Lucy flawless

  By Slim

chapter 2

"This can't be undone. You knew that." And I blacked out. When I woke up, I was ravenous. My hypnotherapy had led me to feel an absolute need for food, especially at stressful times like this, and I clutched the button to call for a nurse for dear life. When a nurse finally arrived, asking what was wrong, I found myself screaming at her.
"I need food, ***ing now!" I was shocked at my tone, my swearing, and what I had just said, but rationalized it, telling myself I was on a gameshow and needed to eat and put on weight. Several men in suits, mostly pretty casual, flowed into the room right then, carrying trays of pastries and scones and other baked sweets. I found myself grabbing and swallowing them immediately, before even asking who they were or why they were there. They were incredible, and I suspected I could have eaten all of them but for the sleepiness that came over me a little over half-way.
"That's the valium I put in the food." Simon was looking at me very intently, with a smile on his young-looking face. "We can't have you using any calories unnecessarily." I tried to protest, to say I wasn't full yet, but I was slurring the words, and found Simon grinning broadly. Everything went dark, and I apparently lost consciousness. I wocke up in a bed, and saw a nurse messing with the IV bag. I tried to ask about it, but found I had a tube in my mouth going down my throat. I started to try to pull it out, as it really bothered me, but the nurse pulled my hands away from the hose and gently told me I didn't want to pull it out. I gave her a questioning look, about as much as I could communicate.
"Don't worry. This stuff will plump you up nice and quick so you don't lose the contest." She showed me the IV bag, and it seemed to contain a thick yellow translucent substance. I suspected it was pure fat. No, I didn't want to lose the contest and do it again, but I also didn't want to blimp up unnecessarily. I looked down, and while I felt and looked a bit bloated, no, really bloated, I probably hadn't put on much weight. Upon thinking that, I found myself immediately wondering how much of various foods I could eat, and wanting to stuff myself silly. Must be the hypnosi-HOLY SHIT thinking about the hypnosis made me insanely hungry! If I don't get food in the next minute I'm resorting to cannibalism. She must have noticed my expression, because she grinned. "The doctor does good work, doesn't he?" And then squeezed the bag, hard. I felt like I had just been hit in the stomach, as the pressure suddenly skyrocketed. Then she squeezed again. Over and over, I felt like I was being hit in the gut, pressure building and building. Finally the bag was empty, and I breathed a sigh of relief around the hose. Then she hung another back up. I was beginning to worry. "Don't worry." She assured me, as though reading my mind. "This will stretch your tummy out so you can eat more."
Three bags left me feeling way overly stuffed and nauseous, but I was grateful the hose was removed. I was sweating and felt greasy. It was all I could do to keep how much I was enjoying this hidden. I didn't understand the feeling, but somehow this all felt right. Still, my agent stuck his head in the door and I was immediately screaming at him, telling him what an *** he was, and demanding to know what the doctor meant when he said it couldn't be reversed. He simply looked down at his feet and remained silent until I stopped to breathe, the hard, heavy rock in my stomach made breathing harder. When he looked up, he was smiling despite the rudest things I could say still hanging in the air.
"How long have I been your agent?" He asked, quietly.
"Since I was six." I replied, sobered by his response to my rage.
"And in that time, have I ever steered you wrong?" He looked me in the eyes. I gulped, my throat still sore from the tube.
"...No." I admitted, feeling ashamed for my reaction.
"Have you ever thanked me?" He now spoke in a monotone, almost growling voice. Shocked and surprised, I whispered I was sorry. His smile spread wider.
"You think you're sorry now. Your competition is getting the same treatment as you, and then some. You will lose this round, despite breaking records. By the time you get out of the contract you signed, you will be enormous. You refused to live like a normal person and get a real job, trying to hang on to fame that can't last, and so you signed up to become obese." The last word was a slap in the face, and I quickly was crying. He took another step closer. "You see how your tears just fall right off your face now? Soon, you will have a much wider, rounded face, and they will take a different course." He seemed to be enjoying himself immensely.
"This is.. this is all because I didn't say thank you?!" I shouted through the tears.
"It's because you're a terrible human being, going about like you are better than everyone else when you haven't done anything. Where would you be without me? Auditioning for extra roles? You treat everyone else like a robot that either serves you selflessly or is defective. You surround yourself with sycophantic, shallow yuppies that celebrate you like the messiah, and have no interactions with anyone else, thinking they are stupid for not holding you in the highest regard. You're a ***ing porn star!" He looked startled by his own outburst, and I opened my mouth to tell him he was fired. Suddenly he had the hose in my mouth and was trying to force it down my throat. I tried to bite at him, but he suddenly had a triangular block of rubber in my mouth, with the hose going through that, and I couldn't shut my jaws. I tried to pull it out, but as soon as my hand touched the hose, I felt something sharp jab it. I moved my head to look, and saw the last contents of a syringe being emptied into me. I felt very sleepy, and everything went black.
I woke up to the sound of my hypnotist in my ears, coming through headphones. I remember being shocked and terrified by what I was hearing him say, but somehow as soon as it stopped, I couldn't remember anything he said at all. My stomach felt very sore, but thinking about it flooded my mind with hunger pangs. I wanted to know how I was being hypnotized and what changes were being made, but just thinking about it brought up an all-consuming hunger. Maybe if I think about it after a meal.. just then Bob appeared, holding a garden hose. Without saying a word, he dropped the house and pulled a pair of scissors from a pocket. He was short and balding, and what little hair he had was graying. He wasn't wrong about the role he played in my success, but still a very creepy-looking man, I'd always thought. I should have judged this book by it's cover. He began cutting off my hospital gown, and then my underwear. "Why are you doing this?" I pleaded with him, surprised at how much fear was in my voice.
He looked at me, disappointed. "We already had this conversation. I don't like you."
"Bu-but why do I have to be naked?" He smiled a little.
"How else would you go to the bathroom? That would be very messy and unsanitary. No, we can do one better, and you can just go on the steel and tile. Then we just hose it all down." I felt my nipples begin to get hard in the cold air. "I suppose you're also curious about the hypnosis." My mouth instantly began watering. "Yes, I'm sure you are. You look very confused. You see, we are layering hypnotic suggestions in your mind, weaving them together to make unbreakable patterns. I'll tell you more depending on how much of your breakfast you eat. Now, I have a special hypnosis track for you to listen to as you eat." He put headphones on my ears, and I heard him pick up the MP3 player, and then the hypnotist's voice drowned everything out. He began by telling me I was very hungry, and holy *** I was. I was ravenous. Then he told me it was all going to be okay, I'd get food soon, and to relax and forget everything. I closed my eyes, and the next thing I knew, I heard a bell and the track ended.
Opening my eyes, I became aware of incredible pain in my stomach, and a sense of more than fullness. Two large metal carts surrounded me, with the remains of what looked like a feast that could have fed two families for a week. My eyes were watering from the pain in my belly, but I saw Simon standing between the carts, grinning evilly. Bob came from behind me and stood next to him, both admiring their work. I tried to crane my head to look down, and saw a belly rising up from between my breasts. That couldn't be mine. I didn't have a belly like that. But it seemed like my pain was coming from there. "Very nice. Now, we'll chat a bit and I'll see how you do with desert." He pulled a chair from behind the chair I was strapped to, and sat down, legs straddling the back of the chair, looking at me with a slight smile on his face.
"I can't eat anything more. Please, this hurts! You're trying to kill me." His smile widened.
"No, my dear, certainly not. In fact, it isn't even my goal to fatten you." He was speaking to me very gently, and for a second I felt a note of hope.
"It isn't?" I asked incredulously, hoping to somehow charm him into some mercy. He chuckled softly to himself.
"Dear, do you know how much all of this costs? The chef? The hypnotist? My own time? The food?! And you weren't exactly a cash cow in recent years, though from your attitude, one would never know it." He laughed again to himself, shaking his head. "No, dear. I don't care what weight you leave here, and you will walk out alive. My goal is to set you on a path to being massive. I've already done that, but there's always more to be done." He gave that same quiet chuckle again, like a parent who sees a child presenting an adorably incorrect belief.
"Is the show even real?" He nodded.
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