Lucy flawless

  By Slim

chapter 6

"I am a Piggy." I corrected him subconsciously. He smiled at me, patted my belly, and nodded, and left me to eat. He returned a few hours later. I had stuffed myself to absolute capacity, which at this point was truly saying something. I had to be helped up, and practically carried to the car outside. I wondered just how many cold slices of pizza I had crammed inside of me, my gut aching, all my energy going towards digesting the mass of cold leftovers. I must have dozed off in the car, because next I knew, I was being hauled up to a stage. I saw three other women there, all sitting flat on the floor, their legs spread before them, as well as their bellies. They were all smiling while I felt weak and nauseous. I felt vaguely self-conscious as I was led to my seat, and gasps echoed through the audience. Dressed in a bikini, I was pretty sure I was hideous. I probably would have felt more self-conscious if I hadn't been so ridiculously hungry. It had been only 45 minutes or so since I was eating, and I felt like I was about to the point of resorting to cannibalism. I was remotely aware the presenter was asking the other participants questions.
"Did you do anything special to gain the weight you did, Lucy?" I looked up at him with glazed eyes, and didn't respond. "Lucy, please answer the question." he whispered.
"I ate Lucy. I am Piggy." He dropped his microphone in shock and gasps filled the theater. "I'm hungry." I began trying to get up. I felt so heavy and so weak, though, and balancing myself was difficult. I simply failed to do it, and collapsed to the ground, moaning "Food! So hungry.." They left me on the floor, moaning, avoiding me with the camera and with microphones. In the end, I lost by less than three pounds. I was furious. I needed that money for food. It was then announced that due to my tremendous efforts, I would have a choice of a lifetime gym membership and weight loss hypnotherapy, or a lifetime supply of pizza. The crowd cheered when I grabbed the symbolic pizza box, which just so happened to contain a fresh, warm cheese pizza, which I immediately dove into to uproarious applause. I was a star again.
A few months passed, and I had again grown into my skin. I accepted that I would never again be thin, and had begun to enjoy my life. I found out the male nurse's name was Tim, and he was actually an executive for a major financial consulting firm, and we began to date, even moving in together, though he still called me Piggy. Fat sex was incredible, and he still made use of the belly bed. The liposuction left me with a skinny waste, at around 170 pounds or 77 kilos, all in the wrong places. The belly bed changed that fast. Tim loved using weight gain shakes on me with a beer bong, and as soon as he called me Piggy, all I wanted to do was whatever he wanted me to do- especially if it was eating. Within just a month, I went from having no belly to having no lap. It projected almost straight out in front when sitting, and now cascaded over my waste when I stood- at least when I wasn't stuffed, which was rare. Tim loved it. In a month, I was leading my next competitors by over 35 pounds, 16 kilos, and showing no signs of slowing down. I hit 200 or 90 kilos in two weeks, and was at nearly 300 or 136 kilos by the time the contest was showing, proud of every pound. Maybe another 100 and I'll again feel like Lucy Flawless.
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