My secret

Chapter 3

A day slowly rolled into months, and all the while my subtle “help,” was definitely showing on Tessa’s now ample body. She had all but given up trying to get her figure back. First because she had come to the conclusion that 297 pounds was going to be very hard to get rid of. Second, she simply couldn’t give up all of the tasty food she was eating. And lastly, while she wouldn’t admit it, I could tell she loved being a large fat woman. She’d seductively eat her food at the dinner table to try to get a response out of me, which my libido could not back down from. When she thinks I’m not paying attention or I won’t notice, she tries to pop her pants button or split a seam. She’s enjoying it so much so, that when my gaze follows another larger ladies’ curvaceous body, she elbows me in the ribs and says that I’m sentenced to stuffing her until she can’t get up. And that usually takes up to a good 200-400 dollars worth of food and lasts about 3-4 hours to stuff her into place on the couch or bed.

It’s not so bad; actually it’s really great now. I don’t have to be so cautious and careful with my urges for her to eat more. I mean I can see that he wants some more and is waiting for approval of some sort. I don’t know why, but she is. So I simply say, “Would you like some more?”

To which she replies, “I don’t know. I’m still a little bit hungry.”

Almost immediately and without fail I respond, “Well eat then. I don’t want you to waste away to nothing.”

She usually gives me a big smile and proceeds to stuff her face and pack her belly as full as she can.

I started to notice that she seemed to be a little unhappy recently. When I asked her about it, she broke down and cried her pretty little eyes out on my shoulder. She cried and cried until the whole left sleeve of my shirt was drenched. I finally asked her again what was wrong. She replied still wiping her eyes, “As of 4 minutes ago I’m officially 300 pounds and nothing fits.”

“So?” I answered, “I think that is wonderful.”

“I know you do, but I’ve got a family tradition where all of my siblings and I meet up for dinner.”

Again I responded, “So?”

“No one in my family at least 5 generations back has ever crested 145 pounds. I weigh double that,” she practically yelled at me.

“Easy miss,” I retorted, “You’ll be fine.”

“No I won’t! My sisters are some of the biggest cutthroat bitches a fat person could ever meet,” she explained, “they used to torture anyone who was at least 10 pounds heavier than they are.”

I’m standing there, desperately trying to think of a way to get my beauty out of this jam. I feel responsible because I encouraged her and asked her to gain for me. Even though it was her decision to take the plunge or not, I still feel a little obligated. Then it hit me, “Can you bring people with you to this little get together?”

“Yeah I guess, Janet and Beverly have brought some of their boyfriends before,” she answered gingerly.

“Great!” I replied, “I’ll go with you and be your shield and deflect these serpents’ mighty blows,” I playfully acting as a knight.

“First,” she said with a hint of scolding, “they aren’t serpents, they are my sisters. Despite their faults they are family after all. And second, how are you going to do that?”

“Ok and don’t you worry your pretty little head about that,” I answered.

She ran…or tried to and proceeded to hug me but had forgotten a little thing called physics and I felt the full brunt of her neglect between the weight of her large breast, belly and thick thighs smash me and the hard-wood floor together. Boy, did it feel great. She fawned over me for the next hour to make sure that she hadn’t hurt me, all the while probing me for answers to how I was going to get her sisters to be nice about her weight. I smiled and said, “You should be more worried about the food in the cabinets going stale instead of your sisters.”

To which she turned and slowly walked to the kitchen purposefully exaggerating her movement. What a tease, I thought to myself. And with that I got up and chased her big butt into the kitchen.

It was feeding time after all.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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TheDemolitio... 12 years
You can thank lots of strict English teachers, a great imagination and strong fetish. LOL
TheDemolitio... 12 years
Thanks. I tried to go for something like that.
TheDemolitio... 12 years
Thank you. I try. :-)