My secret

Chapter 4

As the dinner date grew closer and closer, Tessa ate more and more. She chalked it up to nerves; while I knew it was a combination of her appetite, nerves, and the “help” I would add to her foods and drinks to make them oh so scrumptious. I could tell that Tessa had easily packed on a good 15 more pounds in previous week, making her a plump sexy 315 pound woman for our dinner date with her sisters. As we walked out of the house to go to her sister Beverly’s house, I got a real good look at her ample behind and how it fought for more space in those denim jeans when there simply was none.

As we drove over, Tessa nervously munched on some chips, and kept checking to see if everything fit right. I reassured her that everything would be fine. We arrived and walked up to the front door and rang the door bell. I quickly told Tessa, “Just say, ‘You found the love of your life and you put on a bit of weight.’”

Tessa looked at me wide-eyed, smacked her large ass and said, “You call this a bit of weight?”

“Just say it when your sisters ask and let me do the rest,” I said hurriedly.

The door opened, Beverly hugged, or tried to hug Tessa and screeched, “Damn sis what happened to you? You eat one the display planets at the museum?”

Tessa glanced at me and I motioned for her to say to I told her. She quickly said, “No sis. I met the love of my life and I put a little weight.”

“Sure “little” sis,” Tessa’s sister quipped. She then turned to me and said, “So you must be the lover boy?”

“Yep,” I replied, “I’m Chester Luvaton.”

“Well if my sissy keeps this up you’ll be loving a ton of her.”

I coolly responded, “Well I hope so.”

Beverly gave me a strange look and invited us in. Afterwards, I met Janet and Christa who both commented on Tessa’s weight which she deflected and pawned off on the statement I told her to say. After a little bit of getting to reconnected and Tessa’s sisters getting to know me, we had dinner. Naturally, this was a perfect time for two things the happen. The first is to show off my darling beauty’s lovely appetite. And two for me to spring the trap on her sisters, especially knowing that they’d probably try to embarrass Tessa. Before Tessa and I went into the dining room to eat, I leaned over and kissed her cheek and as I pulled away I whispered in her ear, “No matter what happens, keep eating.”

She gave me a strange look to which I responded to by saying, “Hurry up and get in there before you waste away,” which I punctuate with little smack on her large right butt cheek. Tessa scooted into the dining room ready to consume the feast. Tessa got her portions and then dug in without a care in the world. As the dinner progressed, Tessa said very few words to chip into the conversation, Beverly and Janet talked about boys while Christy and I talked about our different visits to Europe. In the middle, of how I was describing the island of Capri off the coast of Italy, Medusa reared her ugly face. Beverly said something like, “I bet Tessa would double in size you went back to Italy. I mean seriously you must really love her if you love that body.”

Tessa stopped for a second, taking her sister’s words to heart, but I glanced at her and reassured her. And with that she quickly, resumed stuffing her pretty little mouth while I geared up for the pawnage to begin. Beverly continued, “Look. ‘Little’ Tessa doesn’t even care enough to stop eating. Chester you better get used to living with a whale.”

To which I could only reply with the goofiest of smiles, “I believe I will. It’s much better than your boney javelin-like form.”

Everyone stopped eating, except Tessa of course.

“It’s strange,” I continued, “Tessa told about your fat-hating ways and even defended you when I used my menagerie of insults to describe you. And all of a sudden because your little sister has made a lifestyle change and has met a man that enjoys that change as well as her company and the way she snuggles up to me when she’s cold or the way she smiles when she tries to look innocent and deep down generally cares and loves her. You have to smash it to tiny pieces. Wow I’d loathe you as sibling, but I guess Tessa is a much better person than me to care so deeply about harpies.”

“GET OUT!” Beverly yelled.

“No. Not until I’m finished. Then I’ll leave. Now sit down and listen,” I calmly responded.

“And if-

-and if you don’t,” I replied, “you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life and anyone who comes into contact with you will be corrupted by your condemnation to misery.”

“Then enlighten us,” Janet said in an even tone.

“Alright, where would you like me to start?”

“How about with how you can love a cow like Tessa?”

“Well that’s very easy. Simply put, she’s comfortable to be around. There are no bones sticking out. No rib cages to look at. No grinding of our pelvic bones to disrupt our mind-blowing sex. Plus she’s so soft and cuddly. What's not to like.”

“Wait so you two have…sex?” Christy asked.

“Well yes. Why wouldn’t we?”

“Because she’s huge,” Beverly pointed out while Tessa munched on some green-bean casserole.

“Well that’s the exact reason.”

Christy with a confused look said, “Explain.”

“Well studies have shown that men generally are attracted to healthy, and by healthy I mean curvy, looking women not because they look smokin’ hot but because on a primal level men are hardwired to pass their genetics around to the best possible mate. Essentially, she needs great birthing hips and prominent breasts. So Tessa’s large breasts and wide hips surely meet and then exceed that standard,” I answered.

“So why not settle for an hourglass shaped woman of a smaller size?” Christy inquired.

“Another simple guy quality. Bigger is better. Plus with her increase in girth, her skin stretches. And as it stretches it becomes more and more sensitive, and when you meet a master of tantric sex like myself…well let’s just say it’s hard to contain one’s carnal needs,” I answered and noticed that Tessa paused, shivered for a second, smiled and dug into the lasagna on her plate.

“But doesn’t that big belly and giant fat ass of hers throw you out and off your groove?” Janet interrogated.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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TheDemolitio... 12 years
You can thank lots of strict English teachers, a great imagination and strong fetish. LOL
TheDemolitio... 12 years
Thanks. I tried to go for something like that.
TheDemolitio... 12 years
Thank you. I try. :-)