His island hideaway 2

chapter 3

Several weeks later....but who's counting in paradise.

She floated in the surf for a while to relax herself, letting the warm water support and cradle her in its liquid weightlessness. Feeling a twinge of hunger she stood, and surrendering herself to the earth's gravity once again, she walked the short distance to the bungalow to find him waiting for her wearing nothing but his shorts, a wide smile on his adorable face and a towel over his arm for her.

She was more glorious than ever, he mused as he watched her move toward him from the warm shorebreak. She was wearing only a thong bottom which she knew showed off her curves to the highest degree while hiding almost absolutely nothing, every part of him swelling with desire as he helped her towel off. She didnt seem to mind as he dried underneath her full breasts and between her soft inner thighs. "here baby, let me help you get comfortable" he said as he helped her into the huge hammock and then followed her, grunting as he tried to situate his abdomen so it didn't pinch between them. He kissed her as he felt her still damp arms slip around his abdomen, hugging it to her body.

She smiled against his lips and ran her finger tips up and down the folds on his back loving how relaxed they were with each other. She raised her leg over his lap as she let her hands explore his belly, massaging the underside as she knew he loved. Letting her hands travel upwards, she wrapped her arms around his neck pressing her new softness into his chest.

"Promise me something my big fat lover...that you wont loose any of this before tonight. I have special plans for you." She brushed a knee against the side of his immense belly and felt him shudder in excitement at the prospect of what tonight might bring.

"Fat chance of this going away soon" he whispered "in fact by the looks of things it's going to get a lot bigger if we keep on like we have been. And yes I know you'd appreciate it, I can tell that by where your knee is right now." He stroked the succulent bulge of her breast almost liquidlike as it moved against his and he kissed her again, loving the simple feel of her.

"Good, because I've found it very attractive and extremely stimulating to have a man who is bigger than life so to speak" she smiled, kissing his lips in return, feeling the spark once more she received every time they were this close to each other.

"But now you have a choice," she said pressing a finger into his belly fat, "either we lay here...me with a ferocious appetite thanks to you and your "let yourself go" mandate, me wet from swimming and pleasantly fondling your body or...you turn me loose to quell this ache you've created in my once puny belly and then afterwards guide me into our bedroom and let you slip into something more comfortable....like me."

"Please...I want you comfortable and yes, to completely let yourself go...that is why i invited you here. Food before pleasure is my motto, so engage...have at it...I left out a table full of luncheon snacks to tide you over and round you out before dinner," he replied as he helped her slide over him and out of the hammock. In doing so felt her briefly squeeze her thighs together either side of his belly before she slid off, leaving him swinging in the hammock.

He watched her amazing heart shaped rear end vanish into the bungalow and relaxed, his belly still tingling from where she squeezed it, his skin cooling as the moisture from her wet body evaporated. She had rounded out nicely, every day seeming softer and fuller than the day before. Leaning back and enjoying his good fortune he drifted away, rocked into a delicious soft nap by the gentle trade winds and soft sounds of the surf.

He awoke to her wrapping her arms around his neck from behind, her chin on his shoulder and whispering "It's getting a little to hot out here for you honey, why don't you come inside for a drink, relax with me and let me show you where I hid my lunch."

"That's a wonderful idea," he responded, her clean scent in his nose and the delicious feel of her against him. The thought of her nicely rounded and promise of future pleasure implied motivated him to attempt extricating himself from the hammock's netting. Catching his breath perched on the hammock edge he reached for her. "Help your fat man up out of this contraption and stop laughing at me. This belly has become quite an obstacle and while I can tell you're enjoying seeing me struggle with it, I could use your help"

"All right" she smiled taking his chubby hands in hers " but only because I want my fat man on the bed where I can both play with you and show off my curves." She grabbed his hands and helped him to his feet, her insides twisting again as she watched his great belly slide out and down neatly covering the bulge of his manhood clearly evident in his speedos. "You are getting fat my friend, those briefs of yours are functionally useless by the look of things" she winked as she patted the lower swell of his apron and lacing her fingers with his, lead him into the bungalow.

He was slow but she was accommodating, although he could tell she was eager to get him horizontal in the huge bed waiting for them. As they walked he felt her free hand lightly resting up against the underside of his naked belly, barely touching but obviously enjoying the sensations of his swaying abdominal sac. Reaching the room he saw she had the huge 4-poster bed prepared...the pillows arranged, the filmy curtains gently pulled back to allow the warm tropical breezes to cool what promised to be somewhat heated passions.

"Get comfortable my fat man, my shoulders are a little burnt...so first I need you to rub something into my skin so I wont hurt myself later when we get down and dirty " She laughed like a cat who just caught a mouse and swung her hips as she disappeared into the bathroom

Grunting with some effort he slipped his faded and now way too tight briefs off and sighed as he settled back against the headboard, watching the sunlight play in the sheer muslin curtains as they drifted in the afternoon breeze. Hearing footsteps he turned and then his jaw dropped. She was magnificent...her beasts huge round and full, proud and high set moving majestically as she swayed toward him, her belly once toned and almost concave now curved out in a sensual arc from just below her breasts to her shaved womanhood without a hint of sag. He felt his cock surge and leaned forward to hide it, unconsciously embarrassed of his arousal. "Stop that" she said, "you know how I like to see your approval." She cupped her breasts as she moved closer. "And I know how much you adore these and ache to hold them again, but first do my back baby." And so he obeyed, pulling her onto the bed in front of him between his widespread thighs, her butt comfortably against his lower belly and he began gently massaging the rich soothing cream into the reddened areas of her shoulders and back ..."baby doll what happened here?"
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Witek 10 months
This is one of the most erotic stories I ever read on here. Really Well done