Harvey's choice

chapter 7

On Saturday around seven Wes rang my doorbell. I was really excited. I told my mom I wouldn't be in before midnight and left. Something about Wes had been nagging at me for some time. He had never attempted to ask me out...or talk to me for that matter. I didn't even know he was gay.

"Wes...," I started. "Why did you ask me out now? I mean...I've liked you for a really long time and everything, but I didn't even think you remembered my name."

"I was too nervous," he said. "You're so smart and stuff. I mean, I can't play any type of instrument or do math problems. I prolly sound really stupid to ya and I just get so nervous. Like when I messed up your drawin' in Art class. It looked like ya wanted to kick my ass." I laughed and he smiled.

"But how come you weren't too nervous now?" I asked.

"I was real jealous of that new fella," he said. "I could tell he liked you and I...I didn't want to miss my chance." Wes was jealous of Dante, but I was pretty sure Dante hated me now. I sighed. Wes and I walked side by side into the movie theater. "Two for Nefarious," he requested. I had wanted to see this movie for a while. We took our tickets and he offered to get snacks.

"Oh, I don't need anything...but if you maybe wanted to get something," I suggested. He smiled at me and I felt guilty about having such a good time. I felt guilty about lying and it made having a good time really hard.

"Gran gave me a bunch of cash when I told her I was going on a date," he said. His voice was deep, but incredibly sweet and wholesome. He bought a gigantic thing of popcorn 'In case you might want some,' he said. He also got a soda and some chocolate covered peanuts. He carried the popcorn and soda and I held onto the peanuts.

We went into the theater and found seats. The previews hadn't even started yet. As the lights dimmed I saw Tony and Dante walk in. They scanned the theater for seats and I moved in closer to Wes, trying to hide. They sat a ways away, thankfully. Wes didn't notice why I was freaking out. "You okay?" he asked. "This isn't a scary movie, remember?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said. He looked a bit uncomfortable in the theater seat. I was glad I could lift the armrest to give him a bit of breathing room. Wes let out a sigh of contentment. I smiled a little.

I liked that Wes needed more room in a movie theater seat. I liked that he liked to eat. I liked that he was bigger...but I liked that about Dante as well. I thought that they were both incredibly handsome, both very sexy, both really sweet.

I watched the movie and actually forgot the whole Wes/Dante problem. Wes put his arm on the top of my seat and I liked it. I leaned into his hard/soft body and felt his mellow breathing.

He smelled really good, like active sport deodorant. He was warm and hard and soft at the same time. Once the film ended, I waited for Dante and Tony to leave. We followed about two minutes after.

I was glad not to have been spotted, but I felt awful. It was only a little bit before ten, so I couldn't go home yet.

I was pretty sure my date was over. Wes slipped his large meaty hand into mine as we walked to his truck in the darkness of the parking lot. It was like total déjà vu.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 2 years
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Carlos 12 years
man this was awesome
Feedfig 12 years
Yay! It bothered me for the longest time that your stories are my favorite and this one and a few others didn't seem to have endings. Lol. Really love this ending...even if we had to wait for it. smiley
Fatfiction 12 years
One more chapter for this one smiley
Fatfiction 12 years
Unfinished stories have been driving me absolutely insane. I plan to finish all the unfinished ones whilst working on new ones. I refuse to have more than one unfinished piece! smiley