Lucy flawless

  By Slim

chapter 4

After I had orgasmed twice more, he pulled his soaking hand out, and I heard a zipper. "Oh God yes." I moaned, hating myself for it, and I felt him inside me. I briefly feared becoming pregnant by him, wondering what my belly would be like after that, and was terrified to find the thought only made me more horny. ***ing hypnosis... At that moment, I think sexual desire and hunger became married to one another in my mind, and I orgasmed again, and again, rocking with the sensation, my wrists and ankles hurting from the cuffs. He slammed again and again into my soft pubic mound, sending waves running through my entire body, seemingly mashing every sensory nerve in my body with waves of my own fat. If I had a headboard to grab onto, I'd have probably broken my own fingers. I felt him cum, and I orgasmed at the same time.
I panted, exhausted, and heard his zipper again. "Hungry?" God, I was. I nodded, not having the breath to speak. "You've got to eat everything I give you from now on, okay?" I nodded again. A metal frame taller than the bed I was in was brought in, and placed above me. My stomach sunk even lower than it was already sagging, if that was possible, as I saw another tub of ice cream brought in, along with the beer bong. and hit a switch on the side of the metal frame I was strapped into. It reclined, and soon I was facing the ground, with my belly hanging through the middle hole. I heard footsteps and knew he had left. I began to feel sleepy, but told myself not to go to sleep until I could ask Bob more about the- man, I really had to come up with some other word for that. This is insane. I cannot possibly be hungry right now.. but I am.
I got a chance to ask Bob about the strange "belly bed" and the hypnosis when I saw him next, and of course I had to eat a ridiculous amount to get any answers. This time it was a very large bowl of greasy ground beef, cheese and tortilla chips crushed up in it. It was actually very good, and again I was allowed to feed myself. I was shocked at how fat my fingers seemed, and how my upper arms jiggled with each bite I took. I almost didn't ask about the belly bed after, feeling like I had some idea what it was for, as I had seen the results, but I asked anyway, leaving the hypnosis for later to avoid getting hungry again.
"The belly bed allows gravity to change your center of gravity. Like a breast without a bra, gravity pulls on your belly, making it sag more and expand to the front. To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm using it on you, I just like the idea." She sensed she didn't have much time with him left to ask about the hypnosis, so risked becoming instantly famished.
"What all does the hypnosis do?" He smiled at her, a patient look.
"I know you're curious, but you have to eat a very specific amount to be told about any of the suggestions. You simply can't eat enough to be told all of them. But if you're good tomorrow, I'll tell you some about the hypnosis. Now, are you finished or still hungry?"
"Piggy wants more." I said, with a resigned sigh. He grinned widely. The days began to blurr together, a constant stream of calories. I spent a lot of time being hypnotized still, and really, about the only change was the Valium had stopped, or been reduced, or I had gotten a tolerance for it. I was remembering more and more. Also, the male nurse now did the majority of my feedings, fingering me into orgasm if I ate enough, which I found myself always trying to do. I didn't move anymore around him at all. The only way I could move less would be for him to move my jaws for me and I was in an iron lung.
I felt my mind being taken from me. It seemed like all thoughts led to the same inescapable conclusion: I was hungry. I basically just tried to avoid thinking at all, heading off any line of thought for a different one. I ceased communicating almost entirely. At one point, I felt like I had become livestock, a prize pig to be stuffed to the point of bursting. I think that was when I was in a wheelchair being moved between beds. I could still walk fine, or at least waddle, but it had been decided I'd use too many calories doing that. I responded to one thing, and one thing only: food. The staff ceased trying to communicate with me. I simply ate and ate.
"Lucy! Lucy! The day is soon upon us for the show!" I vaguely comprehended what he was saying, but I didn't get any of the implications. I just nodded.
"So I'm going to give you a choice. At present, you would win by a long shot. But you could walk away right now. I'll tear up the contract and make up an excuse why you couldn't perform. You could start losing weight today. On the other hand..." he delayed a moment, as four carts were wheeled in, all laden with pizza. "All of this could be yours." He removed the cuffs from my arms and legs, and I moved for the pizza, aware of the jiggling mass covering my body, an intense hunger, and little else. As I ate pizza, the male nurse pleasured me, and I was content.
The next day, or at least my next memory, the male nurse gave me an injection of some sort shortly after I woke, and I immediately lost consciousness again. When I woke next, I was in a hospital bed. I saw Bob talking to people that looked like reporters. "She's still in the competition, she just took things a little too far. The liposuction was for health reasons, not because she won't compete. After all, she still has five days." Liposuction? What? I reached down to my belly and felt soft, wrinkly cellulite. My belly was practically gone. I would lose the competition. This registered in my mind, but only barely. It seemed unimportant. I was hungry. That day I had hospital meals, and while I didn't care about the quality of the food, the quantity was outrageously insufficient. The doctors and nurses just gave me strange looks when I told them I needed more food.
Bob took me "home" the next day, which delighted me. I couldn't wait for a real meal. Only that still didn't come. I was actually taken to my home. And all my food was gone. I wanted to go get more, but I was tortuously conflicted between my hunger and a deeply ingrained fear and hatred of exercise. I didn't want to move at all, I just wanted to be fed. The hunger grew and grew, and finally I ordered a huge amount of Chinese food to be delivered. I even considered ordering all-day catering for myself, but I didn't have the money. If I could gain the weight back, I might not lose the contest and get a lot of prize money, but I'd probably have to gain at least 30 more pounds(14 kilos) in just five days for that. I made it my life's mission to do that right then. "Hypnosis." I said out loud, and my stomach growled. I waited for the Chinese food for what seemed like hours, continuously looking at the time. After an hour and five minutes, I called asking where my order was. I was told it had been taken and paid for by a shorter, older man at my door. I called my agent.
"Where the hell is my food?" I growled.
"I told you about this. There was going to be a few days without food. Don't worry about it, it's all part of the plan." He hung up. I knew then I was doomed. He seemed to have unlimited resources somehow. I was stuck in his game. I went to my mirror, forcing myself to go, telling myself with every step I was being a bad piggy, moving way too much. Finally, I faced myself, and I looked ridiculous. My arms, legs, breasts, and ass looked like they belonged attached to a totally different torso. My belly was gone, but the rest of me was still definitively obese. My face was almost unrecognizable. No, to anyone else, I'm sure I would be unrecognizable. I decided that the best thing for me was to get my belly back. I had to get food. I would test his resources.
I ordered delivery from every place in the area, and an hour later, nobody had delivered anything. I began to call them and ask where my food was. They told me someone had called giving them an anonymous tip that somebody at my address was planning to rob a delivery driver. I threw my phone in frustration, and when I heard it crack against the wall, knew I was well and truly in a terrible place. A terrible, foodless place. The next four days were absolute misery, and I suspected heroin withdrawal would pale in comparison to my experience. All I thought of was food. I made countless resolutions to never again be without it, to eat as much as possible, and my obsessions only grew. Finally, the day of the contest, Bob showed up at my door and offered me the leftovers of what I had ordered. I gleefully agreed. He waved down the street, and a truck began to approach. A couple men got out and pulled a long wooden trough from the back, and then they began grabbing styrofoam coolers and putting it all in her house. The last thing they moved in was the belly bed, and after that, they began to remove all other furniture from my house. I didn't care, as I began stuffing my face. Bob was still there, watching.
"This is my final gift to you. You now have control over your body. Or at least you have the option to get bigger. The scales are stacked against you losing any weight, ever again. The last few days have put your body in a fat-storage mode, and you are now conditioned to react to that in a way that will make it permanent. And the only way you'll ever look remotely normal again is to grow out your stomach. Of course, it will have to be bigger than ever to look normal with your breasts and limbs. I believe in you, though. You've been a much nicer person in the last few months."
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