My secret

Chapter 2

Tessa stepped on the scale again and was shocked by the number. I was in the living room watching the Chargers play the Chiefs at Arrowhead when I hear, “Chester Luvaton, get up here now!”

I gingerly ascended the stairs like a scolded puppy while at the same time wondering what I had done. When I arrived in the doorway of the bathroom, Tessa pointed down at the scale and commanded, “Read that.”

“222,” I said.

“222 what?” Tessa replied.

“222 pounds?” I guessed

“That’s right,” she said, “You said that you we-

-before you start in on me loving big women and wanting to get you fat, this wasn’t me. It was mostly all you. With the exception of a few binges and large meals out that I either helped with or financed, the rest is you eating and if you haven’t noticed you have pretty much stopped exercising altogether. Trust me, I said that I would stop helping you gain and I did,” I explained.

She wouldn’t have any of it though, maintaining that her 30 pound gain in almost 2 months was because I was helping her. To which I replied, “Hun, listen to me. I’m an FA. You know this. I’ve been one since I was 16. I’m almost 30 now so I know how to fatten up a woman one way or another. IF I were "helping" you, the number on that scale right there would say something like 262 instead of 222. Think about it. How long did it take me to get you from 130 to 170? About 3 weeks, right? Given 2 months based on that do you really think 222 pounds sounds like way I do things?”

She thought about it, and tried to start a few rebuttals but stopped short each time. Finally, she conceded, “You’re right. It doesn’t sound like you at all. I’d be loads heavier if you were “helping” me along. Oh well I guess this is what I get for realizing I won’t be getting my figure back and throwing caution to the wind.”

“So can I finish watching the game now?” I asked as she started modeling her new body I the mirror.

“I don’t know. How do I look?” Tessa asked playfully.

“Gorgeous and sexy,” I replied with a smile, “but you could stand to gain a little more here and here,” as I playfully pointed to her bust and hips.

She smacked me on my shoulder and I smiled and said, “Sorry babe, old habits die hard.”

While she finished getting ready for our outing to Che Ritz, I went down to finish watching the game. Instead of sitting down, I went over the bookcase and pulled out a book and turned to a page and looked at my favorite words to read. I read it a couple of times, before I heard a voice from behind say, “What ya doin’?”

I turned around surprised and I damn near dropped the book. I hastily replied and closed the book, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Don’t do that to me. I wasn’t doin’ anything, just reading one of my favorite quotes.”

“What’s it say?”

“It goes something like this, "‘When two people happen upon true love, there is no force in this life or the next that can separate them. They are so deeply bound to each other that it enhances the beauty of the sunset ten-fold, and when their lips meet it would seem as though they stand frozen in time and everything else too busy to take notice speeds by them.’"

“Wow…that was, is beautiful.”

“I thought you would like it. I know I do,” I said smiling at her.

“Who wrote it?” she asked.

“The immortal bard, William Shakespeare,” I replied coolly.

“I should’ve known,” Tessa responded, “anyways, are you going to recite the musing of a dead the rest of the night or are we going to eat?”

“I think we’ll go eat. Let me put this book away and I’ll meet you I the car, yeah?”

“Alright,” she replied and walked out giving me a wonderful view of her big swaying bouncy butt.

I looked down at the book and said quietly, “That was close Sun Tzu. Good thing she didn’t see the title of the book,” or look in it. My stash of weight gain supplement for her would’ve been discovered, I thought to myself. I looked down at the caption again and thought to myself, all war is based on deception, true enough. I smiled and put the book back. After all, I didn’t want to keep my growing beauty waiting too long. She still had a ways to go.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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TheDemolitio... 12 years
You can thank lots of strict English teachers, a great imagination and strong fetish. LOL
TheDemolitio... 12 years
Thanks. I tried to go for something like that.
TheDemolitio... 12 years
Thank you. I try. :-)