The epidemic

Chapter 6

Seated near my window, I was watching absently the rain fall on the city. Three years, three years since the world changed.

Thinking it back it all happened so fast at first. In less than three month the whole globe population was infected by the most strange and efficient disease ever known to Man, leaving around seventy percent of the female population between sixteen and fifty with amazing weights between 300 and 600 pounds.

At first panicked, the Earth population started to get used to their new life since the disease, aside of making you obese was curing most of the other afflictions. Some cancers were purely eradicated in women, Aids was only affecting men now and all the small glitches of genes, like ill vision, deafness and some others were reduced by a large amount.

Three more month passed and some scientist in a small lab discovered the protein affecting the female metabolism but with not the slightest idea of how to inverse the process. Slowly societies were starting to adjust to the new female standards. Extra large fashion started to develop, new beauty standards were arising, even some fattening spas were created to “help” the remaining skinny girls to fit in. Naturally since the artificial gaining was dangerous for the health they closed pretty soon in most industrialized countries but were making a fortune in the third world where rich skinny girls were rushing in these facilities to be force fed, drugged and even injected with the protein responsible of the disease. Of course the thin standard endured a bit but since it was discovered that all procedure to remove the added fat was doubling the amount originally taken most of the hardcore skinny obsessed just gave up.

It reminds me of this famous starlet from which I totally forgot the name who was nearly 700 pounds before her operation and far beyond the ton after it. Her before and after images made the front of most of the news worldwide, since she was the first human being to reach this weight. Strangely it had an unexpected impact on fashionistas, wish were now getting liposuction to get fatter. And soon , ton heavy girls were flourishing in lots of cities. They even invented small pimped motorized vehicles to help them carry around their wobbling mass of lard which they were displaying outrageously with the tightest and smallest pieces of cloth.

One year passed and it was discovered that once a girl turned 16, seventy percent of the time she was affected also by the disease. On the other hand, affected women reaching the menopause were loosing all their extra weight overnight but kept all the positive side effects. This process was closely studied with no real results by most of the scientific community.

Now in the streets fat admiration was the law, I was in heaven. All women magazines were talking on how to make your fat look sexier and how to dress accordingly to your perfect curves. The hurriedly build large persons public transportation were carrying dozens of round and swollen women. For the first time in my life, I tried to get stuck in them at rush hour, all smashed by huge bellies and humongous breasts. In movies, the heroines, which were mostly the same as before excepting of the extra poundage, were remaining role models to girls everywhere. And most were proud as hell of their overweight condition.

Strangely enough the food consumption never changed a bit, the final weight of the disease was, aside of trying to suppress it surgically with its consequences, unmoving. But they were a lot less salad eater and anorexics passing the days.
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Helveticus 12 years
I'm working on it, thanks for the feedback!