Feeder flyer miles

Chapter 8

This was one topic Trinity hated talking about. It all seemed so easy to someone that wasn’t in the business, but the truth was auditioning was expensive, time consuming, and an emotionally draining production. Trinity wanted nothing more than to be an actress, but she felt so far away from her dream. It wasn’t possible for her to take time off from work to go on an audition and it would be a miracle if her car even made it all the way to Los Angles or Hollywood. She hated talking about it to anyone because it always sounded like excuses, or even worse like she was some kind of wannabe. Even the thought of it made tears well up in her eyes and gave her a rock in her throat.

“I don’t want to talk about it .” Trintiy said grabbing large piles of salad from her plate and shoveling them into her mouth, quickly finishing the salad she had been nursing for about an hour.

“Well maybe if you talked about it you can figure out what’s stopping you from auditioning." Mike said surprised at her certain change in appetite.

"There is only one thing that is stopping me from auditioning Mike and that’s money. Hopefully Feeder for Higher will help that" Trinity was having a hard time controlling her voice. This topic of conversation was clearly making her upset. She scooped up another heaping amount of salad and 2 slices of pizza onto her plate. Trintiy didn’t realize it but in between every sentence she would take a bite.

“Oh my Gosh this pizza is sooo GOOOD!!!” Trinity said licking the extra sauce off her fingers.

“Well may be I could help you with your acting like I’m helping you with Feeder for Higher. Mike said as he watched Trinity seemingly transform into a gluttonous Barbie doll.

“What makes you think I need you help Mike? Plus what do you know about acting? Can I have another slice?" Trinity asked whiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Yeah, of course take two! And nothing I just think you would look really beautiful on the big screen.” Mike confessed passing her three slices of pizza.

Mike didn’t mean to take advantage of her in such a venerable state, but Trinity was unknowingly making everyone of his fantasies come to life. It was an amazing site to see only moments before Trinity was barely touching her salad and now she had finished of two giant helpings of salad and just had grabbed a 6th slices of pizza.

“I mean thank you for your concern but I have everything under control with the extra money from the business I can afford to take some time off to audition and…Trinity stopped mid sentence. "Mike where did you put the dessert we made?"

"Oh man! I think I left it on the counter in the kitchen." Mike shamefully remembered.

"Mike you forgot the dessert?" Trinity had the same pained look on her face as the over dramatic starlets in this movie.

"I forgot the dessert! That doesn’t even make sense the fat guy never forgets the dessert."

"I know geez Mike!" Trintiy said taking her finger and wiping the excess sauce off her plate and daintily putting it in her mouth.“I would never forget dessert”

"I bet you wouldn’t …hey they usually have ice cream inside and what would a movie be without popcorn?" Mike encouraged her.

“MMM … Mike do you think we can get Ice cream and POPcorn too? Trinity was practically begging.

"Anything my Princess wants…"

“Lets go I need something sweet!” Trinity announced proudly

Mike tried not to stare at his chubby bunny as she struggled to get out the truck. He knew if he made the wrong move and Trinity realized that the roles had been reversed his chubby girl fantasy would end. They got out of the car and the two began to walk towards the door. Mike could see that Trinity’s binged had already done a body good. Her already skin tight skinny jeans looked so tight they could burst at the seams, and the tiny tummy roll above her panties had been replaced with a round bouncing bloated belly. Mike wanted to grab his chubby fox and kiss her but he knew he had to play his cards carefully, but becaming way to difficult to keep his poker face as he watched Trinity stretch her arms up high. Her tight blouse rising revealing a bloated Buddha belly. Even as she walked her hips seemed to have a new found sway to them.

“You know Mike on 2nd thought I already ate a ton maybe I should pass.” Trinity said putting her hand on her bulging belly .

"OH no!!" Mike Panic could his fantasy be ending so soon. “You hardly ate a thing. You know what let me get the goodies. I don’t want you to miss a moment of this movie.” Mike wrapped his arms around her rounded waist and gave her a tight squeeze lingering on her chub. The added pressure on her belly made her feel self conscious but erotically aroused.

“So Sit back and relax. Mike opened the door and watched her plop back down in the seat.

“Hurry Back” Trinity exhasperated.

And hurry is what Mike did. Who knew a fat boy could move so fast? It was less than five minutes before Mike had returned with goodies.

"I hope you like ice cream sandwiches?" Mike said gasping for breath.

“I love them!”she quickly snatched one from his hand and began to unwrap it.

That’s not all we have. Mike said pulling out 4 more ice cream sandwiches, a bucket of popcorn, and large refill of soda.

The night went as normal except Mike was no longer bored to tears he a had a new show to watch. Trinity continued to watch the movie unknowingly stuffing herself. Mike had already passed her four out five ice cream novelties leaving just one for himself and she was half way through the popcorn when…

"Oh my I can’t believe I ate so much…"

"What are you talking about beautiful?" Mike said playing coy.

"Oh I feel so fat! I want to keep eating though… "Trinity confessed still determined to eat her stress away.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
You write so well. A sexy and sadly romantic tale of fattening.
FrecherTyp 12 years
such a cute and sexy story and somehow sad but really well weritten reminds me somhow of a friend i know ;-) she is a beautiful flight attendant , too .\r\nReally some weird parallels in this story ;-)