The friendship clause

Chapter 2

Sadly, my professor decided to use class time to talk about the class and what we were in for this semester. While she outlined the syllabus Alex’s softer outline beckoned to me, my former Greek god now had little love handles. They were fighting his pants, and they appeared to have the upper hand. She gave us a minute to introduce ourselves to one another and select a partner and I choose to take that as an opportunity to catch up with Alex. I tapped him on the shoulder and said “And how have you been mister?” and flashed him a smile I hoped would make up for the tension I felt. It must have had the desired effect because the scowl I was expecting never came and he turned to me beaming and launched into a mini speech about how great his last semester was and how he got all A’s; he has a tendency to go on about his accomplishments like that, I like to think it’s a combination of his desire to impress me and the genuine enthusiasm he has for his academic pursuits. During his speech I noticed the way his face had just a hint of chipmunk-ness lingering around his cheeks and jaw line, a double chin threatened to appear when he reached the more enthusiastic parts of his tale. My eyes trailed down the familiar pecs and six pack only to see the very beginning of a belly, he looked… average and soft.

“So everyone is partnered up I take it?” our professor eyed us looking for loners. Alex’s eye met mine and he shrugged his shoulders to ask if I wanted to partner up, not that I had much choice seeing as we chatted partnering time away, I nodded yes and that was that. Mr. Persimmons reminded us about academic dishonesty and torn Alex’s clothes off in my brain. I wanted to see how the change I saw in his clothed body compared to the naked one I remembered, the thought of his growing was really turning me on. This made class more than a little difficult to pay attention to; as Mr. Persimmons drowned about the usual first day stuff I resolved to see Alex for myself this afternoon and get it out of my system. As the last five minutes ticked slowly by I thanked god I had shaved that morning.

The second our class ended kids were shuffling toward the door like cattle; Alex among them, I quickly gathered my stuff and followed him into the less crowded hallway. I looked around to make sure we weren’t being watched and then I called his name, he stopped on a dime and I bumped right into him. Definitely not as smooth as I had planned, but finding myself in his strong arms it was most definitely the desired effect. “Hi…Hmmmm” he said, attempting to greet me, but there was just no time for that; I couldn’t waste time explaining this, I just had to do it. “You look so hot I can’t keep my hands off of you, let’s fuck again for old time’s sake. Do you still live the in apartment complex across the street?” He pushed me against the wall and kissed me back hard, “Yes” was all he said and we were in route to his place.

He shut the front door behind me and then grabbed me and spun me around to face him, he started kissing me like a wild man; suddenly I was being held so he wouldn’t have to bend, he carried into his bedroom and started kissing and softly biting my neck and collar bones. He took off my shirt (damn that smooth sexy bastard) and his tongue and lips played at my nipples bringing them firmly to attention. He laid me down on the bed and then it was my turn; I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down on top of me, then I flipped over and straddled him. His shirt was off before he realized he was now on bottom (I guess he’s not the only with moves) and I saw something I never thought I’d see; the chiseled Alex I knew before was gone and in his place was his chubby nice twin; he had probably gone from a ripped 150 to a softer 170. We had the best sex ever, in my opinion, and for once I initiated the cuddling. Things felt… nice and… comfortable. Obliviously I had to be myself and sabotage it.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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ZacatkN7 12 years
My message thing is being stupid did it go through? Sorry ive had a problem with it lately
FrecherTyp 12 years
hmm a very romatntic nice story hehe and i liked her detailed voyeristic discriptions about his changes so much lol\r\nthx!
BellyFondler 12 years
Well written story, fun to read. One problem, tho: was prof male or female? I hope there is a sequel
Drstrange 12 years
thank you!
Built4com4t 12 years
love your stories...great job