The friendship clause

Chapter 4

I got to his house around eight o’clock with a bottle of wine for myself and a bag of his favorite chips to be nice. He gave me a hug in that huge warm hoodie he’d been wearing since school started. It felt amazing, I guessed he wore it because he was kind of self conscious but now I’m thinking it might be as simple as our school being cold and that jacket feeling like it’s made of angels. He thanked me for the chips and opened them right away; he went to the fridge and grabbed himself a beer. He walked me to his couch and we sat down and just talked and drank (he ate) and enjoyed ourselves. As the night progressed and we had a few more drinks we both became very flirty and warm. I fanned myself and he took that massive jacket off, only I was wrong. The bulk didn’t come from the jacket; it came from his now basketball sized gut. I stared, memorized. He just had on a tight white undershirt and I could see his large belly button quite clearly.

He caught me staring and got this almost gloating look on his face “You wanna touch it?” he teased me. I didn’t answer, I just started touching it, and then I peeled his shirt up and was kissing it and nibbling it. His breathing got quick and his round belly started heaving with his breath. “I did it for you; I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist me”, he was definitely teasing me, because he knew he had me. “Do I need to gain another twenty pounds, yup I’m 190 now,” at that he grabbed and shook his belly “to get you?”

I was floored; no one had ever made a gesture like this for me. I looked at his hopeful eyes, the chin I now noticed was always doubled, the soft arms and chest, his round ball of a belly (so foreign where there was once a six pack), even his thighs were flabby, they touched like old friends. I was powerless.

I found myself standing in front of him, hands on either side of his belly, kissing him “We still have to play nice, but the just friends part of our contract is null and void!” “Finally! Though I have to admit, stuffing myself with donuts and chips and cookies and burgers with fries and mmmph” I couldn’t take too much narrative, I was kissing him again. “You’ll have plenty of opportunity for all that stuff and more, I won’t let this wonderful belly go hungry!” I told him rubbing his hefty gut. “Great! Now can I finally take you on a date?” he asked me. “We’ve both had quite a lot to drink…” I reminded him. “Not tonight! How about tomorrow night?” “Tomorrow night would be great, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you tonight too!” And with that I hopped on his counter and pulled his large bulk toward me.

We had an amazing night together that night and our date was lovely. The rest of the semester flew by, our relationship going smoothly, he had gotten an A and I a B in the class, and 30 additional pounds found their way around his body by the end of the semester; bringing him to a total gain of 70 pounds at 230. The more there is of him the harder it is to keep my hands off of him!
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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ZacatkN7 12 years
My message thing is being stupid did it go through? Sorry ive had a problem with it lately
FrecherTyp 12 years
hmm a very romatntic nice story hehe and i liked her detailed voyeristic discriptions about his changes so much lol\r\nthx!
BellyFondler 12 years
Well written story, fun to read. One problem, tho: was prof male or female? I hope there is a sequel
Drstrange 12 years
thank you!
Built4com4t 12 years
love your stories...great job