The epidemic

Chapter 2

During that night, I had the strangest dream. I was alone in a pool and suddenly hundreds of water balloon surrounded me and tried to drown me.

I woke up suddenly, and what I saw astonished me. Tania, my once slim, red haired girlfriend, was quietly sleeping in her ripped pajamas, turned into a fat girl. She looked like she gained 50 pounds during the night. Her flat belly was swollen like if she was stuffed, her tight were round and soft and her breast had become enormous. Still sleeping and breathing normally, she seemed not to have noticed her change.

First I was in panic, but I always had attraction to fat girls but I never dared to date one, I was too afraid to admit my fetish. So I kept looking at her, she seemed to grow in front of my eyes. Every part of her body was swollen by ever coming fat. After an hour, I decided to woke her up as smoothly as possible.

She woke up, asking me what was going wrong, and then, she realized what happened to her... She started screaming, crying for some time, I tried my best to make her feel better. After a long time, she took a hold on herself (and some extra pounds), and asked me to take her to the doctor.

Ms. Alexander, our family doctor, was in shock, of all her career she had never seen something like it. But after a lot of tests on Tania, her bigger surprise were the results. Nothing seemed to be wrong with my girlfriend, excepting the fact that she was gaining about 8 pounds an hour. Her health was good, her brain was in perfect state, she seemed to have a better eyesight, her lenses starting to get too strong for her. Nevertheless, considering the strangeness of the situation, the doctor asked Tania to stay in observation in the hospital for the night and told me to stay with her.

It was around 21, I was out for a smoke, my cellphone rang. It was Valerie, she was calling me in tears to tell me that something terrible happened to her. How was I surprised, when I discovered that the exact same strange sickness was affecting her. She gained around 100 pounds since last night. After I told her what happened to Tania, I asked her to come to the hospital as quickly as possible. Maybe if two person were having the same troubles it would help the doctors to solve the problem.

Valerie arrived about one hour later, the tall athletic blond I left at the airport only one week earlier, has been replaced by a splendid rotund girl. The pounds distributed on her even better than with my girlfriend. She had massive breasts, a nice round belly hanging from her shorts and soft and round legs and behind packed in a dark pantyhose. I hated myself when I felt a slight erection starting in my pants, which was soon killed by the fear I saw in her eyes.

I accompanied her to the emergencies, and told the doctor about her story. They immediately took her to the same room than Tania. And sedated both of them to give them a good night. Not knowing about the contagious rate of what was looking more and more like a viral attack, the doctors told me to go home after they took my blood for some analysis. I left, promising them to call, if anything happened to me before the next morning.
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Helveticus 12 years
I'm working on it, thanks for the feedback!