The epidemic

Chapter 3

The next morning, it was everywhere in the news... Hundreds of women all across the country were touched by a strange disease that made them grow fatter every hour. The epidemic seemed to concern only teens and women from 16 to 45 – 50. For the moment, the doctors were puzzled, no trace of any infection seemed to poison the bloodstream or any part of the body of the people touched by this unknown malady, they were even getting cured of some cancers and other body problems. Since yesterday, all these women gained between 100 to 250 pounds...

All the pages were filled with picture of fat ladies in hospital gowns, or with before and after pictures comparing the gain of some of them. Once again, I was getting exited by the idea and feeling my sex hardening by the second.

But I went back to reality, I had to go check on Tania and Valerie, how they where doing back there at the hospital.

Visiting hours started at ten, I arrived few minutes later with two bouquet of flowers. On the way to my girlfriend's room, I met some other guys coming to visit their fatter significant other with more or less of anxiety. Due to the strangeness of the epidemic and the lack of knowledge about the way of propagation, all women were put in isolation rooms. So I had to wait for the security to allow me to enter.

When I saw Tania and Valerie, I couldn't believe my eyes. Both of them were enormous, they were looking like the have been inflated. Tania was nothing like before, her breasts were jut amazingly big and her belly was so full, like if she ate a beach ball. Unlike some fat women I was seeing on the Internet when I was alone, her skin was so shiny, so perfectly healthy that I had to hold back not to kiss it. Lucky for me, both of them where sleeping and I was alone in the room, nobody had to see how, once again, I was horny. Seeing Valerie didn't help much either, her robe had slipped a bit, revealing a perfect F-cup breast, a huge belly nearly perfectly spherical and a nice round leg ended by a chubby foot. It was impossible for me to turn my eyes from her, I was hypnotized. Then, she turned around, revealing her huge, round and appetizing behind. I was attracted like by a force field. I had to touch it, feel it. My right hand was about to be on her skin, when a light voice ejected me from my reveries. Tania was waking up and calling for me.

We talked a while, low at first, louder when Valerie woke up and joined the discussion. They both seemed in good shape even better than mine. They told me about the tests they had to endure, that the nurses where avoiding them as much à possible, too scared to get contaminated. They also told me how easily they were getting used to there new body. It was strange for them, but they were feeling like they've always been like this. I also learned that the doctors were very nervous, it was impossible for them to find any anomaly in the still growing body of Tania, Valerie and the other girls that would be a clue of a viral attack. Of course, instinctively they knew it had to be viral to hit so many random women with apparently nothing in common.

When Valerie went for a bathroom break, Tania asked me if I was still finding her beautiful. I watched her from head to toes and told her that she was even hotter than before. She smiled at me, saying that I was a good liar and we kissed. If she knew...

Two seconds later I heard screams in the hallways, and two dozen of guys in blue anti-virus protection rushed into the room and told me to back off.

When I woke up, I was in a transparent plastic room. At first, I couldn't remember what I was doing here. I was feeling like after a strong alcohol binge night, my head was killing me. After a while, it all came back, the men in uniforms and the shot in the neck when I tried to run away. They drugged me and put me to sleep, with my hand, I was still feeling the hole of the hypodermic syringe in my neck. “Bastards”, I thought to myself...
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Helveticus 12 years
I'm working on it, thanks for the feedback!