Lucy flawless

  By Slim

chapter 3

"Oh, yes. I'm an executive producer. We'll probably even do a reality TV show afterwards about you and how devoted you were to winning. You actually gave us the rights with your signature earlier. Being the producer, I know how all of you are developing. I lied a bit about them all going through your conditioning. In fact, that was not at all accurate. But don't worry, this treatment will not last the entire time before the show. Well, the treatment will change anyway.. I really thought I had this down better.."
"So I won't lose and have to do another season?" He laughed, a guffaw this time.
"Oh, no. You'll lose, and you'll do another season, or else I will ruin you. But don't worry- you'll get fat whether you do another season or not."
"I feel like I'm already fat!" I was trying not to begin bawling.
"No, my dear, not yet. You see, the surgery you had removed a part of a gland responsible for producing the enzymes needed to break down fats for energy. It should have reduced your ability to burn fats by about 70%. We then gave you a drug that slowed your metabolism to a crawl, as well as a very long-lasting appetite stimulant. The idea is to get you conditioned to constantly being stuffed. Then, we simply stop feeding you altogether for about a week. It may well be the worst week of your life, and afterwards, your hunger will be constant, with your body constantly in fat storage mode. Combined with the hypnosis..." Her hunger hit her like a truck, though she was still painfully full. He looked at her, deep amusement on his face, likely noticing her expression. "It's time for desert! I'll tell you more about the... hypnosis.." he emphasized the word and now the hunger was hitting me like the truck NASA uses to move space shuttles. "depending on how much of your desert you eat." I started to shout and protest, especially as he put the headphones back on, and I heard the track begin again. I couldn't help but listen.
I woke up somehow not feeling overly full, but looked down to see my stomach expanding past my breasts, which seemed larger to me, though thankfully they hadn't lost their perkiness. I wondered where Bob was, and if I had eaten desert after all. He was about to tell me about the *** now I'm hungry... Shit. He was right, this was ruining me.
I lost track of time, pondering my predicament. Part of me was feeling like I should just accept being fat, because at this point I had pretty much everything working against me there, including my own mind. The rest was just screaming to find a way out of this. It seemed like several hours passed before I saw anyone, and I knew after a while that my hunger wasn't just from the hypnosis, the realization of which made me ravenous. I was moaning with hunger by the time anyone else came in.
Bob came in, and told me I was a good girl, so he'd let me eat on my own this time. It hadn't occurred to me how I had demolished my breakfast in my trance, but I guess someone fed me. He removed the cuffs from around my wrists, and I sat up, or tried to. My abs simply didn't seem to exist anymore, and I had a huge mound of blubber that did. Even my ass seemed to work against me. I struggled and eventually made it up, and my hands flew to my belly. I was in total shock. "How is this possible? I've only been here for.." he cut me off.
"You've been here three weeks." None of this seemed possible. I couldn't have been here that long. I only remembered a few days, a few meals. Even if I had, how could I be this fat already? How much did I weigh now?! And worse... how much would I weigh after another 7 weeks? My head was spinning, and I almost didn't notice as several carts of fatty foods were wheeled in. One cart had a very large tub, probably more than 10 liters, full of french fries on top, another layer of deserts below it, from what I could see. The other cart had sandwiches and cheesy pasta in a massive bowl. As I was taking it all in, I felt a slight prick in my arm. "Now, enjoy feeding yourself for the first time in weeks. It's a small reward for how you did with your desert earlier. From now on, you'll still be punished if you don't eat enough, but you also can be rewarded for being good. For example, I will tell you about your hypnosis if you eat well enough today." I had never drooled over food before, not literally, but I felt a bit of wetness on my widened thigh indicating there was a first for everything. He nudged the carts over, and I was cramming food in my mouth faster than I could chew. I actually worried for a bit that there wouldn't be enough, but as I finished the last of the deserts, I felt sated and relaxed. For some reason, I felt amazing, like I had just had great sex. My chubby, naked body was covered in food, with my fleshier parts quivering as I panted. He had stood watching, though I had been oblivious to him there, and he looked impressed. "Good girl. Now, if you do well enough with your desert, I'll tell you more about the hypnosis."
Instantly my hunger was back, seemingly full force. The thousands of calories I had just consumed seemed like a thing of the distant past, long since digested, though the lump in my stomach suggested very much differently. I groaned. "I just ate desert." I was so confused. I didn't want to eat more, but that hypnosis made me crave food more than anything. I probably could have been tasked with choosing between an easy escape and some food and if triggered, I'd go for the food.
"That was just lunch. When you do well with a meal now, you get a desert. Do well with the desert, you get another desert. The gifts keep on coming with me. But we will have to strap you back in. We're going to use the other chair for that, to prevent bed sores."
"Other chair?" I whimpered. He smiled at me, a look of understanding.
"That's right. You were always on too much Valium to remember using that." He went to an intercom and pressed a button. "I need the belly bed brought in." A moment later, a very attractive male nurse entered pushing an upright steel square with a hole in the middle. He unfolded it and it was about 7 feet tall, with padding on one side, and three holes. Together, Bob and the nurse helped me up and led me to it. I stepped onto two pedals, wondering how I knew to do that, and the nurse began messing with a crank on the side. I was being lifted up, and then the two men pushed me forward, with my face coming to rest against the upper hole, and my belly sticking through the middle hole. My breasts rested heavily in shallow cups that couldn't come close to containing them. My arms and legs were strapped in, and I heard something else being wheeled in. The male nurse came around into my field of vision with a cart carrying a massive tub, likely at the very least 12 liters.
"Bob said you've been a good girl for him lately. Would you be a good girl for me?" the male nurse asked, teasingly.
"I want to be a good piggy for you." I didn't know where that came from. He was grinning.
"Wow, that hypnosis really works, doesn't it?" God, now I was hungry again. He lifted the lid from the tub, and pulled a spoon out, heaping with chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, and it went into my eagerly waiting mouth. Then another, and another. There were brief pauses as I combated brain freeze, but it began to melt, and it was declared that we couldn't pause anymore. I began to get distracted from eating by a noise, and realized I had been whimpering in pain between bites. I felt incredibly fat, sticky, sick, and disgusted with myself. I felt him pat my grossly distended gut, sending a wave of pain through it. "Good girl." He said, grinning at my expression. God, how many people had my psychotic agent found to go along with this insanity? Sure, I wasn't a super-star anymore, but I didn't think I had enemies. This line of thought was broken as I felt a hand touching my pussy. I gasped, and instantly regretting it, my gut way too full to compete with anymore air than was necessary. The male nurse stood back up and grinned at me. God, he was cute. At one point in time, I could have filled my entire house with guys that look that good if I had wanted.
"Piggy wants more." Again, I wondered where that came from, and suddenly... bam, hungry again.
"I don't believe Piggy." The hand was back, and I felt two fingers inserted, moving like little pistons of pleasure inside me. I was squirming, trying to press into the hand, suddenly aware of how sex deprived I had been here. Lucy Flawless got laid whenever she wanted, but I was no longer Flawless. With a shock, I realized I would probably never be any thinner than I was now. Right then, my mind exploded into orgasm, but the piston kept going, seemingly unaware despite what I knew were screams of pleasure. As I came close to orgasm number two, I was becoming exhausted, just from the small amount of movement I was allowed to do to move against his hand. The hand went away, and I was shocked at my howl of rage and frustration. He was back face to face with me, grinning. "Piggy isn't allowed to exercise that much. Piggy has been bad. We need more hypnosis for you, and Piggy needs to finish her desert." I whimpered through the rest of the tub, amazed with each bite that another might be possible. Soon it was all melted, and I tipped the container back. As I was swallowing what must have been the last mouthful, the hand was back. This time I just let him do all the work, even when orgasming not moving.
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