that it's been more that five hours you're filling and you only emptied the tenth of the tank. Dr. Stein was jubilating, while patting her drum tight belly.

After 8 hours, Amanda was slowly disappearing under her belly, after 16 it had reached the floor from the three sides of the huge dentist chair. Meanwhile the life in the prison was pursuing it's course, the girls were fed willingly from another tank for the usual 20 minutes. Some of them stayed to look half in amazement half enviously the size of her ridiculously large paunch. Only Dr. Stein stayed along fascinated by the sight of Amanda ever growing frame.

30 hours now, Samantha was well hidden under layers and layers of fat on all her body, since more than half her intake was already metabolized. She was somewhat in a food coma only waking to see her frame getting destroyed drops by drops. 40 hours, she was officially beyond fat. They even had to remove the chair hours ago since her behind was big enough to be contained by all the chairs in the room put together, her limbs were becoming mere artifacts while her body consisted essentially of breasts, ass, hips and the biggest belly imaginable.

Finally the 50th hour arrived and the machine was stopping progressively, Amanda was only fat, nearly three or four tons no scale was available to measure it. When they removed the tube from her sore throat the only sound that she emitted was :

- More !
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Karenjenk 7 years
I really liked this. I am kind of sub sometimes and this was amazing
Helveticus 12 years
well actually this is the end for this one. You can find more of my stories in my profile.