My secret

Chapter 5

“No not really. I have very strong legs and abs for a guy who weighs 170 pounds. So her belly crashes into my core and I don’t really budge at all. Plus it excites her even more to feel all of her fat try to wear down my abs like the waves wear on the shorelines. And even more, her favorite position is when I take her from behind. Mostly because there is a large pocket of nerves under the tailbone called the Pudenda Nerves. So when those nerves are activated by means spanking or in Tessa’s case, the violent jiggling of her ass and my thrusting, these nerves send a shockwave to her clitoris that makes sex even more pleasurable,” I answered. I noticed that Christy had this sort of Ah-ha look explaining something about her. I gathered she was into spanking or some sort of S&M.

Beverly spoke once again, “That still doesn’t change the fact that all that eating is unhealthy and you’re going to let her eat herself into oblivion. How do you counter that one?”

“Well that one’s easy. First I do have a bit of a limit myself. I do have a too big button. However, we decided that her weight would be great around 410ish. And seeing how she is about 315 now, means she has a little ways to go. Additionally, I would like to go on walks and travel with her so I’ve set up a workout routine for her to keep those underlying muscles strong and active. And on top of that she has at least three healthy meals a day along with nutritional supplements to avoid any unforeseen circumstances. Aside from that, she can eat whatever she wants throughout the rest of the day,” and as I finished I heard Tessa sigh and say, “Dang sis that was a great meal. Sorry I spaced, but it was just so good that I enjoyed every bite. What did you all talk about?”

Beverly started to say something but Christy interrupted her and said, “Oh nothing really. A little bit of this and that. Mostly we were sizing up Chester to see if he is worthy of our little sis. And it seems like he passed with flying colors,” she said smiling at me.

Tessa beamed with pride. We then had dessert which was some scrumptious triple layered chocolate cake. I noticed that Christy seemed to have little bit more than Beverly and Janet, but definitely conceded to Tessa. Afterwards, we all talked some more, well most of us. Beverly sulked in the corner contemplating having her butt handed to her in such a fashion. Christy was really interested in our relationship and for some reason the sex. Well I guess it’s a Taurus thing or something. We shared all of our trials and tribulations with her and Janet, who for some reason seemed to be listening intently now. Then, out of nowhere Christy asked, “So how did you get so fat so fast?”

Tessa answered, “Well first it helps to find an FA like my Chester here. He’s encouraging always there and makes sure that it’s all about me. Then there’s simply gorging yourself on foods, especially before bed. Some people like doing things like eating whole sticks of butter, but that’s not really my thing. I prefer to throw a few extra ones in my shakes or foods. Then lastly there’s weight gain formula,” she paused for a minute and gave me a quick glance, “that stuff really helps you balloon up.”

I looked at my watch and noticed it was close to 10. I said, “I’m sorry to break up this party but I’ve got to be at work early tomorrow morning and need some sleep. I think we’ll be going if that is alright with you my dear one.”

We got up everyone hugged and said goodbye. Once we were in the car, Tessa gushed, “You were wonderful.”

“I told you, you had nothing to worry about.”

“But how did you know?”

“Well Sun Tzu says something like, ‘He who knows himself and his enemy will be victorious in any battle. He who knows himself but not his enemy will meet defeat as many times as he meets victory. And he who neither knows himself nor his enemy is destined to lose. And I figured your sisters were one of the latter.”

“Yeah I guess. Doesn’t he also say something about deception?”

“Why yes. One of his most famous quotes is that all war is based on…de…cep…tion. I take it I’m busted,” I inquired with a bright red face.

“No you’ll just have to take the day off tomorrow and feed and care for me all day tomorrow.”

“Well it’s a good thing I don’t have work tomorrow then.”

“But you said that you…oh you clever horny little devil.”

“Well are you going to keep me waiting?”

“I just may,” Tessa replied.

And with that I chased her into the house and up the stairs so that we could have some fun.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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TheDemolitio... 12 years
You can thank lots of strict English teachers, a great imagination and strong fetish. LOL
TheDemolitio... 12 years
Thanks. I tried to go for something like that.
TheDemolitio... 12 years
Thank you. I try. :-)