Gilded cage

Chapter 2

side of the platform. As I did the platform began to slowly rotate. Once making a full rotation I stepped off and redressed in my toga. There were just four rooms in this house and I noticed that the lights were motion sensitive. As I entered a room the lights went on making sure that I could see where I was going. I found myself back to the bedroom where I began and tossed the toga to the bed. A nice shower soothed the stress I was feeling and washed weeks of grime from my young body. Coming out of the shower and wrapping myself in my toga again I sat at the tv in the big room watching the bad gay porn when I noticed a video game console. Flipping it on and switching the channels I found the game. These games were almost as stupid as the porn that had been playing but at least it was something to do.

I don’t know how long I had been playing when I grew tired and went off to lay down. I had eaten and cleaned up and played for what seemed like a day and no one came home.

When I woke I did some more searching noticing that not only were all the doors locked and very secure but all the windows were sealed shut. It was like I was in a solid block. I panicked then and grabbed anything I could to pound against any of the three doors. They didn’t budge a bit. So I pounded on the walls hoping that there was a weakness there that would collapse but they seemed to be solid cement. There were no exits below and the ceiling seemed as solid as the walls. A panic filled me and I realized that I was locked in this place.

The anxiety that filled me left me left me drained. I didn’t play the video game, nor did I eat for what seemed like days. When I finally came to the conclusion that I was stuck here I decided that this wasn’t too bad. I had a place to sleep, I was nice and warm, I had food to eat, and games to play. The entertainment left much to be desired but it wasn’t so bad.

Feeling that hunger from a long stretch of not eating had me stuffing myself. It was at this point that I realized that all the stuff that I had eaten the first day was replaced. Someone must have come in and restocked while I was asleep. The place was picked up and everything was neat and clean. If I could just stay awake or wake while someone was in here maybe I could get out.

I played and wandered, pacing back and forth from room to room. Entering the platform room and playing on the turntable from time to time. It almost seemed like a compulsion to go in there and stand on the rotating disk.

A week passed and the lack of exercise began to show on my body. You know 20 extra pounds begins to show. Having started at a slight 160 pounds at 5’6” I was small and that extra made me look better. But without exercise it was showing up in places I hadn’t expected. I wasn’t worried about the little extra. At this weight I was doing good. But when a month passed and another 20 pounds had been added to me I started to freak. I was going to look like those fat tubs of lard on the tv.

I started working out. But that seemed to have a bad effect too. I began eating more and the weight would reposition itself but I was still adding weight. I tried to limit my portions and I tried to
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