Nightly feast

Chapter 3

Already a size 20, she’s getting over the mark slightly fat to overweight, and I’m loving it, she’s been talking about a diet, but munching between meals big enough for two.

Although she has not been gaining as fast, witch does worry me a bit.

I have too loos a few dress sizes for the wedding, I’m determined to get into mom’s old 14 dress….and then oh boy am I going to gain, immobile? Nah, but I will sport a big, soft, fat, gorgeous belly…. I tell him my wish and we decide than my binges not have to stop, that I can still eat, and loose the weight, 14 is till chubby, I can’t drop my stomach’s capacity to far… so we used water, healthy foods and sodas…

The wedding was truly amazing and the dress fit, although snugly, and I was close to bursting it after the reception.

When we got to out hotel he kept on stuffing my tiny size 14 tummy, I ate a whole chicken and huge sweet potato, and a large dessert cake. My belly was drum tight, as we had sex, he kept stuffing me, feeding me till hit hurt, and I was fitting in my 16 sized pants in the end of the weekend.

The first part of our honeymoon was over, and she was fitting into a size larger pare of pants, still a tiny size 16… I had to do something, I went to a supermarket while she slept stuffed drum tight, and got sweets, cake, pudding, bags and bags of chips, stopped by KFC and got a family sized bucked of deep fried chicken and fries, got a Big Mac super size meal and headed back.

When I woke up, I felt so hungry, he had brought my all kinds of fattening foods, KFC, McDonalds, sweets, cake, chips and more, I knew what to expect, we weren’t going anywhere while anything was left, and I had my eye on the beach, so I ate and ate and ate till I was about to burst, so much left!

She had almost finished one third of what I brought her, so I let her rest….for half an hour, and then I woke her up, forcing her to continue till she was about to burst again, about half way thro the whole feast, and so it went on till her belly was bulging to her knees, and she had finishes every last crumb.

My belly aced, I could hardly walk, so he had to dress my in my bikini and beach dress, we waddled to the beach, it took an hour, what should have been a 15 minute walk…

We found a private spot and he rubbed my belly with sun lotion and I felt relived. On our way back, I demanded supper, I was hungry again, not that it surprised me, I was hungry all the time now.

A week into our honeymoon her size 20 clothes had started to get way tight, it seems its easy to gain back what is lost, when she’s stuffed, her belly goes a tiny bit lower than her kneew, and we hadn’t thought about it, so when we got into a all you can eat buffet, we got a large booth, and when my darling was done, she was stuck, Americans really should have bigger booths…… she was mortified, and when I got her out, she was almost teary, we got back to our hotel room, she said she needed chocolate, to sooth her feelings, I gladly provided.

I got stuck in a booth, maybe this isn’t a good idea, or maybe I should just avoid booths…I love my body… a lot…

I need something to eat, my tummy is growling.

I have to get new clothes, we’re going back to home to England to morrow, so we use the time to shop for some adorable big dresses, over sized ones to, we know I’ll fit in them soon.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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Funbelly 12 years
I'm sorry about that, but I really am bad at spelling :s
Palndrm 12 years
cute, sexy story but please spell check if you continue