Feeder flyer miles

Chapter 3

It wasn't long before Trinity was getting off the plane in Colorado to meet up with Mike her first of many gaingers she was going to be feeding. Even though she was use to flying and her flight in coach was surprising very comfortable she couldn't help sporting a frown on her face coming off the plane. Where can he be Trinity thought to herself. Once I get done with him hopefully he won't be that hard to find.

Trinity Deverou !!! Trinty turned whipping her long black hair around looking for who called her name. Who else could it be but tubby Mike standing a few feet away holding a sign with her name on it lined with all kinds of tasty treat pictures. "You chariott awaits my princess!!!" Mike said with as he scooped her up in a big hug. His arms were surprisingly strong, she felt warm against his body, but more amazingly she loved how his fat gut felt against her own abdomin.

Wow you even more charming in person, and thankfully bigger.

Bigger what do you mean by that?

Well...huh Trintiy stuttered.

Rule #1 if a gainer doesnt want to hear you call him fat then he's no gainer at all. Don't be scared to tell me Im a fat BOY!!! he said patting his gut.

"Well then you definetly look fatter in person." Trinity corrected herself

"Well I packed on ten more extra lbs just for ...you ." Mike taped her gently on the nose which made Trinity giggle.

Wow !!! Enough about me youre smile is absolutly gorgous. It is so nice to finally meet you in person. Mike said so sincerly it almost caught her off gaurd.

"Thankyou ...prince charming!" Trintiy joked but she saw how it made Mike grin from ear to ear.

"Now wait a second I saw you with frowny face when you were getting of the plane what was that about?"

Oh it's nothing. It's just there were two fat guys sitting togather and I wanted to sit in between them." Trinity gave the puuppy dog face.

"Oh poor baby! Dont worry they'll be pleanty of fat to go around." Mike said as she grab her bag with one hand and placed the other on his round bouncy belly.

Mike was definetly not the biggest guy she ever met but he was fat and proud and that really turned Trinity on!!! He wore a pair jeans that looked a little too small, and a small shirt that did completely cover this dough belly until he raised his arms. Forget trying to hide the gut, Mike had it out on display for everyone to see. With being with him for only a few mins, she noticed that Mike played with his belly alot in public resting his hand on it, rubbing it, scratching it. It was apparent that Mike was in need of a bigger belly he deserved one. Mike was beyond hott he was a confident proud fatty who wants to get bigger. Trinity was starting to get that feeling again her breathhing was getting shallow, dirty thought began to creep into her head, he stomach began to tremble, and she had that look in her eye, if they didnt get to the car soon Trintiy was going to start to walk funny.

"Are we going to the car?" Trinity said trying to mask her cruel intentions to just strip and get down and dirt right in the middle of the airport.

"Not yet" ...Trinty shot a look towards Mike that made him quickly understand the problem. "OHHHHHH!!!"

"Yeah Im kind of having a problem here'...Trinity moved her dark piercing eyes towards the floor embarassed of her lack of self control.

Mike with a chuckle took her chin in his hand and starred into her eyes.

"Don't be embarrased!!!We'll get to that in due time trust me.I've been thinking the same thing since I saw those pouty lips get off the plane...but I promised you I was going to teach how to be an amazing feeder. I want Feeder for Higher to be a successful bussiness for you so first education then fun alright?

Ok !!! Trinty mouthed still incredible turned on but oddly more in control.

So Trinity I want you to think of me as your Gainer GURU.

"Mike you're silly." Trinty Laughed

"No, Im serious I am Fat yoda I am one with the fat alright?"

"Okay Master Fat Yoda..."

'The second thing I want you to know is that you have to know your gainer. Some guys like to keep theyre fetish a secret, others want the whole world to know. Im somewhere in the middle."

"I can see that about you. You're obviously not ashamed of your fat jello belly." Trinity explained.

"Not at all!" Mike grab and shook his pile of pudge.

"but you're not going to go into a crowd and scream my dream is to be fed by funnel."

"Precisly man gourgous and smart I do say you are a keeper."

Trinity smiled ear from ear at his adorable comment "Mike where are we going anyway"

"Right here." Mike stopped pointing to the sign which made his shirt rise which didnt help Trinity's problem.

"Puffy Cloud Pastries there's a bakery in a airport?"

"Yes,isnt life grand?" Ok next lesson I love to get other people to notice me being a fatty. Let see how quickly you catch on ok? Watch me." Mike casually walks into the bakery while Trinity slowly observantly follows. Mike walks up to the poor lady at the countner who he's clearly going to torture.

"Miss may I have a slice of that cheesecake?"

"To Go?" the asked politely

"No for here...oh no I dont need a plate."

The lady places a slice of cheesecake on a napkin and then into mikes hand. "ok 3.50"

"Okay Im not done here start me a tab. Can I try the blue berry one? "

This was like a pure fanatasy only thing missing is Mike would gradually get fatter with each bite until she had to roll him out of the bakery. Mike continued to cram slices and slices of sinfully caloric pastries into his mouth all while ordering more. It was about 6 slices later when she heard Mike take a deep breath and loudly say "Man I glad my girlfriend isn't here she'd have a fit if she saw me near a bakery. She put be a diet cause I gained a few lbs.' he patted his delisciously bigger belly and attempted to pull down that now way to small shirt."opps!" Mike said as he watched his shirt pop back up. Trinity watched from a slight far dreaming of jumping Mike right then and there when she realized that was her QUE.

"Michael Elliot DOnovan what do you think you're doing?" Trinty hurried up to him now playing the part of angry girlfriend. He ws caught red handed the lady at the counter was now passing a bigger cake box tied with string over the counter to Mike and collecting his money.

"Is that cake? Really Mike we talked about this what about your diet?"

"Thats enough with this diet talk I dont need a diet. " Mike played his role perfectly back to Trinity.

"Yes you do Mike you're getting fat!Trinity poked his fat gut.

HUUUUUHH!!!!Miked sucked in all his air shocked at the word she said.

"YUp I said you're blowing up like a balloon..."

a balloon? Mike asked acting insulted even though he was clearly turned on.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
You write so well. A sexy and sadly romantic tale of fattening.
FrecherTyp 12 years
such a cute and sexy story and somehow sad but really well weritten reminds me somhow of a friend i know ;-) she is a beautiful flight attendant , too .\r\nReally some weird parallels in this story ;-)