The epidemic

Chapter 9

So this October night of the third year I was watching the rain falling on the city. Around 20h I started to prepare myself for a night out to find a new girl. Thinking of my last force feeding made me remember that I didn't have this kind of fun in a while, so I put on my “Feed Me, Now!” t-shirt which was a pretty clear message. While rolling this piece of clothing two sizes two small for me, on purpose, on my fat gut I realized that I must have taken weight again. A small trip to the scale revealed the number 211. Wow, “I did let myself go recently”, I said out loud, patting my belly, “good !”. Finishing my preparations I left my apartment for the bar I usually frequented two blocks away.

Arrived at the place, I was already making a mental preselection of the girl present that night. Some of them even blinked at me when they read my t-shirt. This was going to be a busy night. But before the festivities, I needed a drink, so I moved to the counter at the end of the room.

Arrived there I commended the usual to Christine, my favorite bartender. A smart and gorgeous blond weighting at least 600 pounds, she was nearly only belly, breasts and rear. Tonight, she was wearing a black top and a red miniskirt revealing the stockings that were merely containing her huge legs. I stared on her rotund behind while she was preparing the mix and I felt that she knew I was, since she was taking plenty of time preparing it. Eventually, she brought back my drink with a malicious smile and we exchanged our usual sexy banalities merging masked sexual advances and chat about the day and current events in our respective lives.

Then I saw Her, the short dark haired girl at the corner. Intrigued, that was the first time I ever seen a skinny girl in my bar in three years, I looked a her more closely. She was sipping slowly through a straw a multicolored cocktail with an umbrella pinned to an orange slice. I asked Chris who she was , since she knew everybody, her only answer was a shrug. I resumed to look at her, she had a very sad face. The old me was feeling sorry for her, I knew how it was to sit alone in a bar with nobody to talk to, so I took my drink and thinking that my mating could wait a bit, the night being young, I approached her.

“Why the long face” I asked with a smile. “Why do you care ? I'm sure, seeing your t-shirt, that you have more important things to do than to harass skinny girls” she answered coldly. It was the first time in years that I was blown like that. An old version of the self assured dick I had become suddenly resurfaced “Oh sorry, I was just talking, I... thought a smile or a stupid joke could bring back a smile on your face... I didn't mean to intrude and surely not to harass you... I... I... I'll be going now” Of course, these poor girls now were laugh at, pointed with the finger. I should have known better. I was really feeling crappy and sad to have probably hurt her. “Oh no, I am sorry, I had one of those days you regret to even have woken up” She said back with a softer voice but still the same sadness. “Who would dare to ruin the day of a girl with such beautiful eyes ? There should be a law against that !” I retorted, trying to make amend by a compliment. Which in fact was just an ascertainment, she indeed had fascinating dark eyes. I'll never know I she believed me or not, but my last comment made her giggle and lightened her up. She was pretty, skinny sure, but she had a great charm in her.

After that she asked me to sit and we talked for a long time. She was definitively different from all the girls I have seen these past three years. Aside of her weight, somehow she behaved completely differently with me and I was enjoying that. We laughed a lot during that time, I can be a pretty funny guy when I put my mind to it and she also was a pretty good public. From our discussion I learned that she was a biology student specializing in botany working in her university's lab to pay the rent and that she planned to become a renown specialist in her field. She was working on a study of interactions between human and plants DNA and how they sometimes merged.

She was so smart and interesting.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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Helveticus 12 years
I'm working on it, thanks for the feedback!