Feeder flyer miles

Chapter 4

"Yeah the Goodyear blimp Mike."

"I think your just being insensitive how about we ask the lady Miss do you think that I am fat?" Mike said belly all out in the open.

You could clearly see that the lady was in complete shock at the scene Trinity and Mike were making.

"You very handsome but very fat ...keeping eating like you are you get fatter." Oh that did it the broken english said it all. With the magic of an old chinese proverb it did the trick. Mike and Trintiy were now both very much in the same boat. The two stared at eachother with sex in there eyes, breathing deeply the sweet pastery scent.Quickly realizing Mikes inabilty to move or make a sound Trinity forced out a incredibly difficult sentenced despite the party in her pants. "I believe you should pay the lady."

"Right!" ...Mike stumbled around in his wallet hands shaking unable to grasp his bills.

"Holy hell watch out! I'll just do it. Here keep the change!!!" Trinity practically threwt the money over the counter and grabbed the cake and then the two made a mad dash towards the car. Mike was surprisingly quick for a fatty, which turned Trintiy on even more.

"Where...which ...which one car?" Trinty stuttered trying to keep her cool but truth was she was about to explode.

"Over here." Mike quickly walked over to a giant Hummer parked in a dark courner all by itself in covered parking. "What? I had a feeling this might happen." he said as he clicked the locks open and the two flew into the vehicle.

Inside the hummer was mass chaos. The vehicle was huge but still two people moving around eachother trying to get thier clothes off always made for an chaotic affair.

"Do me ...Do me Do me now!!!" Trinty paractically screamed as she fussed with the buttons on her blouse upset that she couldnt undo the fast enough.

Trintiy still fussing looked up to see Mike stripped down to a pair of boxer briefs.

"Come here let me help...Mike offered but it wasnt long before Trintiy had given up and savagily began to kiss him as he worked on the stupid buttons. Finally, he got them undone and ripped her shirt off her leaving her in just a bra and panties. She continued to kiss him ferociously as he ran his fingers through her long dark hair.

"Wait"... he said as he broke the kiss leaving Trinty in a sexy rage.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just want to look at you take it all in you know." Trinty thought that was an interesting but attractive idea so she slowly crawled off of him placeing her back against the opposit door of his. Mike was seriously taking her beauty all in her dark hair looked almost purple in this light, her darker eyes intense and focused. Trinity body was unique work of art. She was definetly not petite nor was she fat but she was tall with a strong build like an amazon a rare beauty that took a special man to love her. Mike pondered to himself if he had what it took to keep a girl like Trinity happy the thought was quickly removed when he began grinning from ear to ear.

"What so funny?" Trinity demanded to know.

"What is this?" Mike took his his hand and gently pinched a little fat roll on Trinty's stomach that was slightly spilling over her panties.

"Mike stop!!!" she squilled pushing his hand away.

"Alittle too much cookie dough Miss. Deverou" He went in and pinched her fat again.


"Face it Trinity you have a pooch."

"Ok, fine I gained a few ok? With all my bills I've been stressed so I eat when Im stress." She said dispointly Trinity sucked in her pooch and cover it with her hand. Mike could tell she was embarrased by the innocent little gain. He knew that no would notice but him, but it was clear that Trintiy was insecure about it and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her feelings.

"Hey ... I couldn't help myself ok? I think your little tiny fat roll is the cutesting thing I ve ever seen. Your stunning and nothing will cahnge that. Not even this..." He took her hand away from her stomach and replace it with his and he lovingly grabbed her fat. The funny thing was when Mike did it this time she no longer was embarrassed but really turned on.

"How can I make it up to you?" Mike asked with a sadface.

Trinty got that look in her eyes again as she starred at Mikes jumbo gut.

"Wheres that cake?" she asked.

"OHH I see! Mike said as he brought it out and placed it between the two of them. Trinty slowly began to unwrapped it .

"EAT IT ALL!!! She Demanded.

"YES, your majesty." Mike joked but he was clearly turned on by her forcefulness.

Mike looked down at the cake and even though he had already devoured six slices of cheesecake he was more than up for the challenge. With out his shirt on Mike had the typical begginer belly body,skinny all around and then... SURPRISE a big ballooning belly that looked out of placed with the rest of his body. His chest was skinny but getting fluffy, he even showed signs of moobs.

"Im going to eat this all for you !!! Mike said with determination in his eyes

"All of it ? You promise?" Trinity wanted to seal the deal.

"I promise' Mike said as he began to dig in. He took big slices of cake in his hand and shoved it into his mouth. Mike wasn't a fancy eater but there was something sexy about the way he licked the frosting off his fingers, the way he chewed his food savouring every bite, the look of pure enjoyment in eyes.It wasn't long until Mike was down to one piece left. He leaned against the door tired from his food comma.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
You write so well. A sexy and sadly romantic tale of fattening.
FrecherTyp 12 years
such a cute and sexy story and somehow sad but really well weritten reminds me somhow of a friend i know ;-) she is a beautiful flight attendant , too .\r\nReally some weird parallels in this story ;-)